"Records Management" by Human Resources

Records Management

Document Type

University Document


Kean University Records Retention and Disposition

In accordance with the State of New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services, the University’s Records Retention Policy and Procedures provides a course of action for all offices to follow regarding the retention and destruction of records.

All records created or received during the course of business are considered government records with specific guidelines for their retention and disposition. All Kean University Offices must adhere to the State of New Jersey Four Year Colleges and Universities retention schedule to determine the appropriate time, if any, for the disposal of such records. The retention schedule can be located at http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/revenue/rms/pdf/s510000.pdf.

For additional information or questions on records maintenance, please contact Laura Barkley-Haelig by email at lhaelig@kean.edu.

Records Retention Policy

Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services – Records Management Services website http://www.state.nj.us/treasury/revenue/rms/index.shtml

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