The institution’s strategy was to establish a Working Group (WG) for Evidence Inventory, composed of two co-Chairs and two members. The charge of this WG is to assure that each assertion of fact within the Self Study has supporting evidence. Each of the co-Chairs also serve as members of the MSCHE Self-Study Steering Committee to allow regular updates for evidence inventory and to address any requests for specific evidence. Any queries received from other WGs are submitted to a contact person in the Evidence Inventory WG. This WG serves as an information hub for the institution’s Self-Study process and meets on a bimonthly basis, beginning on July 9.
Evidence is collected from institutional sources including, but not limited to, the Office of Institutional Research, the Office of Accreditation and Assessment, the Department of Human Resources and the Registrar. If needed, further analysis can be conducted by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.
For more information or to submit your evidence please contact, Dr. Franklin Turner, or Muhammad Hassan,
Annual Scholarly Capacity Form, Ethics Office
Ethics Complaint Form, Ethics Office
Request for Approval For Attendance At Events, Ethics Office
Net Price Calculator, Financial Aid & Scholarship Services
Budget Amendment Request Form, Kean
Academic Amnesty Application, Kean University
Acknowledgement Receipt, Kean University
Administrative Unit Assessment Report Template, Kean University
Annual Assessment Results and Recommendations Report, Kean University
Dean & College Level Assessment Report & Recommendations Template, Kean University
Directions for Public Officer Financial Disclosure Form, Kean University
Division Assessment Report & Recommendations Template, Kean University
Draft Resource Prioritization and Allocation Template for Funding Requests, Kean University
ID Card Funds Request Form, Kean University
Kean Athletics Student-Athlete Compliance Paperwork, Kean University
Outside Activity Questionnaire, Kean University
Program Assessment Dean Summary Template, Kean University
Request for Capital Project Budget Form, Kean University
Sole Source Justification, Kean University
Travel Authorization Request Form, Kean University
NJ Administrative Code, Title 9A-Higher Education, OSHE
Competitive Quote Form, University Procurement and Business Services
Request for Bid Waiver Form, University Procurement and Business Services
Vendor Bid Forms, University Procurement and Business Services