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Publication Date

Summer 8-2020


For many organizations, particularly those that may be considered legacy, or older existing enterprises, the recent COVID-19 pandemic may be pushing them to further progress into the realm of cloud services. With the global population asked to quarantine or shelter-in-place during the pandemic spread of 2020, many businesses that were able to function with their workforce remotely had no choice but to do so. Having information systems available with true remote access capabilities was a must. For those organizations who had already moved to a cloud-based model, they found themselves in a far better situation than those firms who still had traditional server-based or “legacy” applications still in use. In a poll from ScienceLogic and Forrester, 86% of more than 200 IT professionals across a variety of business and government entities, still use at least one legacy tool with regard to infrastructure and application monitoring. This leaves a tremendous opportunity for cloud providers and may demonstrate that the movement for many enterprises to a true remote operation of critical applications during the COVID-19 pandemic may have been a bumpy one, and continue to be difficult. It is even possible that enterprises are still struggling to deal with having legacy applications used in critical functions. A legacy application can be defined as one architected in a traditional model requiring on premise hardware and software implementations. In comparison, a modern platform, based on the cloud, would be of the service models: Software as a Service (SaaS); Platform as a Service (PaaS); Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

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