Social media use and impact on interpersonal communication
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
This research paper presents the findings of a research project that investigated how young adult interpersonal communications have changed since using social media. Specifically, the research focused on determining if using social media had a beneficial or an adverse effect on the development of interaction and communication skills of young adults. Results from interviews reveal a negative impact in young adult communications and social skills. In this paper young adult preferences in social media are also explored, to answer the question: Does social media usage affect the development of interaction and communication skills for young adults and set a basis for future adult communication behaviors?.
Publication Title
Communications in Computer and Information Science
First Page Number
Last Page Number
Recommended Citation
Jimenez, Yerika and Morreale, Patricia, "Social media use and impact on interpersonal communication" (2015). Kean Publications. 1921.