
Enhancement of user experience with mobile app

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Nowadays mobile users expect data to be retrieved with minimal effort. Many iOS Mobile Applications such as Yelp, Hotels.com, and Groupon provide the users simplified data within their application. Tis project implements a method to retrieve data from a third-party application and exhibit data with less effort than current iOS Applications. Our approach uses iOS App extension that allows developers to extend customized functionalities. With app extensions, users achieve the privilege to interact with mobile applications while performing other tasks on the mobile device. For instance, a user might want to see the closest top ranked 5 restaurants in the area. In Yelp the user needs to follow multiple steps for that kind of information. With our extension, just a simple swipe down is sufficient to activate the notification center. Ten the user is permited to obtain that information without any previous application interaction. Users can view most recent data from their notification center from a third-party application.

Publication Title

ACM International Conference Proceeding Series



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