"Poster: Two Lightweight and Customizable Picture-based Word-Learning M" by Pinata Winoto and Tiffany Y. Tang

Poster: Two Lightweight and Customizable Picture-based Word-Learning Mobile Applications for Chinese Children with Autism

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Language development has long been recognized as one of the core areas of deficiency in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A large number of technology-based intervention applications have been developed to support, enhance and facilitate the language and literacy development among individuals with ASD. However, although it has been argued that allowing flexible and personalized customization of applications to accommodate ASD children's individual development trajectories is highly desirable, relatively few systems had been built to allow for such personalization and adaptivity. In this demo, we present two flexible and individually adaptable picture-based word-learning mobile applications which are lightweight in terms of the technologies utilized (i.e. Swipe-N-Tag, and Snap-N-Recognize). Specifically, both applications allow the caregivers and teachers to build up the picture database based on a child's learning progress in the classroom and the items available at home (or outdoor during an activity). As such, the words acquired in the classroom could hopefully be transferable to real-life situations. The iOS version of Swipe-N-Tag (for both iPhone and iPad) is currently being alpha tested among a limited number of parents and teachers in a private autism center in the city with satisfying results.

Publication Title

UbiComp/ISWC 2018 - Adjunct Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers

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