Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2015

Sport marketing and non profit marketing - perfect together, David Shani

Sports Marketing and Interactive Media: A Match Made in Heaven, David Shani and Dennis Sandler


Message from plato: Expanding our nursing horizons, Brenda L. Snow and Virginia Fitzsimons

Girls learning computer science principles with after school games, Carolee Stewart-Gardiner, Gail Carmichael, Elisabeth Gee, and Lorri Hopping

A clinical nurse's perspective on Magnet® recognition: Is your staff prepared?, Carisa Sulkowski

Flow of Second Grade Fluid between two Walls Induced by Rectified Sine Pulses Shear Stress, Q. Sultan, M. Nazar, I. Ahmad, and U. Ali




Information revelation for better or worse recommendation: Understanding Chinese users’ privacy attitudes and practices, Tiffany Y. Tang

Recommender systems in social and online learning environments, Tiffany Ya Tang, Ben K. Daniel, and Cristõbal Romero

Supporting collaborative play via an affordable touching + singing plant for children with autism in China, Tiffany Y. Tang, Relic Yongfu Wang, Yuhui You, Leila Zeqian Huang, and Christine Piao Chen

Alone Together: Multiplayer online ball passing using Kinects - An experimental study, Tiffany Y. Tang and Yongfu Wang

Having fun over a distance: Supporting multiplayer online ball passing using multiple sets of Kinect, Tiffany Y. Tang, Pinata Winoto, and Relic Yongfu Wang

Alone Together: A multiplayer augmented reality online ball passing game, Tiffany Y. Tang, Pinata Winoto, and Yongfu Wang

Supporting multiplayer online ball passing at a distance with multiple sets of Kinect, Tiffany Y. Tang, Pinata Winoto, and Yongfu Wang

Brotherhood of no return: A queer reading of Niu Chen-Zer's Monga, Chialan Sharon Wang

Supply chain scheduling with receiving deadlines and non-linear penalty, Gang Wang, Lei Lei, and Kangbok Lee

A comprehensive result on stochastic comparison for parallel systems in terms of hazard rate order, J. Wang

A stochastic comparison result about hazard rate ordering of two parallel systems comprising of geometric components, Jiantian Wang

Stochastic comparison of component allocation policies in two-parallel-series systems, Jiantian Wang

A note on allocation policy in two-parallel-series and two-series-parallel systems with respect to likelihood ratio order, Jiantian Wang and Henry Laniado

On likelihood ratio ordering of parallel system with two exponential components, Jiantian Wang and Henry Laniado

School-Based interventions for adolescents with social anxiety disorder, Carrie Masia Warner, Daniela Colognori, Chad Brice, and Amanda Sanchez

Leadership competencies to reduce health disparities, Yvonne Wesley

From market place to collusion detection: Case studies of gamification in education, Pinata Winoto and Tiffany Y. Tang

Sensory substitution to enable the visually impaired to play an affordable wearable mobile game, Pinata Winoto and Tiffany Y. Tang

Depression in athletes: Prevalence and risk factors, Andrew Wolanin, Michael Gross, and Eugene Hong

A Study on a Decentralized SaaS Business Model, Jinyi Wu, Pinata Winoto, and Woojin Paik

Rule-based fuzzy classifier based on quantum ant optimization algorithm, Jue Wu, Lei Yang, Tianrui Li, Changjiang Zhang, and Zhihui Li

A strategic analysis of mixed channel structure: Retail store ownership, Xiaowei Linda Zhu, Xingxing Zu, Lei Zhu, and Huafan Ma

An observational study exploring academic mentorship in physical therapy, Genevieve Pinto Zipp, Catherine Maher, and Mary Falzarano

Submissions from 2014

Chiò's and Dodgson's determinantal identities, Francine F. Abeles

Nineteenth Century British Logic on Hypotheticals, Conditionals, and Implication, Francine F. Abeles

Pharmacogenomics: The path to individualised patient care, Mark R. Adelung and Virginia M. Fitzsimons

Adolescents may be older than we think: Today 25 is the new 18, or Is It?, Jacqueline M. Arnone

Power-efficient assignment of virtual machines to physical machines, Jordi Arjona Aroca, Antonio Fernández Anta, Miguel A. Mosteiro, Christopher Thraves, and Lin Wang

Fourier transform microwave and millimeter-wave spectroscopy of bromoiodomethane, CH2BrI, S. Bailleux, D. Duflot, K. Taniguchi, S. Sakai, H. Ozeki, T. Okabayashi, and W. C. Bailey

On the generators of cyclic codes over Zmof any length n, Louis Beaugris

They're sufferin' the same things we're sufferin': Ideology and Racism in the Federal Theatre Project's the Sun Rises in the West, Amy Brady

To market, to market-2013, Joanne Bronson, Amelia Black, Murali Dhar, Bruce Ellsworth, and J. Robert Merritt

The quality of teachers’ interactive conversations with preschool children from low-income families during small-group and large-group activities, Jennifer J. Chen and Sonja de Groot Kim

Web-Age Information Management: WAIM 2014 International Workshops: BigEM, HardBD, DaNoS, HRSUNE, BIDASYS Macau, China, June 16–18, 2014 Revised Selected Papers, Yueguo Chen, Wolf Tilo Balke, Jianliang Xu, Wei Xu, Peiquan Jin, Xin Lin, Tiffany Tang, and Eenjun Hwang

A qualitative examination of the impact of culturally responsive educational practices on the psychological well-being of students of color, Blaire Cholewa, Rachael D. Goodman, Cirecie West-Olatunji, and Ellen Amatea

Algorithmic mechanisms for reliable master-worker internet-based computing, Evgenia Christoforou, Antonio Fernández Anta, Chryssis Georgiou, and Miguel A. Mosteiro

Oxidation of Hg(0) to Hg(II) by diverse anaerobic bacteria, Matthew J. Colombo, Juyoung Ha, John R. Reinfelder, Tamar Barkay, and Nathan Yee

The undergraduate "consulting classroom": Field, research, and practicum experiences, Paul J. Croft and Juyoung Ha

Dynamic windows scheduling with reallocation, Martín Farach-Colton, Katia Leal, Miguel A. Mosteiro, and Christopher Thraves

The Relationship Between Anger, Childhood Maltreatment, and Emotion Regulation Difficulties in Intimate Partner and Non-Intimate Partner Violent Offenders, Frank L. Gardner, Zella E. Moore, and Melissa Dettore

Rectifying Misconceptions: A Comprehensive Response to “Some Concerns About the Psychological Implications of Mindfulness: A Critical Analysis”, Frank L. Gardner, Zella E. Moore, and Donald R. Marks

Message from the IWPD 2014 workshop organizers, Sudipto Ghosh, J. Jenny Li, W. Eric Wong, and T. H. Tse

Identifying bias in CCR1 antagonists using radiolabelled binding, receptor internalization, β-arrestin translocation and chemotaxis assays, A. Gilchrist, T. D. Gauntner, A. Fazzini, K. M. Alley, D. S. Pyen, J. Ahn, S. J. Ha, A. Willett, S. E. Sansom, J. L. Yarfi, K. A. Bachovchin, M. R. Mazzoni, and J. R. Merritt

Design of a mobile ad hoc network communication app for disaster recovery, Allan Goncalves, Carlos Silva, and Patricia Morreale

Crowdsourcing for public safety, Allan Goncalves, Carlos Silva, Patricia Morreale, and Jason Bonafide

Do female sex offenders receive preferential treatment in criminal charging and sentencing?, Connie Hassett-Walker, Thomas Lateano, and Michael Di Benedetto

One point of view, Eric Hayat

Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection, and Aging, M. A. Hayat

Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection, and Aging, M. A. Hayat

Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection, and Aging, M. A. Hayat

Brain Metastases from Primary Tumors: Epidemiology, Biology, and Therapy, M. A. Hayat

Introduction to Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection, and Aging, Volume 4, M. A. Hayat

Introduction to Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection and Aging, Volumes 1-4, M. A. Hayat

Introduction to Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection and Aging, Volumes 1-4. Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infection and Aging, Volumes 1-4., M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Tumor dormancy, quiescence, and senescence: Aging, cancer, and noncancer pathologies, M. A. Hayat

Tumor dormancy, quiescence, and senescence, volume 2: Aging, cancer, and noncancer pathologies, M. A. Hayat

Handling abnormal microarray images, Ching Yu Huang

What role can teacher education programs play in making inquiry based learning an instructional norm?, Robin James, Bonnie Rabe, and Dina Rosen

A consistent orbital stability analysis for the GJ 581 system, David A. Joiner, Cesar Sul, Diana Dragomir, Stephen R. Kane, and Monika E. Kress

Re-discovering and re-creating African American historical accounts through mobile apps: The role of mobile technology in history education, La Garrett J. King, Christina Gardner-McCune, Penelope Vargas, and Yerika Jimenez

Re-defining Genocide: Locality Context, Dennis Klein

From town hall to the virtual community: Engaging the public with Web 2.0 and social media applications, Kathryn Kloby and Leila Sadeghi

Dynamic Multiple-Message broadcast: Bounding throughput in the affectance model, Dariusz R. Kowalski, Miguel A. Mosteiro, and Tevin Rouse

Finding directions to a good GPS system: A comparative analysis and development of a predictive model, James Landy, Tatiana Lopez, Nkemjika Ndee, Pimpisa Predaswad, Eyobin Lozano, and Patricia Morreale

Enhancing computer science programming courses to prepare students for software engineering, J. Jenny Li and Patricia Morreale

Detecting DoS attacks on notification services, J. Jenny Li and Tony Savor

On convergence rates of convex regression in multiple dimensions, Eunji Lim

A single-factor dynamic authentication for computer systems with touch screens, Jing Chiou Liou and Jack Conway

An evaluation to compare software product line decision model and feature model, Liana B. Lisboa, J. Jenny Li, P. Morreale, D. Heer, and D. M. Weiss

Carbon emissions and the cost of capital: Australian evidence, Yongqing Li, Ian Eddie, and Jinghui Liu

"Enriching your Relationship": A concept in the tradition of Virginia Satir in the light of empirical research, Sharon Loeschen and Dasa Jendrusakova

First record of the basslet Gramma dejongi outside of Cuba, K. E. Lohr, E. F. Camp, and C. Manfrino

Family breakfast: Autism awareness month, Jennifer Long

Information leakages and the costs of merging in Europe, Jeff Madura, Thanh Ngo, and Jurica Susnjara

Becoming bilingual, Nidhi Mahendra and Mahchid Namazi

Managing family conflict over career decisions: The experience of Asian Americans, Pei Wen Winnie Ma, Uttara Desai, Login S. George, Alyssa A.San Filippo, and Samantha Varon

Come and get it! A discussion of family mealtime literature and factors affecting obesity risk, Jennifer Martin-Biggers, Kim Spaccarotella, Amanda Berhaupt-Glickstein, Nobuko Hongu, John Worobey, and Carol Byrd-Bredbenner

Redesigning student's thinking processes through advanced discussion forums, Janine Martins-Shannon and Jason J. Ghibesi

The Effects of the Conversion of a Primary to a Secondary Tropical Lowland Forest on Bullet ant (Paraponera clavata) Foraging Behavior in Costa Rica: A Possible Indicator of Ecosystem Condition, Kathleen M. McGee and William Eaton

Finding the needle in the image stack: Performance metrics for big data image analysis, Kieran Miller and Patricia Morreale

Game-based cognitive-behavioral therapy individual model (GB-CBT-IM) for child sexual abuse: A preliminary outcome study, Justin Misurell, Craig Springer, Lina Acosta, Lindsay Liotta, and Amy Kranzler

Mindfulness and Performance, Zella E. Moore and Frank L. Gardner

Scleroderma and evidence based non-pharmaceutical treatment modalities for digital ulcers: A systematic review, M. E. Moran

Visual and spatial data integration in mobile application design, Patricia Morreale, Allan Goncalves, Daniel Church, Steven Holtz, Joshua Lisojo, Nathaly Lozano, Carlos Silva, and Jason Bonafide