"Beaumanoir de la Forest to Unknown, July 8, 1803" by Beaumanoir de la Forest



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Beaumanoir de la Forest wrote from Berlin, Germany to an unknown correspondent (likely Susan Niemcewicz), unaddressed. De la Forest wrote her dear friend from Ratisbon to acquaint them with her new peregrination. She thought that when the great affairs were finished, she would return quietly to Munich. That was not meant to be so as her husband was sent to Berlin. Everyone arrived safely but they had trouble finding a house. Discussed Mr. and Mrs. Otto and their plans to head to Munich within a month. Very sad to see the war was not over and that it was impossible to live in peace with their jealous neighbors. Sympathized with her friend over the departure and absence of Mr. Julian Niemcewicz. Feared that the war disrupted correspondence. Prince Radziwiłł delivered two letters to de la Forest and shared many fine things about Julian Niemcewicz. Suggested her friend read Polish day and night to learn the language and to become an “accomplished Pole lady.” Criticized her friend for not traveling abroad and claimed she was holed up in Elizabethtown. She needed to see the world and Peter’s education would gain on many accounts. Acknowledged the news her friend shared on the Hamiltons but questioned whether Eliza Hamilton wanted another son. The loss of her eldest son, Philip was cruel.

People mentioned: Prince Radziwiłł, Alexander Hamilton, Eliza Hamilton, Philip Hamilton (eldest son of Alexander and Eliza Hamilton, 1782-1802), Philip Hamilton (youngest son of Alexander and Eliza Hamilton, 1802-1884), and Peter Kean.


Beaumanoir de la Forest (1763-1841)


Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, formerly Susan Livingston and Susan Kean (1759-1833)

Creation Date


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Berlin, Germany


Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)

Inventory Location

103 C


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Publishing Repository

Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Beaumanoir de la Forest to Unknown, July 8, 1803


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