Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2013

Modulating the inflammatory properties of activated microglia with Docosahexaenoic acid and Aspirin, Lauren K. Pettit, Christopher Varsanyi, James Tadros, and Evros Vassiliou

Tracking and visualization of space-time activities for a micro-scale flu transmission study, Feng Qi and Fei Du

Trajectory data analyses for pedestrian space-time activity study, Feng Qi and Fei Du

Looking beyond the SRM to high-resolution MS paradigm shift for DMPK studies, Dil M. Ramanathan

Metabolites in Safety Testing, Ragu Ramanathan and Dil M. Ramanathan

Improving the patient experience through bedside shift report, Donna M. Reinbeck and Virginia Fitzsimons

English as a second language, Jessie M. Reppy

Cooperative links energize New Jersey ESL/Bilingual professionals, Jessie M. Reppy and Elaine Coburn

Physician orders, Chuck Reuter and Virginia Fitzsimons

Native-American languages, Jon Reyhner, Louise Lockard, and Judith W. Rosenthal

Systems of violence: The political economy of war and peace in Colombia, Second Edition, Nazih Richani

The narcobourgeoisie and state making in Colombia: More coercion, less democratic governance, Nazih Richani

Bilingual (dual language) programs, Judith W. Rosenthal

Handbook of undergraduate second language education, Judith W. Rosenthal

Shared concerns and new directions, Judith W. Rosenthal

Gustation, olfaction, and deglutition, Carmel Ryan and Thomas Hummel

Presupposition Compatibility Facilitates Treatment Fidelity in Therapists Learning Structural Family Therapy, William J. Ryan, Richard P. Conti, and George M. Simon

Foreword, Mike Searson

Developing a measure of risk adjusted revenue (RAR) in credit cards market: Implications for customer relationship management, Shweta Singh, B. P.S. Murthi, and Erin Steffes

Creation of an Innovative Sustainability Science Undergraduate Degree Program: A 10-Step Process, Nicholas J. Smith-Sebasto and Daniela J. Shebitz

An annotated information source for university-level second language educators, Trudy Smoke and Judith W. Rosenthal

Academic-clinician partnerships: A model for outcomes research, Karen A. Stern

Market-Supporting Institutions, Gild Organisations, and the Industrial Revolution: A Comparative View, Li Tan

Confronting the real, construing reality: Artistic vision and gaze in Jia Zhangke's 24 City, Chialan Sharon Wang

Revisit Kaplan-Meier estimator in estimating QAL survival distributions, J. Wang and Y. Li

The Long Reconstruction: The Post-Civil War South in History, Film, and Memory, Frank J. Wetta and Martin A. Novelli

An integrative hierarchical stepwise sampling strategy for spatial sampling and its application in digital soil mapping, Lin Yang, A. Xing Zhu, Feng Qi, Cheng Zhi Qin, Baolin Li, and Tao Pei

Fostering global literacies among pre-service teachers through innovative transdisciplinary projects, Melda N. Yildiz and Belinha S. De Abreu

A Silurian placoderm with osteichthyan-like marginal jaw bones, Min Zhu, Xiaobo Yu, Per Erik Ahlberg, Brian Choo, Jing Lu, Tuo Qiao, Qingming Qu, Wenjin Zhao, Liantao Jia, Henning Blom, and You'An Zhu

Submissions from 2012

Toward a visual proof system: Lewis Carroll's method of trees, Francine F. Abeles

Influencing Preservice Teachers' Attitudes About Working With Low-Income and/or Ethnic Minority Families, Ellen S. Amatea, Blaire Cholewa, and Kacy A. Mixon

The fall of ancient Rome and modern U.S. immigration: Historical model or political football?, Frank Argote-Freyre and Christopher M. Bellitto

Adolescents with celiac disease: A literature review of the impact developmental tasks have on adherence with a gluten-free diet, Jacqueline Arnone and Virginia Fitzsimons

Calculated and experimental rotational spectra of 3,3,3-trifluoro- and 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoropropionyl chloride, W. C. Bailey, R. A. Powoski, and S. A. Cooke

Introduction, Christopher M. Bellitto and David Zachariah Flanagin

Reassessing Reform: A historical investigation into church renewal, Christopher M. Bellitto and David Zachariah Flanagin

Deep-sea and pelagic rod visual pigments identified in the mysticete whales, Nicole Bischoff, Benjamin Nickle, Thomas W. Cronin, Stephani Velasquez, and Jeffry I. Fasick

Evidence-based mentoring across the educational spectrum: Introduction to the special issue, Jennifer Block-Lerner

Unique roles for students in practitioner-focused doctoral programs: Mentoring practices for an evolving landscape, Jennifer Block-Lerner, Kelly S. McClure, Frank L. Gardner, and Andrew T. Wolanin

An examination of stress, coping, and adaptation in nurses in a recovery and monitoring program, Marie Katherine Bowen, Kathleen P. Taylor, Ulanda Marcus-Aiyeku, and Cheryl A. Krause-Parello

New Literacy Narratives: Stories about Reading and Writing in a Digital Age, Sally Chandler and John Scenters-Zapico

Parenting styles and practices among Chinese immigrant mothers with young children, Jennifer Jun Li Chen, Tianying Chen, and Xiao Xian Zheng

The Mediating Role of Perceived Parental Warmth and Parental Punishment in the Psychological Well-Being of Children in Rural China, Jennifer Jun Li Chen and Xiaodong Liu

Examining the relational processes of a highly successful teacher of African American children, Blaire Cholewa, Ellen Amatea, Cirecie A. West-Olatunji, and Ashley Wright

Historical changes in the severity of dementia and accompanying neuropsychiatric symptoms in persons presenting for evaluation in a multiracial urban dementia center, Carl I. Cohen, Sharon E. McKenzie, Morteza Rahmani, Jasvir Singh, and Everton Prospere

Self-Disclosure and Mental Health Service Use in Socially Anxious Adolescents, Daniela Colognori, Petra Esseling, Catherine Stewart, Philip Reiss, Feihan Lu, Brady Case, and Carrie Masia Warner

Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow's Technologies, Paulette Dilworth, Ana Donaldson, Marshall George, Don Knezek, Mike Searson, Kendall Starkweather, Marilyn Strutchens, John Tillotson, and Sharon P. Robinson

The impact of Pentaclethra macroloba on soil microbial nitrogen fixing communities and nutrients within developing secondary forests in the Northern Zone of Costa Rica, W. D. Eaton, C. Anderson, E. F. Saunders, J. B. Hauge, and D. Barry

Characterization of soil ecosystems in Costa Rica using microbial community metrics, W. D. Eaton and O. Chassot

Differences in soil moisture, nutrients and the microbial community between forests on the upper Pacific and Caribbean slopes at Monteverde, Cordillera de Tilaran: Implications for responses to climate change, William D. Eaton, Melanie Roed, Olivier Chassot, and Dwight Barry

Perceptions of Mentoring of Full-Time Occupational Therapy Faculty in the United States, Mary Falzarano and Genevieve Pinto Zipp

Mode locking in the few-femtosecond regime using waveguide arrays and the coupled short-pulse equations, Edward Farnum and J. Nathan Kutz

Coping with the lionfish invasion: Can targeted removals yield beneficial effects?, Thomas K. Frazer, Charles A. Jacoby, Morgan A. Edwards, Savanna C. Barry, and Carrie M. Manfrino

Special issue on psychophysiology and neuroscience in sport: Final thoughts, Frank L. Gardner

Mindfulness and acceptance models in sport psychology: A decade of basic and applied scientific advancements, Frank L. Gardner and Zella E. Moore

Using wellness recovery action plan and sensory-based intervention: A case example, Jennifer Gardner, Valerie Dong-Olson, Anthony Castronovo, Megan Hess, and Kelly Lawless

Considering college?: Adolescents with autism and learning disorders participate in an on-campus service-learning program, Jennifer Gardner, Claire M. Mulry, and Sandee Chalik

Factirs related to type of companion pet owned by older women, Elsie E. Gulick and Cheryl A. Krause-Parello

Implications of land management on soil microbial communities and nutrient cycle dynamics in the lowland tropical forest of Northern Costa Rica, K. Hafich, E. J. Perkins, J. B. Hauge, D. Barry, and W. D. Eaton

Financial Liberalization and Foreign Bank Entry on the Domestic Banking Performance in MENA Countries, M. Kabir Hassan, Benito Sanchez, Geoffrey M. Ngene, and Ali Ashraf

Race, Social Class, Communication, and Accusations: The Duke University Lacrosse Team Party, Connie Hassett-Walker

Introduction, M. A. Hayat

One point of view, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface, M. A. Hayat

Preface and introduction, M. A. Hayat

Preface and introduction, volume 8: Tumors of the central nervous system, M. A. Hayat

Stem cells and cancer stem cells, volume 1: Stem cells and cancer stem cells, therapeutic applications in disease and injury: Volume 1, M. A. Hayat

Stem cells and cancer stem cells, volume 2: Stem cells and cancer stem cells: Therapeutic applications in disease and injury, M. A. Hayat

Stem cells and cancer stem cells, volume 3: Stem cells and cancer stem cells, therapeutic applications in disease and injury: Volume 3, M. A. Hayat

Stem cells and cancer stem cells, volume 4: Therapeutic applications in disease and injury, M. A. Hayat

Stem cells and cancer stem cells, volume 5: Therapeutic applications in disease and injury, M. A. Hayat

Stem cells and cancer stem cells, volume 6: Therapeutic applications in disease and injury, M. A. Hayat

Tumors of the central nervous system: Astrocytomas, hemangioblastomas, and gangliogliomas, M. A. Hayat

Tumors of the central nervous system Volume 4: Brain tumors (Part 2), M. A. Hayat

Tumors of the central nervous system, volume 7: Meningiomas and schwannomas, M. A. Hayat

Tumors of the central nervous system, volume 8: Astrocytoma, medulloblastoma, retinoblastoma, chordoma, craniopharyngioma, oligodendroglioma, and ependymoma, M. A. Hayat

Tumors of the central nervous system, volume 9: Lymphoma, supratentorial tumors, glioneuronal tumors, gangliogliomas, neuroblastoma in adults, astrocytomas, ependymomas, hemangiomas, and craniopharyngiomas, M. A. Hayat

General introduction, M. A.Eric Hayat

One Point of View, M. A.Eric Hayat

Preface, M. A.Eric Hayat

Tumors of the central nervous system, volume 6: Spinal tumors (part 1), M. A.Eric Hayat

Privacy preserving maximum-flow computation in distributed graphs, Xiaoyun He, Jaideep Vaidya, Basit Shafiq, and Nabil Adam

Applications of computational science: Data-intensive computing for student projects, Jessica Howard, Omar Padron, Patricia Morreale, and David Joiner

Scales and technical efficiencies in Middle East and North African (MENA) micro financial institutions, M. Kabir Hassan, Benito Sanchez, and Geoffrey Ngene

The Impact of CMS Quality on the Outcomes of E-learning Systems in Higher Education: An Empirical Study, Kihyun Kim, Silvana Trimi, Hyesung Park, and Shanggeun Rhee

From town hall to the virtual community: Engaging the public with web 2.0 and social media applications, Kathryn Kloby and Leila Sadeghi

Cultural Lens on Mental Illness: Four Clients Share Their Perspectives, Laurie Knis-Matthews, Lynne Richard, Michele Moccia, Vishwa Patel, Stephanie Salomone, and Leslie Stein

Pet Ownership and Older Women: The Relationships Among Loneliness, Pet Attachment Support, Human Social Support, and Depressed Mood, Cheryl A. Krause-Parello

Human-canine interaction: Exploring stress indicator response patterns of salivary cortisol and immunoglobulin A, Cheryl A. Krause-Parello, Joanna Tychowski, Andres Gonzalez, and Zakiya Boyd

The Politics of Battle: Washington, the Army, and the Monmouth Campaign, Mark Edward Lender

When the software goes beyond its requirements - A software security perspective, Jing Chiou Liou

Chinese Migrant Women in the Sex Industry: Exploring Their Paths to Prostitution, Min Liu