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Julian U. Niemcewicz wrote from London, England to Susan U. Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Difficulties in acquiring his passport delayed Niemcewicz’s departure. Planned to set out for Harwich and from there proceed by sea to Cuxhaven, and from there take a boat down the Elbe for Hamburg. Niemcewicz spent his time in London seeing the most interesting curiosities of the immense capital. His acquaintances Lady Oxford, Lord Lichfield, and Wycomb Lady Livingston were all in the country and therefore only had Mr. Otto to see. They went together to dine with Mr. Jackson who gave them a farmers dinner which consisted of boiled chickens, a piece of pork, roasted mutton, cauliflowers, and peas. The dessert was all kinds of fruit placed in one basket and consisted of grapes, apricots, and peaches. Niemcewicz and Mr. Otto attended the British Museum and he found it vastly increased since the last time he saw it, particularly in Egyptian curiosities that were sent over by Lord Hutchinson. He saw other museums including natural history collections and mechanical inventions, and visited Kiew [Kew], Richmond, and the botanical garden. Purchased Susan a Desert set of Wedgwood and enclosed the bill with the contents. Mr. Fox was in France where he declared his marriage with Mrs. Armstead, with whom he had lived for many years. The stocks were falling and the business was dull. Discussed Bonaparte, the Commercial Treaty, Prussia, and Austria. Mr. Otto planned to sail for America in February or March. Mrs. Otto would not accompany him because of her delicate health. Extended his well wishes to Susan, Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts, Maria Ricketts, the Dayton family, and all of their friends in New York and Elizabethtown.

People mentioned: Peter Kean, Mr. and Mrs. Otto, Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts, Maria Ricketts, and the Daytons.


Julian Ursin Niemcewicz (1758-1841)

Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841)


Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, formerly Susan Livingston and Susan Kean (1759-1833)

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London, England


Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)

Inventory Location

Bay 1, Column 2, LHC Series 2


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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Julian Ursin Niemcewicz to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 16, 1802


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