"An analysis of a nonlinear susceptible-exposed-infected-quarantine-rec" by Ali Raza, Ali Ahmadian et al.

An analysis of a nonlinear susceptible-exposed-infected-quarantine-recovered pandemic model of a novel coronavirus with delay effect

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In the present study, a nonlinear delayed coronavirus pandemic model is investigated in the human population. For study, we find the equilibria of susceptible-exposed-infected-quarantine-recovered model with delay term. The stability of the model is investigated using well-posedness, Routh Hurwitz criterion, Volterra Lyapunov function, and Lasalle invariance principle. The effect of the reproduction number on dynamics of disease is analyzed. If the reproduction number is less than one then the disease has been controlled. On the other hand, if the reproduction number is greater than one then the disease has become endemic in the population. The effect of the quarantine component on the reproduction number is also investigated. In the delayed analysis of the model, we investigated that transmission dynamics of the disease is dependent on delay terms which is also reflected in basic reproduction number. At the end, to depict the strength of the theoretical analysis of the model, computer simulations are presented.

Publication Title

Results in Physics



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