"Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, February 4, 1808" by Peter Philip James Kean



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Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter thought that it was time something definite was determined regarding Susan visiting Peter in Albany. The society of his parent and one or two of his friends was all that Peter needed to make him completely happy during his residence. On the 5th of February, Peter was in court all day listening to a case of some importance and spent that evening at Mrs. Bz’s. Peter and Sally conversed on many common subjects and in everything she said, Sally displayed great goodness and an excellent heart. On Saturday, Peter heard an eloquent speech from a Mr. Williams who resided at Hudson. He was a man that never received a classical education but was designed by his parents to move in some humbler walk of life. The force of his genius was so great that notwithstanding the difficulties under which he laboured, he had acquired more reputation as an orator than almost any lawyer in the State. Mr. Stevens was there on business with the legislature and wanted an act passed to authorize him and others to build a bridge over the North River. The Executive Secretary of State, Thomas Tillotson, was also there and perceiving that he would be turned out of office, he resigned. Mr. Houston arrived and informed Peter that he was there regarding Mr. Bayard’s estate and planned to petition the Legislature. Mr. Gould, Peter’s roommate, was a pleasant man, a warm Federalist, and an elegant scholar. On Sunday, Peter attended church and Mr. Beazly delivered a good sermon but his delivery grew worse and worse. His Charity Sermon was published for the use of the Society. Peter mentioned the weather in Albany and complained that it was not cold enough. They had nothing but Southerly and Easterly winds since the middle of January. Peter did not have the vanity to suppose he was a favorite amongst the young lady in question. He believed she knew that she was a great favorite of his. Peter attended a party at Miss Beacker’s and was delighted to find a niece of Mrs. Rutherford’s, Sally Morris, whom he had formerly known in New York. She was very tall and according to Peter, not as beautiful as she formerly was.

Mr. Williams, Mr. Gould, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Houston, Mr. Beazly, Thomas Tillotson (1751/1752 - 1832), Frederick Beasley (1777-1845), Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), Sarah Sabina Morris (1788-1878)


Peter Philip James Kean (1788-1828)


Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, formerly Susan Livingston and Susan Kean (1759-1833)

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Albany, New York


Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)

Inventory Location

103 C


This collection is open to the public for research use. Copyright remains with Kean University. Credit this material. Personal photographs may be made for research purposes. Inquiries regarding publishing material from the collection should be directed to the Special Collections Research Library and Archive at keanscrla@kean.edu.

Publishing Repository

Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, February 4, 1808


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