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Gustavus Risberg wrote from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Susan Kean in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Risberg informed Susan that he received her letter of the 28th of June regarding George Meade having addressed her on the subject of her yard. Agreed that this was a disagreeable situation and that a serious demand be made upon Mr. Meade, and if necessary be enforced by a lawsuit. Dr. Rush refused to give a Deed of the property until the matter was settled. There was no offer on the lot and Risberg was at a loss on how to advise Susan further. It was uncertain if England would be included in the Peace and arrangements being made in Europe. George Willing requested to have the house painted and wallpapered.
Gustavus Risberg
Susan Kean, formerly Susan Livingston and later Susan Ursin Niemcewicz (1759-1833)
Creation Date
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Document Type
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Inventory Location
103 C
Recommended Citation
Risberg, Gustavus. Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, July 6, 1797. Manuscript. From Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University, Liberty Hall Collection 1790s.
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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)