"Markov regime-switching Beta-t-EGARCH" by Szabolcs Blazsek and Han Chiang Ho

Markov regime-switching Beta-t-EGARCH

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We suggest a Markov regime-switching (MS) Beta-t-EGARCH (exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) model for U.S. stock returns. We compare the in-sample statistical performance of the MS Beta-t-EGARCH model with that of the single-regime Beta-t-EGARCH model. For both models we consider leverage effects for conditional volatility. We use data from the Standard Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) index and also a random sample that includes 50 components of the S&P 500. We study the outlier-discounting property of the single-regime Beta-t-EGARCH and MS Beta-t-EGARCH models. For the S&P 500, we show that for the MS Beta-t-EGARCH model extreme observations are discounted more for the low-volatility regime than for the high-volatility regime. The conditions of consistency and asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator are satisfied for both the single-regime and MS Beta-t-EGARCH models. All likelihood-based in-sample statistical performance metrics suggest that the MS Beta-t-EGARCH model is superior to the single-regime Beta-t-EGARCH model. We present an application to the out-of-sample density forecast performance of both models. The results show that the density forecast performance of the MS Beta-t-EGARCH model is superior to that of the single-regime Beta-t-EGARCH model.

Publication Title

Applied Economics

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