"Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, July 23, 1797" by Gustavus Risberg



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Gustavus Risberg wrote from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Susan Kean in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Risberg continued to update Susan on the watercourse that threatened to destroy the cellar and vaults of her home in Philadelphia. Risberg informed Susan that he had received a letter from Mr. William Tilghman on behalf of Mr. M. [Meade] in which he desired the former water course be opened and suggested it pass through Dr. R’s [Rush] lot. Risberg responded to Tilghman and claimed his opinion was inadmissible. Had he taken the time to view the ground, he would find the suggestion impracticable. On Wednesday Risberg, along with a Carpenter, measured the ground for having a trunk sunk in the watercourse and needed to be admitted to Mr. M’s yard. The consultation took two hours upon which Mr. M found that opening the water course would not be favorable and proposed Susan take measures to carry the water. Three Carpenters and Masons were hired but Risberg suggested Susan take action against Mr. M for her claim as it appeared to be the only way to solve the problem. Enclosed drafts of balances for Susan’s account and mentioned an offer was made to Robert Barnwell.

People mentioned: Mr. Meade, William Tilghman, and Dr. Benjamin Rush


Gustavus Risberg


Susan Kean, formerly Susan Livingston, and later Susan Ursin Niemcewicz (1759-1833)

Creation Date


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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)

Inventory Location

103 C


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Publishing Repository

Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, July 23, 1797


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