"Are My Students Like Me? The Path to Color-Blindness and White Racial " by Diane S. Bloom, Terri Peters et al.

Are My Students Like Me? The Path to Color-Blindness and White Racial Identity Development

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This study examines the White racial identity (WRI) development of pre-service teachers in diverse and nondiverse student teaching placements. A qualitative design, using constant comparative analysis yielded salient themes/categories. Our results provide evidence that experience in diverse settings might provide opportunities for individuals to reflect on issues of their own race and ethnicity in contrast to their students’ backgrounds. Student teachers placed in more diverse settings showed evidence of WRI growth, as they became more cognizant of their heritage and their own privileges. We found that the level of diversity of student teaching field placements influenced White student teachers’ perceptions of working with students of color. We propose that ongoing discussions will foster an awareness of the history of racism and discrimination in the United States that has created racial and educational inequities, which, in turn, will promote multicultural competence.

Publication Title

Education and Urban Society

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