Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, August 5, 1808
Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell wrote from Beaufort, South Carolina to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz in Elizabeth Town, New Jersey. He states that in accordance with John Kean's will the conveyances to Peter are in Barnwell's name and will go to Peter when he turns 21.
People included: John Kean (JK 1755), Peter Philip James Kean
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, February 29, 1808
Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell wrote from Beaufort, South Carolina to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz. He talks about sending her money for his bonds and discusses different lands in South Carolina.
People Included: Peter Philip James Kean, Ricketts family
Places Included: Parris Island
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, June 21, 1808
Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell wrote from Beaufort, South Carolina to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz in Elizabeth Town, New Jersey. The letter was delivered to Susan by his nephew James Cuthbert. Barnwell is awaiting her reply to his previous letter.
Places included: Northwardly
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, March, 1808
Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell wrote from Beaufort, South Carolina to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz. His discussed his health and how he had been unable to use his hands and thus unable to write for several months. Susan had transmitted him some deeds for property in Georgia and he said that M. Stephens would be a better fit to manage it. He also discusses John Kean's will and rent due on Parris Island.
People Included: M. Stephens, Jane Grove, John Kean (JK1755), John Barnwell, Peter Philip James Kean
Places Included: Georgia, Barbers Island, Parris Island
Robert Barnwell to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz, September 29, 1808
Robert Barnwell
Robert Barnwell wrote from Beaufort, South Carolina to Susan Ursin Niemcewicz in Elizabeth Town, NJ. Peter Philip James Kean will visit Beaufort shortly and stay with Barnwell to see the property he has inherited.
Places Included: New York, Northwardly
Peter Kean to Henry Gahn, February 22, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Henry Gahn, unaddressed. Peter took the liberty of enclosing a letter to Mr. Niemcewicz and asked that he forward it to him by the first opportunity. The letter would be presented to him by Theodore Sedgewick, one of the gentlemen in whose office Peter was pursuing his legal studies in.
People mentioned: Julian Ursin (Ursyn) Niemcewicz (1758-1841) and Theodore Sedgwick (1780-1839)
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, December 6, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Petersburgh, Virginia to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter tore himself away from Richmond much sooner than he would have liked but was looking forward to returning to the arms of his true parent and to the society of his Sally. The manners of the inhabitants of Richmond whom Peter became acquainted with were friendly. He was indebted to the Gibsons, Mr. J. Taylor and his lady, and Mr. B. Harrison. Major Gibson went looking for Peter as soon as he arrived in Richmond and invited him to his house. Judge Griffin and Colonel Carrington inquired after Susan.
People mentioned: Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), John Gibson (1740 – 1822), Cyrus Griffin (1748–1810), and Edward Carrington (1748 – 1810).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, February 12, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Sally Jay had a violent cold and developed a violent sore throat but was feeling much better as Peter penned his letter to Susan. From Mrs. B’s, Peter went to an auction of law books. On the advice of Mr. Bleecker, Peter purchased $80 worth of books, which normally would have cost $150. The books belonged to a young lawyer named Mr. Jones who had passed away. Mr. B was one of the executors and told Peter he would wait until he could procure the money for payment or advance it himself. On Saturday, Peter was in court all day and saw the famous Emmet and heard him speak. Emmet was a good lawyer and so rare a thing that a Democrat would be a good one. The party considered him equal to Hamilton. Mr. Harrison and Mr. Hoffman arrived. Peter spent the day at church and in the evening with Mrs. Rodman, who was a woman of genius and talents.
People mentioned: Mr. B, Mr. Bleecker, Mr. Jones, Emmet[?], Alexander Hamilton (1757-1804), Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), and Mr. and Mrs. Rodman.
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, February 16, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. In Peter’s last letter he mentioned he was planning to dine with the patroon. The dinner was handsome and the company agreeable. Judge Benson stayed there and made many enquiries after Susan. Mrs. Van R. was a beautiful woman but did not know how to keep up a conversation in such a manner to make her guests at home. Peter called on Mr. Henry when he returned from the patroon and they had a conversation on law subjects. Mr. Henry shared a course of reading to Peter, which would occupy 4 years of his life. Mrs. H invited Peter to a party and he sat with Sally the entire evening. She had a natural gaiety and. Innate modesty. On Sunday, Peter wrote that the previous week had been a very disputed one. The Epidemic of Gayety took root in Albany and grew into 12 branches called tea parties. Peter attended three; one at Mr. Luches, one at Miss Westerlo’s, and another at Dr. Willards. Peter told S.J. that he would go and see her sister whom he found employed in making paper flowers. Peter stayed there till ten then came home and blessed himself that he did not know 4 of the ladies who were to give parties that week.
People mentioned: Judge Benson, Mrs. Van R, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Mr. Luche, Miss Westerlo, Dr. Willard, and Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, February 4, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter thought that it was time something definite was determined regarding Susan visiting Peter in Albany. The society of his parent and one or two of his friends was all that Peter needed to make him completely happy during his residence. On the 5th of February, Peter was in court all day listening to a case of some importance and spent that evening at Mrs. Bz’s. Peter and Sally conversed on many common subjects and in everything she said, Sally displayed great goodness and an excellent heart. On Saturday, Peter heard an eloquent speech from a Mr. Williams who resided at Hudson. He was a man that never received a classical education but was designed by his parents to move in some humbler walk of life. The force of his genius was so great that notwithstanding the difficulties under which he laboured, he had acquired more reputation as an orator than almost any lawyer in the State. Mr. Stevens was there on business with the legislature and wanted an act passed to authorize him and others to build a bridge over the North River. The Executive Secretary of State, Thomas Tillotson, was also there and perceiving that he would be turned out of office, he resigned. Mr. Houston arrived and informed Peter that he was there regarding Mr. Bayard’s estate and planned to petition the Legislature. Mr. Gould, Peter’s roommate, was a pleasant man, a warm Federalist, and an elegant scholar. On Sunday, Peter attended church and Mr. Beazly delivered a good sermon but his delivery grew worse and worse. His Charity Sermon was published for the use of the Society. Peter mentioned the weather in Albany and complained that it was not cold enough. They had nothing but Southerly and Easterly winds since the middle of January. Peter did not have the vanity to suppose he was a favorite amongst the young lady in question. He believed she knew that she was a great favorite of his. Peter attended a party at Miss Beacker’s and was delighted to find a niece of Mrs. Rutherford’s, Sally Morris, whom he had formerly known in New York. She was very tall and according to Peter, not as beautiful as she formerly was.
Mr. Williams, Mr. Gould, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Houston, Mr. Beazly, Thomas Tillotson (1751/1752 - 1832), Frederick Beasley (1777-1845), Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), Sarah Sabina Morris (1788-1878)
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, January 10, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Since Peter’s last letter, they had a terrible snow storm. Mrs. Bz. was very well and from appearances will be confined in a few months. Mr. B mentioned Susan coming to Albany and seemed to dwell upon it with pleasure. Sally Jay still occupied Peter’s thoughts although she was only 16. Her character had not yet completely formed but Peter would venture to take her for better or worse. Sally’s face was indication of one of the finest dispositions imagination could fancy. In the postscript, Peter mentioned that he was going to a son of General Schuyler’s who had ruined himself in law business.
People mentioned: Sarah Louisa Jay (1792- 1818), Robert S. and William Jay (1789-1858), General Philip Schuyler (1733-1804).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, January 21, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter set out to Easton and hid road laid through Troy and Lansingburg, two beautiful villages situated on the banks of the Hudson both of them supported by the trade they carry on with New York (which was greatly injured by the Embargo). Met with Col. Troup some days ago and had a long conversation with him about Susan. Troup enquired politely about her health &c. The Mr. Schuyler that Peter went to visit was a son of the General’s. He ruined himself with debauches, was both bankrupt in health and fortune, and lost his character for veracity. Peter went to his home regarding a promise Mr. Schuyler made with Mr. S. however, regardless of all faith he absolutely refused to follow through. Peter spent the following evening with Mrs. Banyer where he met Mr. Jacob Le Roy who informed him that Mr. Rutherford claimed Gen. Read left all of his property in America to his wife’s relations. L spoke of coming to Albany to study Law. Peter’s final evening was spent with Mrs. B. While there, James Kane came in and they began teasing him about Miss Troup. The conversation led to Mr. Le Roy teasing Sally, he asked Mr. K who her admirer was. Mr. K replied, “that is a nice question, it might implicate some of the present company.” The blood rushed to Peter’s cheeks and he felt that he should have drunk for the first time in his life. Gen. Van Courtland arrived. The reason for his visit was private business but Peter suspected that he was taking measures for the presidential election.
People mentioned: Philip Jeremiah Schuyler (1768-1835), General Philip Schuyler (1733-1804), Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), Jacob Le Roy, Mrs. Banyer, Miss Troup, James Kane, General Van Courtland, and General Read.
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, January 22, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter had just returned from Waterford, a village situated on the East side of the Mohawk. His party included Mr. and Mrs. Rodman, Messrs. Gold, Bleecker, Clarke, one of the Miss Caldwell’s, and Miss Bridgin. They traveled on a road for some distance along the Hudson whose majestic banks covered with snow and pendant icicles here and there interspersed with towns gave rise to sensations by no means unpleasing. They crossed the river over an ill built bridge about two hundred yards below the Coho’s. Peter spent eight hours at his desk on Tuesday and spent the evening in company at a Miss Bleecker’s, whom he never saw before. The room Peter spoke of was about 22 by 20 feet with a deep closet and folding doors where there was room for a large bed. Susan could indulge herself as much as she pleased in lying in bed without the fear of having to scold servants. On Thursday, the Chancellor had been in town but Peter did not see him.
People mentioned: Mr. and Mrs. Rodman, Messrs. Gold, Bleecker, Clarke, a Miss Caldwell, Miss Bridgin, and Robert R. Livingston (1746-1813).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, January 23, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter had one legislator from Richmond put into his room with whom he was not pleased with but, the Legislator moved to another room with a brother democrat and Mr. Gould from Whitestown was moved into Peter’s room. Gould was a lawyer in the Western Country and an accomplished scholar. The books Peter was reading deprived him of the pleasure of attending recitations of Latin and Greek that winter. Once Susan was comfortably settled in Albany, he would attend to those important branches of scholarship. The Lieutenant Governor arrived and Judge Livingston mentioned that Peter was there and who he was in relation to him. The river began to break up and it was a strange site, the cakes of ice piled one on the other and came pouring down carrying along with them everything in their way. Henry Ogden arrived enroute to Canada, he was taking 60 or 80 thousand dollars to make payments for furs. Peter stopped on the way to the dance for Sally [Jay], they had a charming evening and danced together a great deal. The legislator convened and the Governor made a speech with praised the magnanimity of the general government and the wisdom of Congress in laying an embargo without knowing the reason why they did it. Dewitt Clinton and Ambrose Spencer ruled New York with a high hand and as they both had hopes of ascending by Southern interest, the people of New York had to suffer for it.
People mentioned: Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), William Jay (1789 – 1858), Henry Ogden, Dewitt Clinton (1769-1828), and Ambrose Spencer (1765–1848).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, January 29, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. After Peter wrote to Susan that morning, Mr. Barber visited and gave him a letter from Susan enclosing $15 for which Peter returned his sincere thanks. Col. Rutgers was not planning on visiting Albany that winter. The piece signed “Thousands of the People” was written by Mr. Bears of Albany. Peter was unsure of the author who signed a piece “An American.” He continued to discuss the study of law in the Western Country. Peter had not seen Miss Jay except at church for a week.
People mentioned: Mr. Barber, Mr. Bears, Mr. Henry, Mr. Westerlo, Col. Troup, and Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, January 8, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter’s last letter by some unaccountable oversight in the young gentleman whose turn it was to take the letter to the post office was left on the mantel piece in his office, which would account for Susan not having received it in due time. Peter neglected to share anything about his address and proceeded to provide a sketch of its principal parts. Mentioned that he had a conversation with Mr. Beazly who requested that Susan visit Albany. Peter also discussed investments of property in Albany and mutual friends and correspondents. Mrs. Bell had not written to any of her friends as she was dealing with misfortunes. Mr. Richardson, her brother in law, put an end to his existence shortly after her arrival at Palmyra.
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, March 7, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter claimed that with the exception of being very love sick he was otherwise in good health. S. [Sally Jay] accused Peter that he paid her compliments that the innocent and amiable girl detested. He tried to convince her of his sincerity but such was her diffidence that she would not believe the truth. Peter took a walk with Sally and Miss Lansing the following day. Peter received Susan’s letter of the twenty seventh enclosing a check for one hundred and six dollars. Discussed mutual friends and acquaintances. Robert Sedgwick left Albany for New York so Peter had no one but the Jay family to associate with. People mentioned: Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), Miss Lansing, Robert Sedgwick
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, November 12, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Belvedere, Maryland to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Susan may be a little surprised to find that Peter was still in Belvedere but the kindness and hospitality he received made it difficult for him to leave. He planned to tear himself away the following morning so he could be present at the debate Monday, which he trusted would be interesting as it pertained to raising the Embargo. Peter attended a dance at Mr. Hollens where he saw a great number of beautiful woman, but none who could make him forget Sally Jay. On Tuesday, Peter dined with Mr. Barnabue where he had accepted Mr. C. Carrol’s invitation where he met Mr. and Mrs. Middleton of Carolina. Mr. Middleton informed Peter that he knew his father. The following evening, Peter dined with Mr. Harper. Thursday, he was obliged to refuse an invitation to dine with old Mr. Gilmore in consequence of an engagement with Dr. McHenry the former Secretary of War. However, John and Peter left the Dr’s. early and went to the “old Gent’s” where they met old Mr. Carrol. Planned to dine with Mr. R Gilmore who married Miss Ladson. Peter attended Mass with Mr. Barnabue who carried him to the Bishop’s who was one of the most venerable old men Peter had ever seen.
People mentioned: Henry Middleton (1770 - 1846), Charles Carroll (1737 – 1832), John Kean (1756-1795), Robert Gilmor, Sr. (1748-1822), James McHenry (1753 – 1816), and Robert Gilmor Jr. (1774–1848).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, November 14, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Washington, D.C. to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. The following letter is incomplete and appears to be missing the first five pages. The letter documents part of Peter’s travels to South Carolina and Georgia. On the 4th, Peter occupied himself on delivering letters of introduction, including one to Mr. Harper who invited Peter to a dance at his house that evening. The company was large and the ladies well dressed. The ladies of Baltimore were generally pretty and their manners were affable and polite. The character of Mr. Harper was well known, his manners were dignified yet affable. The gentlemen of Baltimore were remarkable for their hospitality & politeness to strangers. Colonel Howard fought alongside General Washington and always adhered to the principles of his Chief. Old Mr. Gilmor was an open-hearted hospitable gentleman. His son, Robert, married the daughter of Major Ladson of South Carolina was a man of refinement in his ideas and manners. Messrs. Oliver we generous open-hearted men who amassed great wealth in trade. Mr. McHenry, the former Secretary of War was extremely friendly. Baltimore was situated by the Chesapeake Bay and the city was surrounded by hills that overlooked the water beyond it for many miles. The houses were mostly two stories high and small. Fort McHenry protected the harbor of Baltimore and was situated on the South East side of the basin on a neck of land formed by the Patuxent and the bason. On the 13th, Peter left Baltimore for Washington and when he arrived, he called on Mrs. Erskin. Mr. E invited him to dine with him. The house did not take up the Embargo question for want of some documents. The Senate had been sitting with closed doors. Dr. Mitchel promised to introduce Peter to the President (Thomas Jefferson).
People mentioned: John Eager Howard (1752 – 1827), George Washington (1789 - 1797), Sarah Reeve Ladson (1790-1866), Robert Gilmor, Sr. (1748-1822), and Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, November 24, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Washington, D.C. to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter delayed writing because he was surrounded by noise and bustle and found it impossible to concentrate. Hoped that Congress would take up the Embargo question but they continued to delay it from day to day. The House was setting with closed doors over a motion of Mr. Randolph’s. Some conjecture that his propositions was to declare war against France and others and that he wished the House would disclose what was kept behind. The Mayo’s arrived on Sunday and were staying with Mr. Madison. Peter had the pleasure of seeing them twice. Peter went twice to the Palace (White House), which was a noble building but very illy furnished. President Jefferson was complaining of a tooth ache and swelled face when Peter saw him. Peter did not converse with Jefferson but if Physiognomy could be relied on, then there was no error respecting the character of our “political juggler.” Peter dined twice at Mr. Erskin’s and once with Mr. Jodostrom. Had the pleasure of meeting with W.A. Livingston, N.F. More, and Mr. Jephson of New York. Livingston, Jephson, and Peter went to Mount Vernon and spent about an hour there and returned to Alexandria for dinner.
People mentioned: James Madison (1751-1836), John Randolph (1773-1833), and Thomas Jefferson (1743 - 1826).
Places mentioned: Mount Vernon
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, November 5, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Baltimore, Maryland to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter arrived in Baltimore after a ride of two days. As soon as he arrived, he ordered a hack [hackney] to proceed to Belvedere. Just as he and Mr. Dallas were about to step into the carriage, Mr. Harpor’s nephew invited them to a dance at his uncle’s for the following evening. Mrs. H was rejoiced to see Peter and offered him a bed immediately. The Colonel and John were out, but returned within the hour. The Colonel observed that they had better send their hack back to town and take a bed there in a hospitable manner that Peter and Mr. Dallas immediately complied. Mr. Dallas planned to head to Washington soon but Peter remained in Baltimore for a few days. Mrs. H invited him to dine at her house where there was a large party given to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Miss Rebecka Hamilton of Philadelphia. Later that evening, they had a delightful dance at Mr. Harper’s where Peter met with many of his old college acquaintances and Miss Cambell, whom Peter was introduced to by Susan Ridley. Colonel and Mrs. Rodgers were amongst the guests at dinner. Peter was invited to dine at the younger Mr. Gilmore’s but had to refuse. He was introduced to his wife who was a daughter of Major Ladson. Peter made plans to dine with Miss Cambell where there was to be a party and made plans to attend an evening party at Mr. Ridgley’s. Belvedere was situated behind Baltimore and commanded a fine view of the bay and adjacent country. The house Peter stayed in was made of brick and quite large. Mrs. H had a delightful family of sweet children. Miss Chew was with her and treated Peter like an old acquaintance. Peter venture to pronounce Baltimore as the “seat of hospitality.”
People mentioned: Susan Anne Ridley Sedgwick (1788–1867), Rebecca Hamilton (1783-1842), Sarah Reeve Ladson (1790-1866), James Henry Ladson (1753 – 1812), and Robert Gilmor Jr. (1774–1848).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, October 27, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter arrived in Philadelphia after a ride of twelve hours; a little tossed and jostled. At the moment, he was sitting comfortably in Mrs. Biddle’s parlor. Mrs. B was perfectly well and in good spirits. Peter expected to stay with her until Monday.
People mentioned: Mrs. Biddle, Dr. Smith, and Mary.
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, October 27, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Richmond, Virginia to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter left Elizabethtown on the mail stage on his way to Beaufort in South Carolina and the night was stormy and cold. One of his fellow travelers, whom Peter took to be an Irishman, had recently visited Canada and informed him that Sir James Henry Craig, the Commander in Chief of his British Majesties Forces in that Country, was expending £1000 on the works of Quebec, which were so strong that they would battle all attempts to take or destroy them. From the same person, Peter learned that Chancellor Livingston had a steam boat on Lake Champlain. They arrived in Trenton around eleven o’clock. Trenton carried a great deal of business with the interior country. The bridge across the Delaware was a piece of architecture which honored its planner. Peter arrived in Philadelphia on the 28th in the morning where he met the most cordial and friendly reception imaginable from Mr. and Mrs. Biddle. In the evening, Peter had supper with Dr. Chapman. Philadelphians had been accused of coldness and want of hospitality to strangers. This charge, Peter denied. Philadelphia was perhaps the most regular city on the continent; all its street cut one another at right angles. The most notable buildings included the Bank of Pennsylvania, the Bank of the United States, Christ Church, Peale’s Museum, and the Rotunda. On the 29th, Peter dined with Colonel Biddle and later attended the ladies to Ogilvie’s Orations. Ogilvie made a great deal of noise in Philadelphia; his manner very theatrical and his style extremely entertaining. On the 30th, Peter dined with A.J. Dallas Esquire who was ranked amongst the most gentlemanly man in Philadelphia. The same day, Peter also dined with Dr. Benjamin Rush who had long been termed the “Asclepius of America;” his manners were extremely mild and gentleness beamed from his eye. Peter spent the afternoon with Mr. Calwalider where he met Richard Penn, Esquire, former Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania. On November 1st, Peter spent part of the evening with Dr. and Mrs. Chapman. While attending dinner with Mr. Dallas, he shared a story from when Mr. B was Attorney General of the State of New York. He prosecuted a man for murder who demanded some days longer before they should bring him to trial alleging, he could provide an alibi by the most respectable witness. B refused to wait and the man was tried and condemned. The next day, the witness arrived and was examined and the man’s innocence was proved. The Court recommended him to mercy and his friends were about to dispatch an express to New York with the recommendation of the Court when Mr. B observed that there was no necessity for such a step as he was heading to New York the following day and would take every measure to procure the pardon. The papers were given to him and he set out, arrived in New York and forgot his promise. The day of execution arrived and no respite came. On the 2nd, Peter left Philadelphia and documented his travels. On the 29th, Peter wrote from Richmond Virginia and wanted to share an account of Washington. The city was extremely fine being on a plane which commanded the extensive view of the Potomac and the adjacent country. Washington was divided into three parts; the Palace and its purlieus, the Capital, and the Navy Yard. The Palace was a stately building about two hundred feet in length of white stone, which at a distance resembled marble. It was two stories high with immense ceilings and resembled the Temple of Minerva at Athens. Pennsylvania Avenue lead from the President’s to the Capital. The Capital did not exist yet except in the mind of Mr. Latrobe.
People mentioned: General Sir James Henry Craig KB (1748-1812), Abigail Adams (1744-1818), Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), Benjamin Rush (1746-1813), James Ogilvie (1773–1820), Richard Penn Jr. (1735-1811), and Benjamin Henry Latrobe (1764 - 1820).
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, October 31, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter received Susan’s letter also enclosing one from Mr. Colden. Peter planned to leave Philadelphia the following day and travel by land to Baltimore. Peter dined at Mr. Dallas’s and during dinner he suggested to his son George, a friend of Peter’s, accompany him to Baltimore. His father overheard and encouraged him to go to Washington so Peter had an agreeable companion all the way. Met Mr. J. Smith and was met with the greatest kindness and attention from the Biddle family. The evening Peter arrived in Philadelphia, he dined at Dr. Chapman’s. Afterwards, he went to hear the celebrated Mr. Ogilvie delivered an oration. He passed time at Mr. Willings’s and dined at Dr. Rush’s. Mr. and Mrs. Cadwalider also treated Peter with great kindness.
People mentioned: Mr. Colden, Mrs. Dallas, Mr. J. Smith, the Biddle family, Dr. Chapman, Mr. Willings, Dr. Benjamin Rush (1746 - 1813), James Ogilvie (1773–1820), and Mr. and Mrs. Cadwalider.
Peter Kean to Susan Niemcewicz, September 27, 1808
Peter Philip James Kean
Peter Kean wrote from Albany, New York to Susan Niemcewicz in Elizabethtown, New Jersey. Peter informed Susan that he was doing well and that there was no inflammation on his face. Mrs. B.z. arrived along with the dear girl Peter loved. Sorry to find Susan out in the storm and hoped she got over her fatigue. Miss Jay spoke of traveling by boat the following week and Peter thought he would accompany her. Mrs. Bell and Margaret would not be able to visit Susan as they had business in the Western Country to attend to.
People mentioned: Mrs. B.z., Sarah Louisa Jay (1792-1818), Mrs. Bell, and Margaret.
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