"Purchasing Guidelines" by Kean University

Document Type

Policies and Procedures



A purchase order contract is legal document governed by the Law of Contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code of Law (UCC). It is a contract between Kean University and a supplier for goods and services; therefore, it is the only method of acquiring goods and services for the University. University terms and conditions are also part of all contracts.


Some suppliers require prepayment with a purchase order; therefore, the exact price should be determined before prepayment is requested. Follow the steps below to process a prepayment order:
1. Send all order forms and invoices that will accompany the prepayment to University Procurement and Business Services.
2. Write the requisition number on the documentation being sent. (The requisition number is the number automatically assigned to a requisition through the online Distributed Financials purchasing system.) Examples of pre-payments are: theater tickets, subscriptions, lectures, honorariums, consultants and memberships.


University Procurement and Business Services issues bid specifications that will permit fair and equitable consideration from qualified suppliers. Specifications should be written as openly as possible to avoid the exclusion of potential bidders.

The nature of certain goods and services may make it difficult to formulate specifications. In such cases, the user department may specify a brand name, model number, or item catalog number and should include the words “or equal” as part of item specifications.

Any alternates offered by the low bidder as “equal” should be reviewed for acceptability by the ordering department and University Procurement and Business Services. If alternates are not acceptable, the department must give written justification for each alternate rejected. This written justification is retained in the bid file and shall be open to the public for review, if requested.

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