Sarah Ricketts to Susan Kean, May 1797
Sarah Ricketts
May 1797
Sarah Ricketts wrote to Susan Kean in New York. Ricketts informed Susan that her mother and Molly had set out for New York for a visit. Mr. A’s business in St. Domingue detained him. Mr. Cogniac sent her a lump of sugar as a specimen of the sugar produced in St. Domingue. Asked for new patterns for a chair and shared family news.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, April 20, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg in Philadelphia, PA, wrote to Susan Kean, addressed to Elizabeth Town, NJ. Gustav informed Susan of rent income and that George Willing was unwilling to pay more in rent but was willing to pay taxes. There was a delay in resolving the issue with Dr. Rush. Leaders planned on assembling in May to discuss the establishment of a navy. People included: Dr. Rush, Mr. Ricketts, Mrs. Grove, Peter Kean, George Meade, George Willing, Mr. Simpson. Places included: Fourth Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, August 6, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg, Philadelphia, PA wrote to Susan Kean, Elizabeth Town, NJ. Gustavus intended to send the green satin fabric to New York where they expected it to fetch a better price. Dr. Rush considered leaving the house and wanted to purchase a new lot. Some individuals were trying to avoid the local sheriff. People included: Edward Tilghman, Mr. Willing, Dr. Ruston, Mr. Coxe. Places included: New York, NY, Recorder's Office.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, January 14, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg in Philadelphia, PA wrote to Susan Kean, addressed to Elizabeth Town, NJ. Gustav informed Susan of the payments made to individuals. People included: Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Corvaisier, Dr. Rush, E. Tilghman, Mr. Meade, Peter Kean. Places included: Walnut Street, Mr. Meade's estate, N. American Land Company, Turnpike.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, January 20, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg in Philadelphia, PA wrote to Susan Kean, Elizabeth Town, NJ. Mr. Risberg discussed the remittances, dividends, and sales of estate goods. He advised that the financial situation would be strong as long as there was no war. Simons wanted to void the contract and Gustav wanted instructions as to what to do. He discussed bank stocks from the Bank of Pennsylvania and the Bank of the United States. People included: Simons, B. W. Morris, President & Cashier of the Bank of Pennsylvania, Blair McClenachan, Morris, Nicholson, B. W. Morris, Mr. Francis, Wilson, G. Willing, Mr. Ricketts. Places included: Turnpike, New York, Bank of the United States.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, July 23, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg wrote from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Susan Kean in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Risberg continued to update Susan on the watercourse that threatened to destroy the cellar and vaults of her home in Philadelphia. Risberg informed Susan that he had received a letter from Mr. William Tilghman on behalf of Mr. M. [Meade] in which he desired the former water course be opened and suggested it pass through Dr. R’s [Rush] lot. Risberg responded to Tilghman and claimed his opinion was inadmissible. Had he taken the time to view the ground, he would find the suggestion impracticable. On Wednesday Risberg, along with a Carpenter, measured the ground for having a trunk sunk in the watercourse and needed to be admitted to Mr. M’s yard. The consultation took two hours upon which Mr. M found that opening the water course would not be favorable and proposed Susan take measures to carry the water. Three Carpenters and Masons were hired but Risberg suggested Susan take action against Mr. M for her claim as it appeared to be the only way to solve the problem. Enclosed drafts of balances for Susan’s account and mentioned an offer was made to Robert Barnwell.
People mentioned: Mr. Meade, William Tilghman, and Dr. Benjamin Rush
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, July 6, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg wrote from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Susan Kean in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Risberg informed Susan that he received her letter of the 28th of June regarding George Meade having addressed her on the subject of her yard. Agreed that this was a disagreeable situation and that a serious demand be made upon Mr. Meade, and if necessary be enforced by a lawsuit. Dr. Rush refused to give a Deed of the property until the matter was settled. There was no offer on the lot and Risberg was at a loss on how to advise Susan further. It was uncertain if England would be included in the Peace and arrangements being made in Europe. George Willing requested to have the house painted and wallpapered.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, July 9, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg in Philadelphia, PA, wrote to Susan Kean, addressed to Elizabeth Town, NJ. This letter concerned the problem of letting a waterway through Kean's backyard property that would destroy the cellar and vaults, which would significantly lower the value of the house. People included: Mr. Ricketts, Dr. Rush, Mr. Meade. Places included: New York, NY, Compting House.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, March 9, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg in Philadelphia, PA wrote to Susan Kean, addressed Elizabeth Town, NJ. He discussed business matters including the issue of selling satins, resolving the dispute with Dr. Rush, and the issue of Mr. Willing's rent. People included: Dr. Benjamin Rush, Mrs. Grove, Peter Kean, Livingston Family. Places included: New York, Virginia.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, November 13, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg in Philadelphia, PA, wrote to Susan Kean, addressed to Elizabeth Town, NJ. Gustavus discussed the liquidation of assets. People included: George Meade, Peter Kean. Places included: South Carolina, Georgia, Bank of the United States.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, November 2, 1797
Gustavus Risberg
Gustavus Risberg in Philadelphia, PA wrote to Susan Kean, Elizabeth Town, NJ. This letter mentioned the epidemic ravaging the city. He received a payment from Mr. Willing. It discussed the problem with Dr. Rush. People included: Mr. Simpson, John Kean, Mr. Tilghman, Mrs. Pinker, Mr. Willing, Dr. Rush. Places included: Carolina.
Gustavus Risberg to Susan Kean, June 16, 1797
Gustavus Risberg and George Meade
Gustavus Risberg in Philadelphia, PA wrote to Susan Kean, addressed to Elizabeth Town, NJ. This letter contained a draft of another letter to be sent to Gordon Thomas from George Meade concerning the issue that water that might enter his yard with Dr. Rush's obstruction of water flows. People included: Ingersoll and Tilghman, Dr. Rush, Mr. Ketland, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Willing.
John Rutherfurd to Susan Kean, February 12, 1797
John Rutherfurd
John Rutherfurd in Tranquility, NJ wrote to Susan Kean, unaddressed. There was a question over a particular bond and he directed Susan to ask the bank for help. People included: W. Smith, Peter, Mrs. Ricketts, Mary Ricketts, Cath. Ricketts. Places included: Philadelphia, PA, South Carolina.
St. George Tucker to James Brown, July 26, 1797
St. George Tucker
St. George Tucker wrote to James Brown, addressed to Richmond, VA. He wrote to discuss two sums he is owed as well as writing about bank stocks they had previously talked about.
John Walker to James Brown, June 19, 1797
John Walker
John Walker wrote from Belvair[?] to James Brown in Richmond. John thanked James for his care and attention to them. Mentioned his candles never came and his memorandum must have been mislaid. Enquired for boards at Milton. None were there and the bannisters of their stair case could not be purposed without them. James’s newspapers were a treat for John as Eliza’s hat was to her.
John Walker to James Brown, June 24, 1797
John Walker
John Walker wrote to James Brown, addressed to Richmond, VA. This letter is a small personal correspondence talking about the various members of John's family. He also mentions he is broke and asks James to pay a sum he himself can not pay.
Robert Barnwell to Susan Kean, May 14, 1796
Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell in Charleston, SC wrote to Susan Kean, addressed to New York, NY. Robert Barnwell wrote to Susan Kean to inform her of state bonds received from John Kean and wanted the difference between the nominal and real bond price. He expressed his desire to liquidate his debt with her and demanded a prompt reply. People Included: John Kean, Mr. Desaulpure, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Winthrop, Mrs. Ricketts, Edwards family, LeRoy family, Benson, King, Philip Livingston. Places included: Georgia, South Carolina.
Robert Barnwell to Susan Kean, October 23, 1796
Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell in Beaufort, South Carolina wrote to Susan Kean, unaddressed. Robert informed Susan that he worked as trustee of the late John Kean's property without legal trusteeship. He discussed the issue of remittances, debt, and property. John Kean, according to Barnwell, offered the the revenue of a property for twelve years to pay of his debts before the revenue went to his family. Barnwell advised contacting Judge Grimke if she wanted to terminate ownership of the property. He discussed the issue of bonds. People included: Mr. Kean, Peter Kean, Grimke, Philip Livingston, Banker, Holmes, Odleton, Shubrice, Mr. Ricketts, Mrs. Ricketts. Places included: Georgia, Charleston, South Carolina.
P. Bond to Susan Kean, July 27, 1796
P. Bond
P. Bond in Philadelphia, PA wrote to Susan Kean, unaddressed. Mr. Bond discussed Susan Kean's legal case against Dr. Rush concerning her grievances with him over his wall that has led to water filling her lot in Philadelphia. They attempted to develop a case that Dr. Rush's wall was unlawfully creating problems for Mrs. Kean's property. People included: Miss Fanny, Mr. Tilghman, Dr. Rush, Mr. Ricketts, Mrs. Ricketts, Mr. Houston, Mrs. Houston, Mr. Alex Campbell, Mr. Meade, Mr. Ketland. Places included: US District of Virginia.
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, August 8, 1796
George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown wrote from New York to Susan Kean, his aunt, addressed to James Ricketts, Elizabeth Town. He did not know that his uncle, James Ricketts, was sick. Since Susan was staying with him George asked her to update him on his health. He also mentioned he finally had an opportunity to travel to his lands later in the month.
People Included: Mr. Johnson, Mrs. A, James Ricketts, Sarah Ricketts, Mr. and Mrs. L (Lawrence?)
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, July 22, 1796
George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown wrote from New York to Susan Kean, his aunt, addressed to James Ricketts, Elizabeth Town. He inquired about Susan's health and how their friends in Elizabeth Town were. He mentioned that he saw Susan's brother who was soon heading out to the country, he was most likely referring to Philip Peter Livingston.
People Included: Miss James, Mrs. A, Peter Philip James Kean
Places Included: Monty Bay
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, March 19, 1796
George Van Brugh Brown
Major Brown wrote from Abyssinia, in New Jersey, to his Aunt Susan, addressed to New York. George was in Philadelphia longer than expected. He met Mr. Rutherford there and thanked Susan for the introduction. He enclosed a letter from Miss Bond, and another letter addressed to Mrs. Livingston. There are addition and subtraction problems on the verso of the letter.
Names included: Mr. and Mrs. Ricketts.
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, November 27, 1796
George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Livingston wrote from London, England, to Susan Kean in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Livingston expressed interest in hearing about Peter’s well-being since he last visited Susan. Considered going to Scotland as he was attached to a young lady there. Asks Susan to pass along regards to herself, his uncle, his grandmother, and other friends.
George Van Brugh Brown to Susan Kean, September 7, 1796
George Van Brugh Brown
George Van Brugh Brown wrote from Stratford, CT to Susan Kean, his aunt, addressed to Elizabeth Town, NJ. George was upset that he had so many delays in his travels and hoped that his letter about his trip got to James Ricketts.
People Included: James Ricketts, Mr. Houston, Mrs. Johnson, Sarah Ricketts, Peter Philip James Kean
Places Included: Boston, MA, New York, NY
Tench Coxe to William and James Constable, January 14, 1796
Tench Coxe
Tench Coxe in Philadelphia, PA wrote to William and James Constable, unaddressed. These materials concerned notes that Louis Otto allegedly gave to William Constable. People included: John Kean, Louis Otto, James LeRoy, Clement Biddle. Places included: Bank of the United States, Paris.
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