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Congresswoman Dwyer's Report to the People of her district, a newsletter sent to her constituents in New Jersey, about Congress potential running out of time to hear out all the bills that need attention, about a bill protecting citizens from potential spam in the mail and unwanted letters, as well as a bill to expand the number and improve the training of professional nurses.
Florence P. Dwyer, Representative of New Jersey
Creation Date
July 30, 1964
Creation Date
Document Type
Inventory Location
Bay 2, Public Service, Box 21
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Recommended Citation
Dwyer, Florence P.. Report to the People Vol. 8 No. 9. Newsletter. From Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University, Florence Dwyer Report to the People Newsletter 1964.

The Papers of Florence Dwyer, 1953-1972 (bulk 1958-1972)