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Congresswoman Dwyer's Report to the People of Union County, a newsletter regularly sent to her constituents in New Jersey, sends this newsletter--this time--with remarks Dwyer made during proceedings and debates of the 87th congress, second session. In this newsletter, she shares with her constituents what she has been discussing within those proceedings and debates such as foreign affairs, accomplishments and failures, the economy, farming legislation, and health.
Florence P. Dwyer, Representative of the 6th District, New Jersey
Creation Date
October 12, 1962
Creation Date
Document Type
Inventory Location
Bay 2, Column 9, Public Service, Box 20
This collection is open to the public for research use. Copyright remains with Kean University. Credit this material. Personal photographs may be made for research purposes. Inquiries regarding publishing material from the collection should be directed to the Special Collections Research Library and Archive at
Recommended Citation
Dwyer, Florence P.. A Report to the People of Union County. Newsletter. From Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University, Florence Dwyer Report to the People Newsletter 1962.

The Papers of Florence Dwyer, 1953-1972 (bulk 1958-1972)