"Full Training" by Kean University


Kean University

Document Type

University Document


Every year State Officers (Full Time Faculty and Staff) or Special State Officers (Part-Time Employees, Academic Specialists, Adjuncts) must complete training. The full ethics training is a 45 minute video that they have to watch and a receipt is produced at the end and saent to the ELO. This full training must be completed every three years by all Full Time Faculty and Staff. In the years between the three years, there is an Ethics Brief Training that they have to view as a refresher. This also generates a receipt that is sent to the ELO. The ELO keeps an excel spreadsheet of all completed training, brief training, and when the employee is due to take the Full Training. Special State Officers (part-time employees and Academic Specialists) have to only take the brief training. Adjuncts must read an ethics brochure every year and acknowledge that they read it to the ELO.

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