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Peter Kean wrote from Elizabethtown, New Jersey to John Faucheraud Grimké unaddressed (likely Charleston, South Carolina.) Nothing could have given Peter greater pleasure than the receipt of Grimké’s letter dated the 23rd of May. Peter received a letter from Mr. Barnwell at the beginning of the summer in which he informed Peter that the Southern property was diminishing in value because of the ravages of the caterpillar. The prospect Mr. B gave them lest the Catawba Canal Shares were forfeited, made Susan apprehensive concerning affairs in Carolina. Mr. LeRoy of New York wrote some time since to Mr. Smith requesting him to make any payments that might be due on the shares belonging to Peter’s father’s estate (John Kean). Since then, Susan had not heard from anyone concerning the shares. Sorry that Grimké did not prefer Nassau Hall to Yale College for his son’s education. Hoped his son visited Princeton on his way to Philadelphia. This manuscript also includes a deposit ticket for $85 signed by Susan Niemcewicz and paid to Peter Kean.

People mentioned: Robert Barnwell, Mr. LeRoy, Mr. Smith, John Kean (1756-1795), and Frederick Grimké (1791-1863)


Peter Philip James Kean (1788-1828)


John Faucheraud Grimké [also spelled Grimke or Grimkey] (1752-1819)

Creation Date


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Elizabethtown, New Jersey


Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)

Inventory Location

Bay 1, Column 2, LHC Series 2


This collection is open to the public for research use. Copyright remains with Kean University. Credit this material. Personal photographs may be made for research purposes. Inquiries regarding publishing material from the collection should be directed to the Special Collections Research Library and Archive at

Publishing Repository

Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Peter Kean to John Faucheraud Grimké, October 25, 1805


Book Location