
Evaluating Chinese Potential e-Commerce Websites based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

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China has recently become the largest market for e-commerce at the global level. After the technological revolution and its widespread, As of December 2020, about 782.41 million people deal with this e-commerce through modern and advanced electronic devices, which are smartphones, computers, and others. The study of e-commerce is one of the branches of business administration established electronically through the use of Internet networks, which aim to carry out buying and selling operations. This article applied the Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to evaluate three potential Chinese e-Commerce websites: JD, TAOBAO, and SUNING. We divided our model into three primary levels: Goal level, Strategical level, and criteria level. We take two main factors into account at the Strategical level: website (A1) and user (A2). Meanwhile, in the criteria level, we consider the total of six aspects: Visiting speed (B1), website stability (B2), page ranking (B3), average person visits (B4), period of average person visits (B5), and users' comments (B6). We also make all scores normalized; all scores are mapped into 0-1 to compare each website's performance. Our results show the TAOBAO is the best E-commerce website with a score of 0.8233 based on our algorithm, and JD is the second one with a score of 0.7895, while SUNING is the worst with a score of 0.5955.

Publication Title

International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications

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