Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2003

Consumer satisfaction with Speech-Language pathology services in university clinics: Implications for student supervision, Monica Gordon Pershey and Sheree Reese

Cross-linking proteins to show complex formation a laboratory that visually demonstrates calmodulin binding to calmoudlin kinase II, Angela R. Porta

The involvement of Ca2+ gradients, Ca2+ fluxes, and CaM kinase II in polarization and germination of Silvetia compressa zygotes, Rongsun Pu and Kenneth R. Robinson

Guidelines for management and leadership decision, Erwin Rausch

Distance dependence of electron transfer across peptides with different secondary structures: The role of peptide energetics and electronic coupling, Yeung gyo K. Shin, Marshall D. Newton, and Stephan S. Isied

Workplace violence: A focus on verbal abuse and intent to leave the organization, Laura Sofield and Susan W. Salmond

Swallowing and Gastrointestinal Concerns, Kenneth G. Swan, Marta S. Kazandjian, and Anne E. Gulyas

On the Ramsey number of the quadrilateral versus the book and the wheel, Kung Kuen Tse

Rational function spaces, Kung Kuen Tse

Promoting Latino child and family welfare: Strategies for strengthening the child welfare system, Ruth E. Zambrana and Doris Capello

Designing metaschemas for the UMLS enriched semantic network, Li Zhang, Yehoshua Perl, Michael Halper, and James Geller

Submissions from 2002

E-Administrator: A Case Study of a Web-Enabled Student Administration System, Thomas Abraham

Partitioning the UMLS semantic network, Zong Chen, Yehoshua Perl, Michael Halper, James Geller, and Huanying Gu

Testing evolutionary hypotheses in the classroom with MacClade software, Sylvio G. Codella

Desiccation of Pinus foliage induced by conifer sawfly oviposition: Effect on egg viability, Sylvio G. Codella and Kenneth F. Raffa

Spinning new tales from traditional texts: Donna jo napoli and the rewriting of fairy tale, Hilary S. Crew

A proposed approach to design an efficient program in industrial technology, Mohamed Gadalla

Evaluation and application of a semantic network partition, James Geller, Yehoshua Perl, Michael Halper, Zong Chen, and Huanying Gu

Ravitch and reform: Should Left Back be Left Back?, William W. Goetz

Interactions between natural selection, recombination and gene density in the genes of Drosophila, Jody Hey and Richard M. Kliman

Flexible grouping strategies in the multiage classroom, Jo Hoffman

Hidden evolution: Progress and limitations in detecting multifarious natural selection, Norman A. Johnson and Richard M. Kliman

Black youths and illegal drugs, Janice Joseph and Patricia G. Pearson

Single nucleotide polymorphism seeking long term association with complex disease, Brian W. Kirk, Matthew Feinsod, Reyna Favis, Richard M. Kliman, and Francis Barany

Returning to school: An alternative to ‘traditional’ education, Dawn Kozlowski

Using online learning in a traditional face-to-face environment, Dawn Kozlowski

The commercial enigma: Beginnings of machine cryptography, Louis Kruh and Cipher Deavours

Using OODB modeling to partition a vocabulary into structurally and semantically uniform concept groups, Li Min Liu, Michael Halper, James Geller, and Yehoshua Perl

Nonmarine Cretaceous Protovirgularia: Possible dragonfly larva tracemaker, Robert Metz

All in the family?: It's time to tap schools for the next generation of printing pros, Bruce L. Myers

The cohesive metaschema: A higher-level abstraction of the UMLS Semantic Network, Yehoshua Perl, Zong Chen, Michael Halper, James Geller, Li Zhang, and Yi Peng

Using diversity among biomedical scientists as a teaching tool a positive effect of role modeling on minority students, Angela R. Porta

Topic avoidance: Is this the way to a more satisfying relationship?, Jack Sargent

Relation of test-specific motivation and anxiety to test performance, Lisa F. Smith and Jeffrey K. Smith

Mothers' helping behaviors during children's at-home oral-reading practice: Effects of children's reading ability, children's gender, and mothers' educational level, Diane H. Tracey and John W. Young

Finding approximate patterns in undirected acyclic graphs, Jason T.L. Wang, Kaizhong Zhang, George Chang, and Dennis Shasha

Submissions from 2001

The undergraduate seminar in mathematics — Opportunity and challenge, Barry J. Arnow

Calculation of 14N and 35CL quadrupole coupling constants on optimized molecular structures of pyrimidine, 2-X- and 5-X-pyrimidine, with X = F, Cl, Br, and CN, W. C. Bailey

HF-DFT calculations of 14N and 35Cl quadrupole coupling constants on optimized molecular structures of pyridine and the monochloropyridines, W. C. Bailey

Calculation of 14N and 33S quadrupole coupling constants on optimized molecular structures of thiazole, William C. Bailey

Variations on sibling intimacy in old age, Victoria Hilkevitch Bedford and Paula Smith Avioli

Culturally congruent end-of-life care for jewish patients and their families, Denise Bonura, Mary Fender, Maria Roesler, and Dula F. Pacquiao

Precise environmental searches: Integrating hierarchical information search with EnviroDaemon, G. Chang, G. Samtani, M. Healey, F. Kurfess, and J. Wang

A metaschema of the UMLS based on a partition of its semantic network., M. H. Halper, Z. Chen, J. Geller, and Y. Perl

Micron: Editorial, M. A. Hayat

Foreign development of China's motor vehicle industry, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Encouraging Active Student Participation, Heather Stokes Huby

Restructuring R & D: The case of Korea, Youn Suk Kim and Hyeng Keun Koo

Differences in (G + C) content between species: A commentary on Forsdyke's "chromosomal viewpoint" of speciation, Richard M. Kliman, Bryan T. Rogers, and Mohamed A.F. Noor

Comparing vendor discounts for firm orders: Fixed vs. Sliding, Hui Min Kuo

The influence of presentation format and viewer training in the visual arts on the perception of pictorial and aesthetic qualities of paintings, Paul J. Locher, Jeffrey K. Smith, and Lisa F. Smith

Ritual transformation through Michael Jackson's music video, Christopher Lynch

Going Home: A Therapist’s Personal Journey, Kit S. Ng

"Staying strong": How low-income rural african americam women manage their menopausal changes, Elisha Nixon, Phyllis Kernoff Mansfield, Linda A. Kittell, and Sandra L. Faulkner

Evolutionary history of microsatellites in the obscura group of Drosophila, Mohamed A.F. Noor, Richard M. Kliman, and Carlos A. Machado

State drug control spending and illicit drug participation, Henry Saffer, Frank J. Chaloupka, and Dhaval Dave

The convergence of the particle method for the Vlasov-Poisson system with equally spaced initial data points, Stephen Wollman, Ercument Ozizmir, and Revathi Narasimhan

Child abuse and neglect referral patterns: A longitudinal study, Isabel Wolock, Patricia Sherman, Leonard H. Feldman, and Barbara Metzger

A primitive sarcopterygian fish with an eyestalk, Min Zhu, Xiaobo Yu, and Per E. Ahlberg

Submissions from 2000

Density functional theory and Hartree-Fock-density functional theory calculations of 17O, 33S, and 73Ge quadrupole coupling constants, W. C. Bailey, F. M. Gonzalez, and J. Castiglione

DFT and HF-DFT calculations of 14N quadrupole coupling constants in molecules, William C. Bailey

Positive consequences of sibling conflict in childhood and adulthood, Victoria Hilkevitch Bedford, Victoria Hilkevitch Bedford, Brenda L. Volling, Paula Smith Avioli, and Karen L. Fingerman

Intrafamily secrets in various family configurations: A communication boundary management perspective, John P. Caughlin, Tamara D. Golish, Loreen N. Olson, Jack E. Sargent, Jeff S. Cook, and Sandra Petronio

Dynamic properties of bacteriorhodopsin exposed to ultrashort light pulses, A. Fonarev, A. L. Milkaelian, B. V. Kryzhanovsky, and V. K. Salakhutdinov

Letters to the Editor, Pearl Greenberg

Representing the UMLS as an object-oriented database: Modeling issues and advantages, Huanying Gu, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller, Michael Halper, Li Min Liu, and James J. Cimino

Bearing Witness: Rape, Female Resistance, Male Authority and the Problems of Gender Representation in Popular Indian Cinema, Nira Gupta-Cassale

Reviewing electronic reference sources: A preconference organized by the RUSA codes materials reviewing committee, Hui Min Kuo

Surveying faculty book selection in a comprehensive university library, HuiMin Kuo

Young children make maps!, Rosalyn Lenhoff and Lynn Huber

Fostering client-agency relationships: A business buying behavior perspective, J. David Lichtenthal and David Shani

“The hidden group”: The role of group dynamics in teaching health education, Susan Mac Laury

Teaching Prevention by Infusing Health Education into Advisory Programs, Susan MacLaury

Ancestral horseshoe crab (suborder Synziphosurina) from the Bloomsburg Red Beds (Upper Silurian) of Northwestern New Jersey, R. Metz

Triassic trace fossils from lacustrine shoreline deposits of the Passaic Formation, Douglassville, Pennsylvania, Robert Metz

Differences in Reading Performance Between Students with and without Learning Disabilities Using the Woodcock Diagnostic Reading Battery, Teresa Oettinger Montani, Patricia Frawley, and Lisa F. Smith

Developing a school portfolio: A tool for staff development, Judith A. Pack and Michael E. Knight

Making a cell physiology teaching laboratory more like a research laboratory: Teaching biology as biology is done, Angela R. Porta

The dreaded oral presentation, Rebecca L. Rosner

Measuring market distortion: International comparisons, policy and competitiveness, Bruce M. Skoorka

Submissions from 1999

A "classic" revisited: Students' immediate and delayed evaluations of a warm/cold instructor, Elisha Babad, Henry Kaplowitz, and John Darley

Managing Cyber Security Vulnerabilities in Large Networks, Edward S. Chang, Aridaman K. Jain, David M. Slade, and S. Lee Tsao

Benefits of an object-oriented database representation for controlled medical terminologies, Huanying Gu, Michael Halper, James Geller, and Yehoshua Perl

Using a similarity measurement to partition a vocabulary of medical concepts, Huanying Helen Gu, James Geiler, Li Min Liu, and Michael Halper

A methodology for partitioning a vocabulary hierarchy into trees, Huanying Gu, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller, Michael Halper, and Mansnimar Singh

Hate speech and the First Amendment, Michael Israel

Asia's contagious financial crisis and its impact on Korea, Youn Suk Kim and Hyeng Keun Koo

Recent selection on synonymous codon usage in Drosophila, Richard M. Kliman

Controlled vocabularies in OODBs: Modeling issues and implementation, Li Min Liu, Michael Halper, James Geller, and Yehoshua Perl

Scratch circles: A new specimen from a lake-margin deposit of the passaic formation (Upper Triassic), Douglassville, Pennsylvania, Robert Metz

Characteristics of exemplary first-grade literacy instruction, Lesley Mandel Morrow, Diane H. Tracey, Deborah Gee Woo, and Michael Pressley

Reducing the Impact of Major Organizational Change Among Senior Center Participants, Irwin Nesoff

The impact of cancer on adolescent development, Kathleen L. Neville

Transcultural Nursing Study of Emic and Etic Care in the Home, Dula F. Pacquiao, Ludovina Archeval, and Ellen E. Shelley

Managed Care: Pitfalls for Cultural Bias, Susan Warner Salmond

820 Nm Gallium Aluminum Arsenide Laser Modulation of Prostaglandin E2 Production in Interleukin I Stimulated Myoblasts, S. Sattayut, F. Hughes, and P. Bradley

Employee involvement - A component of total quality management, Irene M. Silos

Difficulty, consequence, and effort in academic task performance, Lisa F. Smith

Blood of a bitten ear, Jay Spaulding

A meta-analysis of research on sensory integration treatment, Sadako Vargas and Gregory Camilli