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Susan Niemcewicz wrote from Elizabethtown, New Jersey to Julian Niemcewicz in Warsaw, Poland. This letter is a copy of the one she sent on the same date [May 10, 1803]. Susan listed items she wished for Julian to procure for her before he returned home to Elizabethtown. The lots that belonged to her father’s estate were being offered for sale at auction in June. Susan thought it would be good property for them to retain but decided to leave it to her brother’s direction. Peter had not yet acquired a fondness for the “dead language” and she feared Julian would not be satisfied with his slow progress. Wished Peter had all kinds of books, maps, etc. Shared news on their mutual family and friends.
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, formerly Susan Livingston and Susan Kean (1759-1833)
Julian Ursin Niemcewicz (1758-1841)
Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841)
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Elizabethtown, New Jersey
Inventory Location
103 C
Recommended Citation
Niemcewicz, Susan U.. Susan Niemcewicz to Julian Niemcewicz, May 10, 1803. Manuscript. From Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University, Liberty Hall Collection 1800s.
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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)