"Evaluation of user’s affective engagement while interacting with educa" by Marvin Andujar, Patricia Morreale et al.

Evaluation of user’s affective engagement while interacting with educational technologies: A pilot study

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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There are several educational technologies developed to enforce learning in computing. These tools success have generally been studied through subjective measurement. However, subjective data may be inaccurate due to users not providing exact information. Therefore, validity may be of concern. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers have recently implementing neurophysiological tools towards their user studies for subjective data support. This paper presents an exploratory user study to implement neurophysiological tools to gather objective data to evaluate the usefulness of educational technologies. A between-subject study was conducted comparing Alice and App Inventor user’s affective engagement levels. The results showed no statistical significant. Lastly, this paper can serve as a short guideline on how to adapt neurophysiological tools towards their user studies.

Publication Title

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

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