"Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, January 23, 1808" by Peter Philip James Kean



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Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter had one legislator from Richmond put into his room with whom he was not pleased with but, the Legislator moved to another room with a brother democrat and Mr. Gould from Whitestown was moved into Peter’s room. Gould was a lawyer in the Western Country and an accomplished scholar. The books Peter was reading deprived him of the pleasure of attending recitations of Latin and Greek that winter. Once Susan was comfortably settled in Albany, he would attend to those important branches of scholarship. The Lieutenant Governor arrived and Judge Livingston mentioned that Peter was there and who he was in relation to him. The river began to break up and it was a strange site, the cakes of ice piled one on the other and came pouring down carrying along with them everything in their way. Henry Ogden arrived enroute to Canada, he was taking 60 or 80 thousand dollars to make payments for furs. Peter stopped on the way to the dance for Sally [Jay], they had a charming evening and danced together a great deal. The legislator convened and the Governor made a speech with praised the magnanimity of the general government and the wisdom of Congress in laying an embargo without knowing the reason why they did it. Dewitt Clinton and Ambrose Spencer ruled New York with a high hand and as they both had hopes of ascending by Southern interest, the people of New York had to suffer for it.

People mentioned: Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), William Jay (1789 – 1858), Henry Ogden, Dewitt Clinton (1769-1828), and Ambrose Spencer (1765–1848).


Peter Philip James Kean (1788-1828)


Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, formerly Susan Livingston and Susan Kean (1759-1833)

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Albany, New York


Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)

Inventory Location

103 C


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Publishing Repository

Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, January 23, 1808


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