"Analysis of Environmental Factors of PM2.5 Concentration in China Base" by Ziyi Pan, Meili Liu et al.

Analysis of Environmental Factors of PM2.5 Concentration in China Based on Feature Selection and Label Construction

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



PM2.5 is the main cause of air pollution and hinders the sustainable development of Chinese cities. Researchers have used a variety of methods including regression analysis to find factors that affect PM2.5, but feature selection is rarely used, and there are few standard methods that can solve the problem of label learning in small data sets. The purpose of this research is to determine the important factors affecting PM2.5 environmental variables and pollutants through machine learning algorithms and regression analysis based on the "China Statistical Yearbook". In this paper, the production of general solid industrial waste significantly increases PM2.5 concentration, and the comprehensive utilization of general industrial solid waste is the most economical and feasible measure to significantly reduce PM2.5 concentration. This paper also puts forward solutions to the comprehensive utilization of general solid industrial waste.

Publication Title

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering



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