John Kean wrote to Susan Kean, his wife, address not included. He spent the last 10 days at Hilton Head and St. Helena inspecting his plantation. He made reference to Enslaved People, a fire that had damaged part of the main plantation, and how much his crops brought in. Susan is pregnant and he was excited to hear she and the baby are healthy.
John comments on not counting money accurately on "Violet's good behavior and Sally's kind conduct. Ceasar was cured - he could not return to tell you" [end of page]. The letter appears incomplete.
People Included: Wilcox, Schermerhorn, Violet, Sally Ceasar
John Kean (1756-1795)
Susan Kean, formerly Susan Livingston, and later Susan Ursin Niemcewicz (1759-1833)
Creation Date
Document Type
Location Unknown (presuambly Beaufort, SC)
Inventory Location
103 C
Recommended Citation
Kean, John. John Kean to Susan Kean, December 9, 1787. Manuscript. From Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University, Liberty Hall Collection 1780s.
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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)