"User interface design and evaluation of a mobile pollen tracking appli" by Victor Jacobson, Cassandra Iglesias et al.

User interface design and evaluation of a mobile pollen tracking application

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The research presented here outlines the design and evalaution of a mobile application, which provides real-time reporting information on a variety of geographically specific naturally occurring pollens. Due to the complexity of pollen count data, a simplified data summary is presented in a graphical interface. The purpose of the mobile pollen tracking application is to make the data visually appealing and easy to understand. Early awareness of pollen counts allows people to practice preventative behaviors to avoid suffering from allergy symptoms. The mobile pollen app design is user-centered, and user feedback was incorporated throughout the design process. Four different types of pollen are reported simultaneously, computed from samples taken from a network of field pollen stations. Using visual identifiers, pollen types, persistence, and impact can be delivered on-demand to mobile users. Evaluation was conducted using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and the Usability Metric for User Experience LITE (UMUX-LITE). Users report positive experiences overall with the application, with support for several additional features. The application is currently available for use, and wider distribution is underway.

Publication Title

MCCSIS 2018 - Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems; Proceedings of the International Conferences on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2018, Game and Entertainment Technologies 2018 and Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2018

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