Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2016

The Historical Sources of Tree Graphs and the Tree Method in the Work of Peirce and Gentzen, Irving H. Anellis and Francine F. Abeles

Multi-round Master-Worker Computing: A Repeated Game Approach, Antonio Fernandez Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, Miguel A. Mosteiro, and Daniel Pareja

Implementation of quiet time for noise reduction on a medical-surgical unit, Diane Applebaum, Oriana Calo, and Kathleen Neville

Power-efficient assignment of virtual machines to physical machines, Jordi Arjona Aroca, Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Christopher Thraves, and Lin Wang

Kleine-Levin syndrome: An overview and relevance to nursing practice, Jacqueline M. Arnone and Richard P. Conti

Online banking: A comparative study of Chinese and Saudi customers perceptions of service quality, Mahmood A. Awan, Habib Ullah Khan, and Ho Han Chiang

Foreign languages, Karin Beck

The early Church in the late Middle Ages Nicolas de Clamanges and the Ecclesia primitiva, Christopher M. Bellitto

Reforming the Church before modernity: Patterns, problems and approaches, Christopher M. Bellitto and Louis I. Hamilton

Social enterprise and work integration of North Korean migrants in South Korea, Eric Bidet and Bok Gyo Jeong

The Mason-Dixon survey at 250 years: Recent investigations, Janine Black and Barry Arkles

Investigation of social cognitive career theory for minority recruitment in school psychology, Joel O. Bocanegra, Aaron A. Gubi, and Kevin J. Cappaert

Overlap syndrome: Obstructive sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Ilana Borukhov and Denise Rizzolo

The short story visualized: Adaptations and screenplays, Linda Costanzo Cahir

Counting in practical anonymous dynamic networks is polynomial, Maitri Chakraborty, Alessia Milani, and Miguel A. Mosteiro

VPER - A Visual HelPER Device for the Visually Impaired Users, Christine P. Chen, Leila Z. Huang, Tiffany Y. Tang, Relic Y. Wang, and Pinata Winoto

Facebook traffic pattern analytics, C. Chen, J. Iglasias, X. Lin, J. J. Li, P. Morreale, and Linda Ness

Validity and reliability of HOP-Up: A questionnaire to evaluate physical activity environments in homes with preschool-aged children, Carolyn Cheng, Jennifer Martin-Biggers, Virginia Quick, Kim Spaccarotella, and Carol Byrd-Bredbenner

Factors affecting the formation and reformation of ethnic identity: A study of the psychological well-being of Chinese immigrant adolescents, Jennifer J. Chen

Exploring the effect of perceived distance on sharing of crisis information in social media, Rongjuan Chen

The effect of fluency on review helpfulness: Does it depend on perspective-taking?, Rongjuan Chen and Yasuaki Sakamoto

Coculture assays to study macrophage and microglia stimulation of glioblastoma invasion, Salvatore Coniglio, Ian Miller, Marc Symons, and Jeffrey E. Segall

The role of psychological flexibility in injury rehabilitation, Jessica J. DeGaetano, Andrew T. Wolanin, Donald R. Marks, and Shiloh M. Eastin

Designing a secure e-health network system, Gabriel De Luca, Morgan Brattstrom, and Patricia Morreale

Interactive visual cluster detection in large geospatial datasets based on dynamic density volume visualization, Fei Du, A. Xing Zhu, and Feng Qi

Tropical Crustose coralline algal individual and community responses to elevated pCO2 Under high and low irradiance, Elizabeth Dutra, Marguerite Koch, Katherine Peach, and Carrie Manfrino

Being-in-the-world of the trauma patient: A Heideggerian perspective, Assumpta Ekeh

Contextual presentation and navigation of historical artifacts in a digital library design, Joseph R. Galindo and Patricia A. Morreale

Sensory modulation treatment on a psychiatric inpadient unit: Results of a pilot program, Jennifer Gardner

Assessment of anxiety disorders, PTSD, OCD, and depression in young children, Adrienne Garro

Assessment of sleeping, feeding/eating, and attachment problems in early childhood, Adrienne Garro

Early childhood assessment: An integrative framework, Adrienne Garro

Early childhood assessment in school and clinical child psychology, Adrienne Garro

The theory of planned behavior and chinese esl students’ in-class participation, Davide Girardelli and Vijay K. Patel

World health organization member states and open health data: An observational study, Charles J. Greenberg and Sangeeta Narang

Scribblers and scriveners: Poe, Melville's Bartleby, and antebellum literary New York, John Gruesser and Travis Montgomery

Characterization of Class F Fly Ash Using STXM: Identifying Intraparticle Heterogeneity at Nanometer Scale, J. Ha, S. Chae, K. W. Chou, T. Tyliszczak, and P. J.M. Monteiro

Autophagy, M. A. Hayat

Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection, and Aging, M. A. Hayat

Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection, and Aging, M. A. Hayat

Brain Metastases from Primary Tumors: Epidemiology, Biology, and Therapy of Melanoma and Other Cancers, M. A. Hayat

Introduction, M. A. Hayat

Overview of Autophagy, M. A. Hayat

Overview of Autophagy, M. A. Hayat

Overview of Autophagy, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Evaluating the effect of the adoption of English as the default language on a homepage for a university in a non-English speaking university, Han Chiang Ho, Ling Ling Lee, and Ben K. Agyei-Mensah

A cost-efficient design for microarray image system, Ching Yu Huang

A new multilayer hierarchy model for classifying weighted data point: SNP genotype calls, Ching Yu Huang

A web-based, self-controlled mechanism to support students learning SQL, Ching Yu Huang and Patricia A. Morreale

Lessons from Aristotle: All things in moderation, Melina Hughes and Virginia Fitzsimons

The training of New Jersey emergency service first responders in autism awareness, Edward Kelly and Connie Hassett-Walker

Health Literacy Concepts in Nursing Education, Deborah K. Kennard

Arabidopsis thaliana as bioindicator of fungal VOCs in indoor air, Samantha Lee, Richard Hung, Guohua Yin, Maren A. Klich, Casey Grimm, and Joan W. Bennett

Volatile organic compounds emitted by trichoderma species mediate plant growth, Samantha Lee, Melanie Yap, Gregory Behringer, Richard Hung, and Joan W. Bennett

From ‘Cinderella’ to ‘Beloved Princess’: The Evolution of Early Childhood Education Policy in China, Hui Li, Weipeng Yang, and Jennifer J. Chen

Clouds for Hit-and-Run Wireless Attacks, J. Jenny Li, Fenando Neto, and Jingchio Liou

Optimization of analog circuits via simulation and a Lagrangian-type gradient-based method, Eunji Lim, Youngmin Kim, and Jaehyouk Choi

A study of the internet privacy in private browsing mode, Jing Chiou Liou, Mohanapriya Logapriyan, Te Wei Lai, Daniel Pareja, and Sean Sewell

A study of biometric feature for a recall-based behavioral graphical mobile authentication, Jing Chiou Liou and Andrew Scaduto

Biochemical and behavioral effects of PDE10A inhibitors: Relationship to target site occupancy, Yu Wen Li, Matthew A. Seager, Trevor Wojcik, Karen Heman, Thaddeus F. Molski, Alda Fernandes, Shaun Langdon, Annapurna Pendri, Samuel Gerritz, Yuan Tian, Yang Hong, Lizbeth Gallagher, James R. Merritt, Chongwu Zhang, Ryan Westphal, Robert Zaczek, John E. Macor, Joanne J. Bronson, and Nicholas J. Lodge

Comparing android app permissions, Jason K. Macduffie and Patricia A. Morreale

Reliability and validity of measures of impulsive choice and impulsive action in smokers trying to quit, Danielle E. McCarthy, Krysten W. Bold, Haruka Minami, Vivian M. Yeh, Emily Rutten, Shruti G. Nadkarni, and Gretchen B. Chapman

Aluminum toxicity risk reduction as a result of reduced acid deposition in Adirondack lakes and ponds, Toby M. Michelena, Jeremy L. Farrell, David A. Winkler, Christine A. Goodrich, Charles W. Boylen, James W. Sutherland, and Sandra A. Nierzwicki-Bauer

A faster counting protocol for anonymous dynamic networks, Alessia Milani and Miguel A. Mosteiro

A life cycle assessment and economic analysis of the Scum-to-Biodiesel technology in wastewater treatment plants, Dongyan Mu, Min Addy, Erik Anderson, Paul Chen, and Roger Ruan

Structuralistic analysis of the poem “The Stone Chat” by Taufeeq Rafat in perspective of binary opposition, Bushra Munawar and Hina Rafique

Role of adsorption phenomena in cubic tricalcium aluminate dissolution, Rupert J. Myers, Guoqing Geng, Jiaqi Li, Erich D. Rodríguez, Juyoung Ha, Pinit Kidkhunthod, Garrison Sposito, Laura N. Lammers, Ana Paula Kirchheim, and Paulo J.M. Monteiro

Social engineering for security attacks, Jennifer Nelson, X. Lin, C. Chen, J. Iglesias, and J. J. Li

Validation of the Nurses' Perception of Patient Rounding Scale: An Exploratory Study of the Influence of Shift Work on Nurses' Perception of Patient Rounding, Kathleen Neville, Courtney Dibona, and Maureen Mahler

Building competitive advantage with flexible collaborative networks, Hamid Noori and Adrian Tan

Niche dynamics of shorebirds in Delaware Bay: Foraging behavior, habitat choice and migration timing, Ivana Novcic

Molecular analysis of amphipods in the diets of migrating shorebirds, Ivana Novcic, Richard R. Veit, David S. Mizrahi, and William O.C. Symondson

Ranking of bankruptcy prediction models under multiple criteria, Jamal Ouenniche, Mohammad M. Mousavi, Bing Xu, and Kaoru Tone

Is stakeholder orientation relevant for European firms?, Vijay K. Patel, Scott C. Manley, Joseph F. Hair, O. C. Ferrell, and Torsten M. Pieper

Staring Out to Sea and the Transformative Power of Oral History for Undergraduate Interviewers, Abigail Perkiss

What's race got to do with it? Preservice teachers and white racial identity, Terri Peters, Marcia Margolin, Kristi Fragnoli, and Diane Bloom

Reconstructing renewable energy: Making wind and solar power dispatchable, reliable and efficient, Eric L. Prentis

A Reevaluation of Alcuin’s Disputatio de rhetorica et de virtutibus as Consular Persuasion: The Context of the Late Eighth Century Revisited, Shawn Ramsey

The Political Economy and Complex Interdependency of the War System in Syria, Nazih Richani

Creating the practical man of modernity: The reception of John Dewey's pedagogy in Mexico, Victor J. Rodriguez

Intelligent Data Mining for Translator Correctness Prediction, Yulia Rossikova, J. Jenny Li, and Patricia Morreale

The dynamics of deliberate and unintentional amnesia in narrative sensemaking and enaction of resilience: A case study of four Rwandan narratives of genocide survival, Seif Sekalala

Tetracycline uptake and metabolism by vetiver grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides L. Nash), Aparupa Sengupta, Dibyendu Sarkar, Padmini Das, Saumik Panja, Chinmayi Parikh, Dilrukshi Ramanathan, Susan Bagley, and Rupali Datta

Robotic pet therapy in long-term care, Traci Sicurella and Virginia Fitzsimmons

College students and credit card companies: Implications of attitudes, Shweta Singh, David H. Rylander, and Tina C. Mims

Accounting for risk in the traditional RFM approach, Shweta Singh and Sumit Singh

Remix as professional learning: Educators’ iterative literacy practice in clmooc, Anna Smith, Stephanie West-Puckett, Christina Cantrill, and Mia Zamora

Development of a measure of adjudicative competency: The New Jersey competency assessment tool (NJ-CAT), Rebecca Smith-Casey, Andrew Wolanin, Edward J. Dougherty, and David Brandwein

The Child Welfare Cartel, Redux, David Stoesz

Susu: Capitalizing development from the bottom up, David Stoesz, Isabella Gitau, Richard Rodriguez, and Frank Thompson

Corporatism and big pharma, David Stoesz, Myra Robinson, Yomaira Carrero-Iglesia, Desiree Curry, Tylencia Selph, and Rebecca Sidoti

Helping neuro-typical individuals to "read" the emotion of children with Autism Spectrum disorder: An internetof-things approach, Tiffany Y. Tang

I should not recommend it to you even if you will like it: The ethics of recommender systems, Tiffany Ya Tang and Pinata Winoto

Engaging chinese children with autism to interact with portable hand-and finger-gesture based applications: Experiment and reflections, Tiffany Y. Tang, Mary Falzarano, and Patricia A. Morreale

“One doesn’t fit all”: A comparative study of various finger gesture interaction methods, Tiffany Y. Tang, Maldini Yifan He, and Vince Lineng Cao

Human aspects of making recommendations in social and ubiquitous networking environments, Tiffany Y. Tang and Olga C. Santos