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Julian Niemcewicz wrote from Puławy, Poland to Susan U. Niemcewicz, unaddressed. Received Susan’s affectionate letter of July 19th. Asked Susan to take care of her health and hoped Peter studied well. Suggested that Peter not be in a rush to go to college and prepare for it through his studies. Happy to hear Susan met with Mr. Barnwell and that he gave a satisfactory account of the Carolina business. Agreed with Susan that an addition to their house, or the purchase of a better one, was necessary. Susan did not mention anything about the servants in her last letter to Niemcewicz. He asked about Betty, Tom, Philip, and the baby and if Tom and the baby got through the smallpox successfully. Niemcewicz gave Susan an account of his visit to Prince Czartoryski and his magnificent country seat, Puławy. Found him in better health and with a new strength of body and mind. Niemcewicz arrived in Puławy late in the evening, the whole family with a number of gentlemen and ladies were assembled in an immense hall lighted and ornamented with pictures, looking glasses, etc. The Prince and the Princess gave Niemcewicz the most affectionate and friendly welcome. The following day, he went to take a tour of the gardens and palace. The apartments were furnished in various styles; Polish, Chinese, Italian, and French. The Prince and Princess lived downstairs, their apartments were furnished with great taste and elegance. The Prince’s library occupied a large hall and was numerous and the Princess had a fine gallery with pictures and statues. A greenhouse was filled with shrubs and flowers from almost every quarter of the world. He went on to describe the gardens surrounding the property. Niemcewicz met with his old friends including Doctor Goltz, an eminent physician. Inquired about their mutual friends in Elizabethtown and New York including Peggy, who was suffering from poor health, Philip Livingston, Lady Kitty, and Lady Sterling.

People mentioned: Prince Czartoryski, Dr. Goltz, Peggy, Philip Livingston, Lady Kitty, Lady Sterling, Mr. Otto, Peter Kean, Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts.

This document mentions servants including Tom, Betty, Philip, and a baby.


Julian Ursin Niemcewicz (1758-1841)

Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1758-1841)


Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, formerly Susan Livingston and Susan Kean (1759-1833)

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Puławy, Poland


Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)

Inventory Location

Bay 1, Column 2, LHC Series 2


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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Julian Niemcewicz to Susan U. Niemcewicz, November 10, 1802


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