Charles Coteswait Pinckney to John Kean, August 31, 1792
Charles Coteswait Pinckney
August 31, 1792
Charles Coteswait Pinckney wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. People included: Mrs. John Middleton, Col. Grimke, David Millings, Hugh Millings.
David Ramsay to John Kean, April 8, 1792
David Ramsay
David Ramsay wrote to John Kean in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ramsay informed Kean that Mr. Abendenons would likely trouble him in transferring his certificates to Charleston. An advertisement was published in the newspapers that called on the stockholders to meet to nominate bank officers. Suggested bank officers should immediately decide on the question of branches. Hoped that South Carolina would no longer be a depressed state and abounded in money exports and every species of wealth. Sincerely wished that the importation of African Americans would end. Ramsay claimed that the alarms and insurrections of the West Indies would likely be repeated in South Carolina if the African American population increased. This was a reference to the 1791 slave revolts in Saint Domingue [later Haiti] which resulted in a large number of white refugees migrating to Charleston.) Ramsay noted in the postscript that since he wrote the above, the election for the bank officers had finished. He enclosed the reports along with the advertisement on which the election proceeded.
People mentioned: Joseph Abendanon
David Ramsay to John Kean, October 31, 1792
David Ramsay
October 31, 1792
David M. Ramsay in Charleston, SC wrote to John Kean, unaddressed. The letter discussed a particular monetary issue in regard to this profession as a physician. The issues discussed included the "renewal" of relocating African-Americans in advance of redistricting to increase representation. This appalled Ramsay. Northern states retaliated against southern transgressions by sending their African-Americans down there. Ramsay claimed his colleagues distrusted him greatly. People mentioned: Governor of South Carolina, Attorney General of South Carolina. Places mentioned: Columbia. Notable quote: "I abhor national reflection but had almost said all Jews are rascals with but very few exceptions."
Jacob Read to John Kean, April 28, 1792
Jacob Read
Jacob Read in Savannah, Georgia wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. This letter discussed banking and financial issues. People included: Judge Grimke, British merchants, Mrs. Kean, Mrs. Livingston, Brockholst Livingston, Mrs. Read, Capt. Donovan, Richard Wylly. Places included: State of Georgia, Beaufort, Charleston.
Jacob Read to John Kean, June 3, 1792
Jacob Read
Jacob Read in Charleston, SC wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. This letter had both personal elements as well as business issues discussed. People included: Hugh Ross, the President, Mr. Barnwell, Frazer, Mrs. Read, Mrs. Kean. Places included: Philadelphia, Georgia.
Jacob Read to John Kean, March 14, 1792
Jacob Read
Jacob Read wrote from Charleston, SC, to John Kean in Philadelphia, PA. He wrote of depts, bills, and British accounts.
Names include: Mrs. Edward Rutledge, Cap. Geman, Shubrick, Col. Barnwell, Greenwood, Gen. Pinckney, Samuel Grove, Jane Grove, Grimke, Corvaisier, De Saussure, Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Tubly.
Places include: Coosawhatchie Wharf and Georgia.
The handwriting is challenging.
Jacob Read to John Kean, March 15, 1792
Jacob Read
Jacob Read in Charleston, SC wrote to to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. Jacob Read grants John Kean power of attorney for him regarding US Bank stock in the city of Philadelphia. People included: B. Villeponts, A Vanderhorst, William Miller. Places included: Treasury of the United States.
Jacob Read to John Kean, October 31, 1792
Jacob Read
October 31, 1792
Jacob Read in Charleston, SC, wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. The letter discussed the Bank of the United States. People included: G. Willing, Mr. Barnwell, Mrs. Kean, Mr. Bale.
Richard Shubrick to John Kean, April 12, 1792
Richard Shubrick
Richard Shubrick in Charleston, SC wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. Shubrick wrote to Kean about property presented by Grimke to him. People included: Judge Grimke, Samuel Grove, P.L., T.P., R. Barnwell, T. Rutledge, Bernard, Hunt, [Godgion], Joshua Ward, William Greenwood. Places included: England, [Davis] Estate, Prince William's Parish, [Beaufort], Georgia.
Jonathan and William Simpson to John Kean, February 13, 1792
Jonathan Simpson and William Simpson
February 13, 1792 and January 7, 1791 (copy)
Jonathan and William Simpson are writing to John Kean, February 13, 1792, to confirm William Wilkie is a Factor (agent) for John Kean and unless payments are started, they will take John Kean to Chancery Court.
The letter begins with a copy of a letter sent by Jonathan and William Simpson on January 7, 1791, delivered by William Wilkie to John Kean concerning payment of Mrs. Grove's bond to Anthony Lechmere, deceased, was not paid in full. It was partially paid by the sale of indigo, but Mr. Sargent's receipt for the indigo was less than expected. Other names included: J. and F. Atkinson.
Williams Stephens to Colonel Barnwell, March 21, 1792
William Stephens
William Stephens in Savannah, Georgia wrote to Colonel Barnwell and John F. Grimke unaddressed. Stephens responds to a request by Barnwell in his capacity as John Kean's lawyer in South Carolina. Stephens expected a payment to be made to him in regard to the estate of Jonathan Bryan. Stephens planned to write to John Kean and receive a response. People included: Mr. Kean, Jonathan Bryan. Places included: Carolina, New York.
William Stephens to John Kean, April 30, 1792
William Stephens
William Stephens in Savannah, GA wrote to John Kean, unaddressed. The letter discussed the Federal court decision regarding the confiscation of British debts. There was also the issue of a case involving the bonds of Kelsall & Spalding, which concerned continental currency payments. The letter discussed the state supreme court and the issue of John Kean's books. This letter also concerned loans and a bill of lading concerning rice. People included: Judge Iredell, Judge Pendleton, Kersall, Spalding, Rose, Porteons, O'Byren, Wade, Mr. Read, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Kean. Places included: Federal Court.
William Stephens to John Kean, December 10, 1792
William Stephens
December 10, 1792
William Stephens in Savannah, GA wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. This letter discussed a court trial that resulted in a verdict against Kean and an error that voided the outcome. Stephens reported the arrival of books to him and he paid off Mike's debt. People included: Mike, Channing, Bryan, Mr. Wercat. Places included: Barber's Island, Charleston.
William Stephens to John Kean, June 19, 1792
William Stephens
William Stephens in Savannah, GA wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. This letter involved a variety of topics. It discussed property and deeds of prominent citizens from the South. This also dealt with the legal issues in Charleston, SC concerning the Bryan estate. Grimke received payment in that regard from the sale of nine enslaved. Mr. Wercat planned not to take land for his claim. The letter discussed commercial, debt, and tax issues. Native Americans apparently threatened them with "mischief." People included: Richard Shubrick, Mr. Grimke, Conyers, Barnard, [Hart], Goodgion, Barnwell, Bryan, Mr. Wercat, Dr. Channing, Tom Miller, Miller's Mother, Bryan, Wade, Mrs. Stephen, Mrs. Kean, Capt. Collings.
William Stephens to John Kean, March 21, 1792
William Stephens
William Stephens in Savannah, GA wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. This letter discusses financial matters between various Kean associates. People included: Colonel Barnwell, Mr. Grimke, Mr. Shurbrick, Byran, McQueen, Bowman, Wade, O'Bowen, Belcher, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Kean. Places included: Carolina.
William Stephens to John Kean, May 2, 1792
William Stephens
William Stephens in Savannah, GA wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. William Stephens complained of the difficulties of moving Kean's books to Augusta for the purposes of winning a court case with Mr. Wercat. He enclosed another bill of lading for rice. People included: Mr. Wercat, Brailsford, Sam Douglass. Places Included: Augusta.
John Stevens to John Kean, October 15, 1792
John Stevens
October 15, 1792
John Stevens in Hoboken, NJ, wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. Stevens wrote that he paid forward an installment of a loan. People included: Mr. Burrall.
Unknown Person to John Kean, October 10, 1792
October 10, 1792
An unknown Person in Baldhead Island, NC, wrote to John Kean, unaddressed. The letter discussed business affairs and national politics. The author complained of the incomplete lighthouse there. He complained about the war with Indians in the south of the state. He argued that the civilized portion of humanity was the most violent and unforgiving. People included: Thomas Shubrick, J. Grimke, Mr. Grover, Barnwell, Mrs. G., Mrs. Kean. Places, Mr. Smith. Places included: North Carolina, Virginia, New York.
Benjamin Villeportoux to John Kean, April 16, 1792
Benjamin Villeportoux
Benjamin Villeportoux in Charleston, SC wrote to John Kean, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. This letter concerns financial bills of exchange concerning various firms. People included: Col. Grimke, Grave & William, Leroy & Bayard, Hazard & Robinson, Joseph Anthony & Son. Places included: Charleston, Philadelphia.
William H. Wigg to Unknown Person, November 1, 1792
William H. Wigg
William H. Wigg wrote to Unknown Person, unaddressed. Wigg wrote to an unknown person, probably John Kean, about a payment made on his behalf to William and John Norton. People included: William Norton, John Norton.
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, April 10, 1792
Samuel Wilcox
Samuel Wilcox wrote from Charleston, South Carolina to John Kean in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Wilcox informed Kean that he was glad he delayed investing Kean’s money since Kean quoted the fall of stocks. It would have been in Kean’s best interest to return the money, which Judge Grimke would have attended to. Discussed business between Kean, Mr. Heyward, and Captain Joyner.
Samuel Wilcox to John Kean, February 11, 1792
Samuel Wilcox
Samuel wrote to John, addressed as Cashier of the Bank of the U.S. No. 80 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Samuel found it impracticable to purchase stocks for John. When he first arrived in Charleston stocks fell. He did not realize the state debt would be so soon. It was impossible to purchase stocks unless you were paying with physical cash. The price of stocks are listed at the bottom of the letter. Names included: Grimke, Heyward, Joyner, and Mr. Watson.
List of Books and Papers sent to John Kean, June 21, 1791
A list of books and papers sent to John Kean by the Georgia packet Caption Burrows. They cover the accounts of John Kean's step-father, Samuel Grove. The actual books and papers are not in the Liberty Hall Collection.
Sister to Susan Kean, October 11, 1791
Mary McIntosh or Sarah Ricketts wrote to their sister, Susan Kean, no address. The final page was not present. There are many daily details.
She missed Susan and was delighted when she received her letter the night before. She described a religious service that she did not agree with. She described the local neighborhood of her "savage" [Native American?] and they offered her to join them at a potluck, but she declined. She attended a ball hosted by Mr. S. A--, with the children, dancing master, 23 other ladies, and "her" Native American. She prepared curtains for party the next day. Yorick began to understand English. She traveled to Springfield with the children (the machinery of the oil and paint mills, they didn't see the paper mill), then back to Abyssinnia. Next week she planed to go to Bethlehem, Nazareth, and Philadelphia
People included: Peter Kean, Eliza Otto, Rector W. Sprugge, Williamson (Puritanical Psalm), Singer and Clark, Mrs. Dhart and the girls (drank tea), another West Indian/Jamaican family Mr. and Mrs. Drum [illegible], Mr. R and Yrick went to Mr. Governeurs [Gouverneur?] (Turtle Feast and wine), Uncle and Aunt Stevens, Dr. Smith, drank tea with Mrs. Dylton, Mrs. Boudinox and Mrs. Stockton, J. Rutherford, dined with Lady Kitty, Phils, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Livingston, Mrs. McCombe and the girls, Peggy, Miss Ramsay and my old beau,Creole Mrs. Sinclair, William Sheef,
Joseph Abendanone to John Kean, October 11, 1791
Joseph Abendanone
Joseph wrote to John, addressed to Philadelphia, PA. Joseph requested a subscription, via D. Ramsey. He thanked John for his help asked that the amount be transferred to the Office of Charleston.
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