
Navigating New Terrain: First-Year Chinese Students’ Transitionary Experiences In a Sino-US Joint Venture University In China

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The growth of international higher education, with an increase in inbound students and the creation of foreign university branch campuses, has made quality education available globally. But this also presents challenges for academic adjustment for international students. Although there is a significant amount of literature on the struggles faced by international students studying abroad, there is limited research on the challenges faced by students attending International Branch Campuses (IBCs) within their home countries. This study aims to fill this gap by using a qualitative exploratory approach to understand the specific challenges faced by first-year university students in China at a Sino-US international branch campus. Data was collected through interviews and focus groups with 28 students, five faculty members, and three student support staff. The findings provide valuable insights into the institutional and teaching challenges faced by these students, which are different from those faced by international students studying abroad.

Publication Title

International Journal of Chinese Education



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