H. R. 10011
Florence P. Dwyer
To repeal the provision of law relating to the mailing of matter by Members of the Senate and House of Representatives under congressional frank with a simplified form of address.
H. R. 10302
Florence P. Dwyer
To establish in the Executive Office of the President an Office of Urban Affairs.
H. R. 10359
Florence P. Dwyer
To provide that for the purpose of disapproval by the President each provision of an appropriation bill shall be considered a separate bill.
H. R. 10575
Florence P. Dwyer
To prohibit discrimination on account of sex in the payment of wages by employers having employees engaged in commerce or in the production of goods for commerce, and to provide procedures for assisting employees in collecting wages lost by reason of any such discrimination.
H. R. 10824
Florence P. Dwyer
To amend the Small Business Act to make it clear that disaster loans in cases of flood or other catastrophe may be made with respect to property of any type (including summer homes as well as other residential property).
H. R. 11322
Florence P. Dwyer
To provide for the District of Columbia an appointed Governor and secretary, and an elected legislative assembly and nonvoting Delegate to the House of Representatives, and for other purposes.
H. R. 11526
Florence P. Dwyer
To authorize the Housing and Home Finance Administrator to provide additional assistance for the development of comprehensive and coordinated mass transportation systems in metropolitan and other urban areas, and for other purposes.
H. R. 11795
Florence P. Dwyer
To amend section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 to provide grants for continuing support of metropolitan planning, and for other purposes.
H. R. 11796
Florence P. Dwyer
To amend section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 to encourage the formation of regional agencies to develop comprehensive plans for meeting, through balanced and integrated highway and commuter transportation systems, the transportation needs of metropolitan and other urban areas, and for other purposes.
H. R. 11797
Florence P. Dwyer
To provide for more effective utilization of certain Federal grants by encouraging better coordinated local review of State and local applications for such grants.
H. R. 12893
Florence P. Dwyer
To authorize the modification of the Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers project relating to maintenance of navigation channels to Port Elizabeth, New Jersey.
H. R. 13419
Florence P. Dwyer
To protect the public health by amending the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to regulate the manufacture, compounding, processing, and distribution of habit-forming barbiturate drugs, and of amphetamine and other habit-forming central nervous system stimulant drugs.
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