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The following document is an indenture between John Egbert and his wife Hannah, Sarah J. Crane, Evos Egbert and his wife, William Egbert and his wife, Daniel Egbert and his wife, Samuel Egbert, and Susan U. Niemcewicz. The document is a contract that acknowledged the parties of the first part, for an inconsideration of the sum of two hundred twenty-five dollars was well and truly paid by the party of the second part (Susan U. Niemcewicz). The parties of the first part granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, conveyed and confirmed and gave, granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, conveyed and confirmed to the part of the second part (Susan U. Niemcewicz) and her heirs and assigns forever all of the lots, tracts, or parcels of land and premises that were described, situated, lying, and being in the township of Union in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey.
The land was described as follows:
“Butted and Bounded as follows – Beginning the first lot at the Highway that leads from the Morris Turnpike to the old Cooper Woodruff Farm adjoining lands late of James Townley Decd. Recuring from said highway North West thirty six rods; thence South West sixty rods to highway; thence South Eastly thirty six rods; Thence North East fifty six rods to the place of beginning containing thirteen acres more or less & is bounded Northerly and Westerly by lands of John Stiles and Oliver Stiles, Easterly by the second lot herein described and Southerly by the said highway – which lot John Littell purchased of Eliakim Littell by deed dated September 9th 1798 – Also a certain other lot adjoining the above lot which the said John Littell in his lifetime purchased of Stephen Potter consisting of three acres bounded Northerly by Silas Nandslive[?] East by land of James Townley’s Estate Southerly by said highway and Westerly by the first described lot which two lots lie together and form the harvested farm of the said John Egbert and wife containing together sixteen acres more or less and was devised by the said John Littell to his daughter Hannah Egbert and the above children.”
People mentioned: Moses Chandler, Samuel Egbert, William Egbert, Mary Egbert, Evos Egbert, Susanna Egbert, Damel Egbert, John Egbert, Hannah Egbert, John Townley, Anthony Rutgers, Asa Whitehead, Abner Parsnell, and Susan Niemcewicz.
Moses Chandler
Samuel Egbert
William Egbert
Mary Egbert
Evos Egbert
Susanna Egbert
Damel Egbert
John Egbert
Hannah Egbert
Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, formerly Susan Livingston and Susan Kean (1759-1833)
Creation Date
Creation Date
Document Type
Morris County, New Jersey
Inventory Location
103 C
Recommended Citation
Chandler, Moses, Samuel Egbert, William Egbert, Mary Egbert, Evos Egbert, Susanna Egbert, Damel Egbert, John Egbert, Hannah Egbert, and Susan U. Niemcewicz. Indenture, John Egbert and co. with Susan U. Niemcewicz, August 27, 1804. Manuscript. From Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University, Liberty Hall Collection 1820s.
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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)