Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2009

Postpartum depression and African American women: The cultural context, Valera A. Hascup

Glocal knowledge networks in the development of India's outsourced software sector, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Using WordNet synonym substitution to enhance UMLS source integration, Kuo Chuan Huang, James Geller, Michael Halper, Yehoshua Perl, and Junchuan Xu

B2B green marketing and innovation theory for competitive advantage, Heikki Karjaluoto and Valerie L. Vaccaro

Research funding: where to begin?, Cheryl A. Krause-Parello

Bedbugs: An equal opportunist and cosmopolitan creature, Cheryl A. Krause-Parello and Patricia Sciscione

Alliance portfolios and patent output: The case of biotechnology alliances, Joseph P. McGill and Michael D. Santoro

Alliances and governance in biotechnology: Firm level effects on performance, Joseph P. McGill and Michael D. Santoro

Methodology for successful undergraduate recruiting in computer science at comprehensive public universities, Patricia Morreale, Stan Kurkovsky, and George Chang

Methodology for successful undergraduate recruiting in computer science at comprehensive public universities, Patricia Morreale, Stan Kurkovsky, and George Chang

Street CORNERS: Real-time contextual representation of sensor network data for environmental trend identification, Patricia Morreale, Feng Qi, Paul Croft, George Chang, Justin Czarnik, Nick Doell, Jhon Espin, and Ryan Suleski

System design and analysis of a web-based application for sensor network data integration and real-time presentation, Patricia Morreale and Ryan Suleski

The Neighborhood Auditing Tool: A hybrid interface for auditing the UMLS, C. Paul Morrey, James Geller, Michael Halper, and Yehoshua Perl

Incorporating current research, wikis, and discussion lists in a mathematics capstone course, Revathi Narasimhan

School nurses and childhood obesity: An investigation of knowledge and practice among school nurses as they relate to childhood obesity, Colleen Nauta, Claire Byrne, and Yvonne Wesley

A comparison of coping strategies used by parents of children with disabilities and parents of children without disabilities, Angela Paster, David Brandwein, and Joanne Walsh

Transition from early intervention to preschool special education services: Family-centered practice that promotes positive outcomes, Mara Cohen Podvey and Jim Hinojosa

Do we know what common sense is and, can we improve it if we don't?, Erwin Rausch

A viewpoint: common sense and belief formation, Erwin Rausch and Charles Anderson

Entering dubious realms: Grover Krantz, science, and sasquatch, Brian Regal

Innovations in early childhood teacher education: Reflections on practice: Developmentally appropriate technology use and early childhood teacher education, Dina B. Rosen and Candace Jaruszewicz

Integrating concrete and virtual manipulatives in early childhood mathematics, Dina Rosen and Jo Hoffman

A sensitive coupled HPLC/electrospray mass spectrometry assay for SPM-1 metallo-β-lactamase inhibitors, Peggy A. Sanchez, Jeffrey H. Toney, Janice D. Thomas, and John M. Berger

A class-wide phylogenetic assessment of Dothideomycetes, C. L. Schoch, P. W. Crous, J. Z. Groenewald, E. W.A. Boehm, T. I. Burgess, J. de Gruyter, G. S. de Hoog, L. J. Dixon, M. Grube, C. Gueidan, Y. Harada, S. Hatakeyama, K. Hirayama, T. Hosoya, S. M. Huhndorf, K. D. Hyde, E. B.G. Jones, J. Kohlmeyer, Å Kruys, Y. M. Li, R. Lücking, H. T. Lumbsch, L. Marvanová, J. S. Mbatchou, A. H. McVay, A. N. Miller, G. K. Mugambi, L. Muggia, M. P. Nelsen, P. Nelson, and C. A. Owensby

The responses of preschoolers with cochlear implants to musical activities: A multiple case study, Lyn E. Schraer-Joiner and Lily Chen-Hafteck

Strategies for Working with Children with Cochlear Implants, Lyn Schraer-Joiner and Manuela Prause-Weber

Ecological and cultural significance of burning beargrass habitat on the olympic peninsula, washington, Daniela Joy Shebitz, Sarah Hayden Reichard, and Peter W. Dunwiddie

Educating gerontologists for cultural proficiency in end-of-life care practice, Gary L. Stein, Patricia A. Sherman, and Karen Bullock

Distribution and evolution of variable group-I introns in the small ribosomal subunit of North Atlantic Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta), Brian W. Teasdale, Andrew West, Anita S. Klein, and Arthur C. Mathieson

Old drugs resurrected?, J. D. Thomas, J. G. Moloughney, and J. H. Toney

Advancing human rights through science, Jeffrey H. Toney

Purposeful learning with drug repurposing, Jeffrey H. Toney, Jeffry I. Fasick, Sonal Singh, Chris Beyrer, and David J. Sullivan

Multinational firms' leadership role in corporate social responsibility in Latin America, Gladys Torres-Baumgarten and Veysel Yucetepe

Impact of the Internet on interorganizational relationships, Silvana Trimi, Silvana Faja, and Shanggeun Rhee

Full-day, half-day, and no preschool: Effects on urban children's first-grade reading achievement, Joy E. Valenti and Diane H. Tracey

Oleic acid and peanut oil high in oleic acid reverse the inhibitory effect of insulin production of the inflammatory cytokine TNF- both in vitro and in vivo systems, Evros K. Vassiliou, Andres Gonzalez, Carlos Garcia, James H. Tadros, Goutam Chakraborty, and Jeffrey H. Toney

Working-class women academics: Four socio-linguistic journeys, Gail Grace Verdi and Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth

Endosomal lipid accumulation in NPC1 leads to inhibition of PKC, hypophosphorylation of vimentin and Rab9 entrapment, Marc Walter, Fannie W. Chen, Farshad Tamari, Rong Wang, and Yiannis A. Ioannou

The determinants of supply chain alliance performance: An empirical study, J. Yang

The antecedents of dyadic quality performance and its effect on buyer-supplier relationship improvement, Jie Yang, Christina W.Y. Wong, Kee hung Lai, and Alfred Ngome Ntoko

Occurrence and effects of leader delegation in virtual software teams, Suling Zhang, Marilyn Tremaine, Rich Egan, Allen Milewski, Patrick O'sullivan, and Jerry Fjermestad

Delegation in global software teams: leading or managing?, Suling Zhang, Marilyn Tremaine, Allen E. Milewski, and Felix Köbler

Managing stochastic inventory systems with free shipping option, Bin Zhou, Michael N. Katehakis, and Yao Zhao

Stem sarcopterygians have primitive polybasal fin articulation, Min Zhu and Xiaobo Yu

Submissions from 2008

Dodgson condensation: The historical and mathematical development of an experimental method, Francine F. Abeles

An occurrence at glen rock classroom educators learn more about teaching and learning from the arts, Joseph S. Amorino

Theory and simulation of passive multifrequency mode-locking with waveguide arrays, Brandon G. Bale, Edward Faraům, and J. Nathan Kutz

Dynamics of multifrequency mode-locking driven by homogenous and inhomogenous gain broadening effects, Brandon G. Bale, J. Nathan Kutz, and Edward D. Farnum

Activity: "i now pronounce you ⋯ wife and wife?", Consuelo Bonillas

Preserving accuracy in GenBank, Thomas D. Bruns, Meredith Blackwell, Ivan Edwards, Andy F.S. Taylor, Thomas Horton, Ning Zhang, Urmas Kõljalg, Georgiana May, Thomas W. Kuyper, James D. Bever, Gregory Gilbert, John W. Taylor, Todd Z. DeSantis, Anne Pringle, James Borneman, Greg Thorn, Mary Berbee, Gregory M. Mueller, Gary L. Andersen, Else C. Vellinga, Sara Branco, Ian Anderson, Ian A. Dickie, Peter Avis, Sari Timonen, Rasmus Kjøller, D. J. Lodge, Richard M. Bateman, Andy Purvis, Pedro W. Crous, and Christine Hawkes

Shelley's sun temple in Prometheus Unbound, Cynthia Cavanaugh

Pulling the river: The interactions of local and global influences in chinese early childhood music education, Lily Chen-Hafteck and Zhuoya Xu

Grade-level differences: Relations of parental, teacher and peer support to academic engagement and achievement among Hong Kong students, Jennifer Jun Li Chen

Small molecules targeting histone H4 as potential therapeutics for chronic myelogenous leukemia, C. James Chou, Michelle E. Farkas, Sherry M. Tsai, David Alvarez, Peter B. Dervan, and Joel M. Gottesfeld

Growth arrest of BCR-ABL positive cells with a sequence-specific polyamide-chlorambucil conjugate, C. James Chou, Thomas O'Hare, Sophie Lefebvre, David Alvarez, Jeffrey W. Tyner, Christopher A. Eide, Brian J. Druker, and Joel M. Gottesfeld

Automated comparative auditing of NCIT genomic roles using NCBI, Barry Cohen, Marc Oren, Hua Min, Yehoshua Perl, and Michael Halper

Harmonizing research, practice, and policy in early childhood music: A chorus of international voices (part 2), Lori A. Custodero and Lily Chen-Hafteck

Making sense of agreement among interferon-gamma release assays and tuberculosis skin testing, Amy L. Davidow and M. Affouf

Girls on the sidelines: “Gendered” development in early childhood classrooms, Sonja de Groot Kim

Latin and cross Latin squares, Emanuel Emanouilidis

Multifrequency mode-locked lasers, Edward D. Farnum and J. Nathan Kutz

Discovery of benzisoxazoles as potent inhibitors of chaperone heat shock protein 90, Ariamala Gopalsamy, Mengxiao Shi, Jennifer Golas, Erik Vogan, Jaison Jacob, Mark Johnson, Frederick Lee, Ramaswamy Nilakantan, Roseann Petersen, Kristin Svenson, Rajiv Chopra, May S. Tam, Yingxia Wen, John Ellingboe, Kim Arndt, and Frank Boschelli

Cancer Imaging, M. Hayat

Brown in black and white-then and now: A question of educating or sporting African American males in America, Samuel R. Hodge, Louis Harrison, Joe W. Burden, and Adrienne D. Dixson

Supercomputer based laboratories and the evolution of the personal computer based laboratory, David A. Joiner, Robert M. Panoff, Paul Gray, Tom Murphy, and Charlie Peck

Education, outreach, and training for high-performance computing, David Joiner, Charles Peck, Thomas Murphy, and Paul Gray

Beliefs, fertility, and earnings of African American, Hispanic, and non-Hispanic white mothers, Jacqueline M. Keil and C. Andr Christie-Mizell

The meaning of higher education for people diagnosed with a mental illness: Four students share their experiences, Laurie Knis-Matthews, Josephine Bokara, Lorena DeMeo, Nicole Lepore, and Lauren Mavus

Designing cognitive stimulating environments for infants and toddlers, David Kopec

Loneliness in the school setting., Cheryl A. Krause-Parello

The mediating effect of pet attachment support between loneliness and general health in older females living in the community, Cheryl A. Krause-Parello

Skilled Labor: Help Wanted! Print Media Academy, Heidelberg USA, Larry Kroll, Harvey Levenson, Ted Ringman, Dean Flowers, Harry V. Quadracci, Brian Regan, Tim Fischer, and Greg D'amico

Making science accessible in the lives of nonscience majors using POGIL and project-based learning, A. Bryan Lees

Impact of behavioral performance management in a Korean application, Fred Luthans, Shanggeun Rhee, Brett C. Luthans, and James B. Avey

Addressing hemiplegia in children with cerebral palsy, Scott Matthews, Craig Kaufmann, and Laurie Knis-Matthews

Working with gay men from a narrative counseling perspective: A case study, Ron McLean and Irmo Marini

Lower Devonian invertebrate trace fossils from the Oriskany formation northwestern New Jersey, Robert Metz

Middle devonian trace fossils from the onondaga formation, delaware water gap national recreation area, new jersey, Robert Metz

Guidelines for effective bridging in global software engineering, Allen E. Milewski, Marilyn Tremaine, Richard Egan, Suling Zhang, Felix Köbler, and Patrick O'Sullivan

Guidelines for effective bridging in global software engineering, Allen E. Milewski, Marilyn Tremaine, Felix Köbler, Richard Egan, Suling Zhang, and Patrick O'Sullivan

Managing knowledge for new product performance in the high technology industry, Rui Mingjie, Yang Jie, Joe Hutchinson, and Wang Jinjun

Detecting role errors in the gene hierarchy of the NCI thesaurus, Hua Min, Barry Cohen, Michael Halper, Marc Oren, and Yehoshua Perl

Street corners: Architecture for correlation of networked environmental sensors, Patricia A. Morreale

Transitioning from a Community College to a Four-Year University, Patricia Morreale, George Chang, and Lee Wittenberg

The reversal of technology, Julia Nevárez

Evidence-based practice: Creating a spirit of inquiry to solve clinical nursing problems, Kathleen Neville and Shirley Horbatt

Knowledge discovery from area-class resource maps: Capturing prototype effects, Feng Qi, A. Xing Zhu, Tao Pei, Chengzhi Qin, and James E. Burt

Evolving Role of Mass Spectrometry in Drug Discovery and Development, Dil M. Ramanathan and Richard M. Lelacheur

Amateur versus professional: the search for Bigfoot, Brian Regal

Exploring connections between theory and practice: Stories from fieldwork supervisors, Lynne F. Richard

Impact of Case-Based Instruction on Student Teachers' Reflection on Facilitating Children's Learning, Dina Rosen

Web 2.0: A new generation of learners and education, Dina Rosen and Charles Nelson

Using weighted directed graphs for test path selection, Jack Ryder

Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax) on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Autecology and population status, Daniela Joy Shebitz, Sarah Hayden Reichard, and Wolde Woubneh

Big payoffs possible for small-molecule screening, Jeffrey H. Toney

Bone marrow-derived dendritic cells generated in the presence of resolvin E1 induce apoptosis of activated CD4+ T cells, Evros K. Vassiliou, Olga M. Kesler, James H. Tadros, and Doina Ganea

On the diameter of Wenger graphs, Raymond Viglione

Martingale approach to nonparametric estimation of lifetime distribution under different censoring mechanisms, Jiantian Wang

Small-sample studies on right censored data with discrete failure times, Jiantian Wang

Antecedents and consequences of knowledge management strategy: The case of Chinese high technology firms, Jie Yang