"Influences of Creative Personality and Working Environment on the Rese" by Kihwan Kim and Suk Bong Choi

Influences of Creative Personality and Working Environment on the Research Productivity of Business School Faculty

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Previous research on creative working environments has focused on business organizations. This study examined the influence of creative personality and creative working environment on the research productivity of business faculty. It was hypothesized that creative personality, family support, colleague support, research resources, and workload pressures would all have a positive association with research productivity. Management faculty people (N = 247) employed in business schools with a doctoral program participated in an online survey. Research productivity was assessed using both objective counts of journal publications across a 5-year period and self-report. Support from colleagues and workload pressures were positively associated with total self-reported publications. Research resources and workload pressures were positivly associated with publications in top management journals. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.

Publication Title

Creativity Research Journal

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