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This blotter, or temporary record book, was made by Susan after the death of John Kean, her husband. There are 16 bound pages and one loose page of a different size. It included purchases, payments, items sold, lists of things, and where they were stored.
Headings: The Estate of John Kean in Stock and other Adventures as Estimate by himself in April 1795; A List Furniture & Horses Sold by Mrs. Susan Kean in the House No. 80 Wallnut Street and Money received for them; A list of Articles disposed of by Mrs. Susan Kean which were in the House in Wallnut St. in May 1795; List of Papers in the Small Balck Grunk; Papers in the Chariott Box; In the Smallest blue chest; Payments for land Susan rented in Bedminster [not titled].
Morning clothes were purchased for her son Peter Kean, sister-in-law Jane Corvasier, and enslaved people Jacob and Celia. Many interesting small details.
The book covers May and June 1795, with a few entries in 1797.
Names included: Peter Kean, John Guests, Joseph Lindall [later spelled Lyndall], Mrs. Rhea, Mrs. Hymphries, the Sexton, Jane Corvaisier, Mr. Izard, Mrs. Primmer, Lewis William Otto, Mr. Zitchborn, Jason Le Ray, Jacob Smith, Samuel Brick, Cooper, Francis the Coachman, Dr. Kuhn, J.R. Bard, Mrs. Shorten, Mr. Brown, Mr. Read, Philip Livingston, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Risberg, Messers Dunlap and Claypoole [newspapers], Mr. Mead, Mr. Willing, Mr. William Constable, Mr. Tench Coxe, Mr. Walker, Mr. Rutherford, Robert Eoff, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Steer, Mr. Aussin(?), Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Backwell, Mrs, Chew, Mr. Stephens, John Morel, P. Schermerhorn, Charles Harper, Mrs. Stewart, John Wolf, Mrs. Shortn, Mrs. Jandennis, Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. Brish(?), Mrs. Brooks, Fr. Footman, Mr. Biddle, Schermerhorn, Edward Pole, Mrs. Powels, Mrs. King. Enslaved people: Jacob, Celia.
Places: Wallnut [Walnut] Street.
Susan Kean, formerly Susan Livingston and later Susan Ursin Niemcewicz (1759-1833)
Creation Date
May-June 1795, 2 entries up to 1797
Creation Date
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Inventory Location
103 C
Recommended Citation
Kean, Susan. Susan Kean's Blotter, 1795. Manuscript. From Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University, Liberty Hall Collection 1790s.
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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)