Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2017

Impromptu speech gamification for ESL/EFL students, Davide Girardelli

“Crossing the Rubicon”: Understanding Chinese EFL students’ volitional process underlying in-class participation with the theory of planned behaviour, Davide Girardelli, Vijay K. Patel, and Janine Martins-Shannon

What roles do Chinese health sciences libraries play in their nation's cigarette smoking public health crisis?, Charles J. Greenberg, Lin Wu, Zhou Xuyu, Feng Yutong, and Chen Bodong

Multi-GPU implementation and performance optimization for CSR-based sparse matrix-vector multiplication, Ping Guo and Changjiang Zhang

Performance optimization for SpMV on multi-GPU systems using threads and multiple streams, Ping Guo and Changjiang Zhang

Hg(II) reduction by siderite (FeCO3), Juyoung Ha, Xiuhong Zhao, Riqing Yu, Tamar Barkay, and Nathan Yee

Why Consumers Hesitate to Shop Online: Perceived Risk and Product Involvement on, Min Chung Han and Youjeong Kim

How Does Early Adulthood Arrest Alter Substance use Behavior? Are There Differential Effects by Race/Ethnicity and Gender?, Connie Hassett-Walker, Katrina Walsemann, Bethany Bell, Calley Fisk, Mark Shadden, and Weidan Zhou

Autophagy: Cancer, other pathologies, inflammation, immunity, infection, and aging, M. A. Hayat

Immunology: Immunotoxicology, Immunopathology, and Immunotherapy, M. A. Hayat

Overview of Autophagy, M. A. Hayat

Overview of autophagy, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Recommending highlights in Anime movies: Mining the real-time user comments 'DanMaKu', Yifan He and Tiffany Y. Tang

The effect of emotion in an ultimatum game: The bio-feedback evidence, Yifan He and Tiffany Y. Tang

Detangling consumer attitudes to better explain co-branding success, Han Chiang Ho, Nora Lado, and Pilar Rivera-Torres

A Critical Analysis of the Changing Landscape of Early Childhood Education in Mainland China: History, Policies, Progress, and Future Development, Xiumin Hong and Jennifer J. Chen

Assessing chronic stroke survivors with aphasia sheds light on prevalence of spatial neglect, Kimberly Hreha, Claire Mulry, Melissa Gross, Tarah Jedziniak, Natanya Gramas, Leora Ohevshalom, Alisha Sheridan, Gretchen Szabo, Christina Davison, and A. M. Barrett

An innovative proposal for young students to learn computer science and technology through Pokemon go, Ching Yu Huang

An online medical image management system, Ching Yu Huang, Reuben Hernandez, Shean Ballesteros, and Xiaoding Lin

The recommender system for a cloud-based electronic medical record system for regional clinics and health centers in China, Sunhao Hu, Lu Lu, Xinbin Jin, Yinyin Jiang, Haowen Zheng, Qiufan Xu, Fangfang Cai, Yu Meng, and Changjiang Zhang

Parental Involvement Among Middle-Income Latino Parents Living in a Middle-Class Community, Rafael Inoa

Right Time, Right Place, Fredda Jackson and Virginia Fitzsimons

A practical procedure for collecting morevolatile information in live investigation of botnet attack, Yashar Javadianasl, Azizahabd Manaf, and Mazdak Zamani

South Korea: Government Directed Social Enterprise Development: Toward a New Asian Social Enterprise Country Model, Bokgyo Jeong

The effect of shareholder activism on bondholders and stockholders, Surendranath Jory, Thanh Ngo, and Jurica Susnjara

Taxonomy of filtering based illumination normalization for face recognition, Sasan Karamizadeh, Shahidan M. Abdullah, Jafar Shayan, Zamani Mazdak, and Parham Nooralishahi

Face recognition via taxonomy of illumination normalization, Sasan Karamizadeh, Shahidan M. Abdullah, Mazdak Zamani, Jafar Shayan, and Parham Nooralishahi

SmartPA: An electronic solution for secure prior authorization processing, Ramandeep Kaur, Patricia Morreale, and Marvin Andujar

Influences of Creative Personality and Working Environment on the Research Productivity of Business School Faculty, Kihwan Kim and Suk Bong Choi

Athletes with disabilities in the Paralympic Games: a framing analysis of television news, Kyoung T. Kim, Soonhwan Lee, and Eung Soo Oh

Matthews Model of Clinical Reasoning: A Systematic Approach to Conceptualize Evaluation and Intervention, Laurie Knis Matthews, Claire M. Mulry, and Lynne Richard

An Annotated Translation of Fu on Pomegranate in Yiwen Leiju, Xurong Kong

Common Factors Contributing to the Adjustment Process of Mothers of Children Diagnosed With Down Syndrome: A Qualitative Study, Hannah Korkow-Moradi, Hye Jin Kim, and Nicole P. Springer

Real-time ultrasound-guided thoracentesis, Rachel Krackov and Denise Rizzolo

“Beyond EFL writing anxiety”: Tapping into the individual emotionality of proficient EFL writers through semi-structured analysis and wearable sensing technology, Luciana Lew and Tiffany Y. Tang

Evolution of the early childhood curriculum in China: the impact of social and cultural factors on revolution and innovation, Hui Li and Jennifer J. Chen

Different Problems, Same Themes: A Summary of This Book, Hui Li, Eunhye Park, and Jennifer J. Chen

Preface: from ‘sound bites’ to sound solutions: Advancing the policies for better early childhood education in asia pacific, Hui Li, Eunhye Park, and Jennifer J. Chen

Predicting information popularity: A study of sina weibo, Jilei Lin, Yipei Huang, Ying Gao, and Rongjuan Chen

Investigating remote driving over the LTE network, Ruilin Liu, Daehan Kwak, Srinivas Devarakonda, Kostas Bekris, and Liviu Iftode

Digital holographic image reconstruction and GPU acceleration, Danielle Lopez, Ivan Mazo, and Shuqun Zhang

Delphi Study to Determine Rehabilitation Research Priorities for Older Adults With Cancer, Kathleen Doyle Lyons, Mary Vining Radomski, Catherine M. Alfano, Marsha Finkelstein, Alix G. Sleight, Timothy F. Marshall, Raymond McKenna, and Jack B. Fu

Tax policy and sourcing strategy - A social welfare perspective, Hma Ma and Ziping Wang

The influence of food restriction on the small bowel: Does intensive short-term food restriction lead to weight loss?, P. Makovicky, E. Tumova, Z. Volek, P. Makovicky, J. M. Arnone, I. Svecova, and G. Samasca

Teaching clergy and religious, Donald R. Marks and Christine D. Moriconi

A Basic ApoE-Based Peptide Mediator to Deliver Proteins across the Blood-Brain Barrier: Long-Term Efficacy, Toxicity, and Mechanism, Yu Meng, Jennifer A. Wiseman, Yuliya Nemtsova, Dirk F. Moore, Jenieve Guevarra, Kenneth Reuhl, William A. Banks, Richard Daneman, David E. Sleat, and Peter Lobel

From the Editor, Esther Menn, Susan K. Wood, Derek C. Hatch, Brian Flanagan, Peter A. Pettit, Christopher Bellitto, Lynn Cohick, and Russel Murray

Bureaucracy and bureaucrats, Patricia Moore

Environmental and economic analysis of an in-vessel food waste composting system at Kean University in the U.S., Dongyan Mu, Naomi Horowitz, Maeve Casey, and Kimmera Jones

Life cycle assessment and nutrient analysis of various processing pathways in algal biofuel production, Dongyan Mu, Roger Ruan, Min Addy, Sarah Mack, Paul Chen, and Yong Zhou

Preemptive home modifications for fall prevention and facilitating participation in older adults in PACE program, Claire Mulry, Jennifer Gardner, Holly Hardaway, Kimberly Zissler-Syers, Kelly Scimeca, Christopher M. Curcio, Monica Shah, and Louis Herrera

A Pilot Study to Examine the Relationship between Napping and Fatigue in Nurses Practicing on the Night Shift, Kathleen Neville, Gillian Velmer, Shari Brown, and Nancy Robol

The Appeal of Social Accelerators: What do Social Entrepreneurs Value?, Sheela Pandey, Saurabh Lall, Sanjay K. Pandey, and Sucheta Ahlawat

Design a novel electronic medical record system for regional clinics and health centers in China, Lijun Pan, Xiaoting Fu, Fangfang Cai, Yu Meng, and Zhang Changjiang

A compact electronic medical record system for regional clinics and health centers in China: Design and its application, Lijun Pan, Xiaoting Fu, Fangfang Cai, Yu Meng, and Changjiang Zhang

Strategies to improve academic achievement in secondary school students: Perspectives on grit and mindset, Susan Polirstok

Understanding medulloblastoma, Alyssa Quinlan and Denise Rizzolo

Sustainable Structures, Saglinda H. Roberts and Rob Fleming

Doctors, silly poor women, and Rebel Whores: The gendering of conscience in foxe's acts and monuments, Marsha S. Robinson

Writing the reformation: Acts and Monuments and the Jacobean history play, Marsha S. Robinson

A comprehensive android evidence acquisition framework, Amir Sadeghian and Mazdak Zamani

Polyphasic characterization of the thermotolerant cyanobacterium Desertifilum sp. strain IPPAS B-1220, Maria A. Sinetova, Kenzhegul Bolatkhan, Roman A. Sidorov, Kirill S. Mironov, Alexandra N. Skrypnik, Elena V. Kupriyanova, Bolatkhan K. Zayadan, Maria Shumskaya, and Dmitry A. Los

An exploration of the mediators between childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence, Elizabeth J. Smyth, Frank L. Gardner, Donald R. Marks, and Zella E. Moore

Coping humor as a mediator between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: A study on chinese primary school teachers, Peizhen Sun, Jennifer J. Chen, and Hongyan Jiang

Design and implementation of an intelligent biology vocabulary learning cloud system for college students, Qiming Sun, Changjiang Zhang, and Yu Meng

Emotion recognition via face tracking with RealSense 3D camera for children with autism, Tiffany Y. Tang, Guanxing Chen, and Pinata Winoto

“The sum of all our feelings! ”: Sentimental analysis on Chinese autism sites, Tiffany Y. Tang, Relic Yongfu Wang, and Carl Guangxing Chen

On active sharing and responses to joint attention bids by children with autism in a loosely coupled collaborative play environment, Tiffany Y. Tang, Pinata Winoto, and Aonan Guan

On modeling the evolving emotion on literature, Tiffany Y. Tang and Lotus Xinhe Zhou

Understanding the Reading Process: One Path to Strengthening Classroom Instruction, Diane H. Tracey

Literacy development as social practice in the lives of four working- class women, Gail G. Verdi and Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth

Stochastic comparison in MRL ordering for parallel systems with two exponential components, Jiantian Wang

Answer to an open problem on mean residual life ordering of parallel systems under multiple-outlier exponential models, Jiantian Wang and Bin Cheng

The effect of monetary reward on creativity: The role of motivational orientation, Kai Wang and Patricia J. Holahan

A literature review on individual creativity support systems, Kai Wang and Jeffrey V. Nickerson

Combining Ideas in Crowdsourced Idea Generation, Kai Wang, Hui Wang, and Yu Tao

Traumatology Trends: A Content Analysis of Three Counseling Journals From 1994 to 2014, Jane M. Webber, Robert Kitzinger, Julia K. Runte, Carol M. Smith, and J. Barry Mascari

The brassinosteroid receptor BRI1 can generate cGMP enabling cGMP-dependent downstream signaling, Janet I. Wheeler, Aloysius Wong, Claudius Marondedze, Arnoud J. Groen, Lusisizwe Kwezi, Lubna Freihat, Jignesh Vyas, Misjudeen A. Raji, Helen R. Irving, and Chris Gehring

A highly customizable parent-child word-learning mobile game for chinese children with autism, Pinata Winoto, Vince Lineng Cao, and Esther Mingyue Tang

A multi-user tabletop application to train children with autism Social attention coordination skills without forcing eye-gaze following, Pinata Winoto and Tiffany Y. Tang

“Thinking in pictures?" Performance of chinese children with autism on math learning through eye-tracking technology, Pinata Winoto, Tiffany Y. Tang, Zeqian Huang, and Piao Chen

A New Universal Cycle for Permutations, Dennis Wong

An update on the pharmacologic management and treatment of neuropathic pain, Megan E. Wright and Denise Rizzolo

Goal Development Practices of Physical Therapists Working in Educational Environments, Kimberly D. Wynarczuk, Lisa A. Chiarello, and Catherine L. Gohrband

Introduction to the Special Issue of “Digital Collection Metadata & Internet Discovery”, Le Yang and Joy M. Perrin

An all-in-one model: Computer simulation of population genetics and evolution under Hardy-Weinburg conditions, Jiangyue Yan, Zhang Changjiang, and Meng Yu

Global kitchen project: Promoting healthy eating habits and developing 21st century skills among children through a flipped classroom model, Melda N. Yildiz, Altagracia Petela, and Brianne Mahoney

Removing the Effect of Soil Moisture Content on Hyperspectral Reflectance for the Estimation of Soil Organic Matter Content, Lei Yu, Yong Sheng Hong, Ya Xing Zhu, Peng Huang, Qi He, and Feng Qi

Chinese paleontology and the reception of Darwinism in early twentieth century, Xiaobo Yu

Distilling the elements of "Networked Narratives" with digital alchemy, Mia Zamora

Assessing the risk of probiotic dietary supplements in the context of antibiotic resistance, Min Zheng, Ruijia Zhang, Xuechen Tian, Xuan Zhou, Xutong Pan, and Aloysius Wong

An improved Adam algorithm using look-ahead, An Zhu, Yu Meng, and Changjiang Zhang

Seed re-dispersal of four myrmecochorous plants by a keystone ant in central China, Yan Zhu, Dong Wang, and Sylvio G. Codella

Submissions from 2016

Introduction, Francine F. Abeles and Mark E. Fuller

Brazilian MNEs in Africa: Do they have competitive advantage?, Kinfu Adisu and Laudo M. Ogura

Authentication in mobile cloud computing: A survey, Mojtaba Alizadeh, Saeid Abolfazli, Mazdak Zamani, Sabariah Baaaharun, and Kouichi Sakurai

Online banking in an emerging market: Evidence from Saudi Arabia, Husam Aldin Nizar Al-Malkawi, Somkiat Mansumitrchai, and Mohammed Al-Habib

The Authentic Artistic Process: Implications to Deterring Aggression, Bullying, and Violence in Adolescents, Joseph Amorino