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John Faucheraud Grimke wrote to John Kean, no address. The top of the page was labeled "2." Subscribers met and elected a President, Directors, and Cashier for a South Carolina bank, in case one was created in that state. Aither [?] was ready to perform his contract. A bill of exchange was enclosed [not present]. Mrs. G [Grimke] was ill. Their children, John and Tom, sent messages to John's son Peter.
Grimke wrote about the sale of indents, shares in the manufacturing scheme (consider rope and cotton wear with cotton or hemp), Santee Canal Company (Grimke manages John's 5 shares).
Name included: Neufuille.
Bank election: President: Daniel DeSaussure, Cashier: Josiah Smith, Directors: J.F. Grimke, R. Lawndes, H. Laurents, E. Rutlege, D. Ramsay, T. Jones, N. Russal, E. Darrel, R. Hazlehurst, - Gilehrist, W. Thayer, A. Vanderhorst.
A copy recent deeds, people included: John Kean vs. J.L. Baunquin; Jacob Read, Peter Lavien vs. David Tubly; Mr. Clark (on behalf of Mr. Tubly).
John Faucheraud Grimke (1752-1819)
John Kean (1756-1795)
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103 C
Recommended Citation
Grimke, John F.. John Faucheraud Grimke to John Kean, October 11, 1791. Manuscript. From Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University, Liberty Hall Collection 1790s.
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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)