"Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, October 27, 1808" by Peter Philip James Kean



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Peter Kean wrote from Richmond, Virginia to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter left Elizabethtown on the mail stage on his way to Beaufort in South Carolina and the night was stormy and cold. One of his fellow travelers, whom Peter took to be an Irishman, had recently visited Canada and informed him that Sir James Henry Craig, the Commander in Chief of his British Majesties Forces in that Country, was expending £1000 on the works of Quebec, which were so strong that they would battle all attempts to take or destroy them. From the same person, Peter learned that Chancellor Livingston had a steam boat on Lake Champlain. They arrived in Trenton around eleven o’clock. Trenton carried a great deal of business with the interior country. The bridge across the Delaware was a piece of architecture which honored its planner. Peter arrived in Philadelphia on the 28th in the morning where he met the most cordial and friendly reception imaginable from Mr. and Mrs. Biddle. In the evening, Peter had supper with Dr. Chapman. Philadelphians had been accused of coldness and want of hospitality to strangers. This charge, Peter denied. Philadelphia was perhaps the most regular city on the continent; all its street cut one another at right angles. The most notable buildings included the Bank of Pennsylvania, the Bank of the United States, Christ Church, Peale’s Museum, and the Rotunda. On the 29th, Peter dined with Colonel Biddle and later attended the ladies to Ogilvie’s Orations. Ogilvie made a great deal of noise in Philadelphia; his manner very theatrical and his style extremely entertaining. On the 30th, Peter dined with A.J. Dallas Esquire who was ranked amongst the most gentlemanly man in Philadelphia. The same day, Peter also dined with Dr. Benjamin Rush who had long been termed the “Asclepius of America;” his manners were extremely mild and gentleness beamed from his eye. Peter spent the afternoon with Mr. Calwalider where he met Richard Penn, Esquire, former Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania. On November 1st, Peter spent part of the evening with Dr. and Mrs. Chapman. While attending dinner with Mr. Dallas, he shared a story from when Mr. B was Attorney General of the State of New York. He prosecuted a man for murder who demanded some days longer before they should bring him to trial alleging, he could provide an alibi by the most respectable witness. B refused to wait and the man was tried and condemned. The next day, the witness arrived and was examined and the man’s innocence was proved. The Court recommended him to mercy and his friends were about to dispatch an express to New York with the recommendation of the Court when Mr. B observed that there was no necessity for such a step as he was heading to New York the following day and would take every measure to procure the pardon. The papers were given to him and he set out, arrived in New York and forgot his promise. The day of execution arrived and no respite came. On the 2nd, Peter left Philadelphia and documented his travels. On the 29th, Peter wrote from Richmond Virginia and wanted to share an account of Washington. The city was extremely fine being on a plane which commanded the extensive view of the Potomac and the adjacent country. Washington was divided into three parts; the Palace and its purlieus, the Capital, and the Navy Yard. The Palace was a stately building about two hundred feet in length of white stone, which at a distance resembled marble. It was two stories high with immense ceilings and resembled the Temple of Minerva at Athens. Pennsylvania Avenue lead from the President’s to the Capital. The Capital did not exist yet except in the mind of Mr. Latrobe.

People mentioned: General Sir James Henry Craig KB (1748-1812), Abigail Adams (1744-1818), Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), Benjamin Rush (1746-1813), James Ogilvie (1773–1820), Richard Penn Jr. (1735-1811), and Benjamin Henry Latrobe (1764 - 1820).


Peter Philip James Kean (1788-1828)


Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, formerly Susan Livingston and Susan Kean (1759-1833)

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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Virginia


Liberty Hall Collection, 1711-1847 (bulk 1790-1830)

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Special Collections Research Library and Archive, Kean University

Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, October 27, 1808


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