
"I will help you pass the puzzle piece to your partner if this is what you want me to": The design of collaborative puzzle games to train Chinese children with autism spectrum disorder joint attention skills

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Children with ASD are usually facing social and communication challenges, for example avoiding faceto-face conversation or being reluctant to socialize and share with others. Previous collaborative games had implemented Enforced Collaboration (EC) pattern for players to share a single work space with highly coupled collaborative tasks, which thus could result in forced collaboration and reduce game payabilit. In addition, it is unclear whether the improved social attention and joint attention skills learned from playing these games are transferrable to real-life situations. We approach these issues by designing tablet and tabletopenabled games to support sharing in player's individual work space instead of a single workspace. In particular, giving/sharing virtual items to other players based on each other's joint attention skills. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study conducted in mainland China. We report a pilot study involving young children at a private local autism educational center.

Publication Title

Proceedings of IDC 2016 - The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children

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