
“If you are still young”: an analysis of young candidates in the 2018 proportional elections in Brazil

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Introduction: I investigate if being young helped candidates to succeed in the 2018 Brazilian legislative elections. The working hypotheses include, beyond age, the interaction with variables such as gender, race, education, and incumbency. Materials and Methods: A descriptive analysis was made with data supplied by the Superior Electoral Court about young candidates and elected officials by party in 2018, and specifically, a qualitative discussion of the youth caucus of a right-wing party (Democratas). Further, I conduct logistic regressions to test hypotheses for young candidates towards both the Chamber of Deputies and the Legislative Assemblies of the states. Results: Data show that the “youth factor” increased the odds of electoral success, mainly in a regional level and when combined with education. Being an incumbent candidate increased the odds for success in federal level. Being white eased the election for young candidates in regional legislative seats. Discussion: The paper demonstrates that there is a partial trend towards a renewal in politics, given the preference for younger candidates in 2018 was accompanied by some traditional characteristics in politics.

Publication Title

Revista de Sociologia e Politica



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