Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2005

Revisiting ancient practices: Priestly training before Trent, Christopher M. Bellitto

Components for building desktop-application-like interface in web applications, George Chang, Jung Wei Hsieh, and Pedro Calixto

Relation of academic support from parents, teachers, and peers to Hong Kong adolescents' academic achievement: The mediating role of academic engagement, Jannifer Jun Li Chen

Manifestation, Attribution, and Coping With Depression Among Asian Indians From the Perspectives of Health Care Practitioners, Margaret M. Conrad and Dula F. Pacquiao

Osteoclasts resorb protein-free mineral (Osteologic™ discs) efficiently in the absence of osteopontin, Tanupriya Contractor, Bruce Babiarz, Aaron J. Kowalski, Susan R. Rittling, Esben S. Sørensen, and David T. Denhardt

High performance computing environments without the fuss: The bootable cluster CD, Sarah M. Diesburg, Paul A. Gray, and David Joiner

Isomorphism criterion for monomial graphs, Vasyl Dmytrenko, Felix Lazebnik, and Raymond Viglione

Latin and magic squares, Emanuel Emanouilidis

Televised state-sponsored antitobacco advertising and youth smoking beliefs and behavior in the United States, 1999-2000, Sherry Emery, Melanie A. Wakefield, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Henry Saffer, Glen Szczypka, Patrick M. O'Malley, Lloyd D. Johnston, Frank J. Chaloupka, and Brian Flay

Medical students' attitudes toward mental disorders before and after a psychiatric rotation, Steven W. Galka, David V. Perkins, Nancy Butler, Deborah A. Griffith, Alan D. Schmetzer, George Avirrappattu, and Joan Esterline Lafuze

Race and satisfaction with the police in a small city, Venessa Garcia and Liqun Cao

Parent/caregiver stress during pediatric hospitalization for chronic feeding problems, Adrienne Garro, S. Kenneth Thurman, Mary Louise E. Kerwin, and Joseph P. Ducette

Applying verification, validation, and accreditation processes to digital libraries, David Joiner, Steven Gordon, Scott Lathrop, Marilyn McClelland, and D. E. Stevenson

Cooperative education-innovative approaches for partnerships between universities and industries and high schools, Ali Kashef, Mark Rajai, Akbar Eslami, and Ali Setoodehnnia

Implementation of occupational therapy services for an adolescent residence program, Laurie Knis-Matthews, Lynne Richard, Leiden Marquez, and Nili Mevawala

Tooth avulsion in the school setting., Cheryl A. Krause-Parello

Estimation of oil saturation using neural network, Hong Li, Ali Setoodehnia, Kamal Shahrabi, and Zahra Shahrabi

Modernist but not exceptional: The debate over modern art and national identity in 1950s Venezuela, Marguerite Mayhall

The Development of Family Therapy Around the World, Kit S. ng

The city as order and empire in Blasco Ibáñez's La Bodega, Eric Pennington

A practical focus on leadership in management - For research, education and management development, Erwin Rausch

Management and leadership decisions in the information age, Erwin Rausch

Multinational corporations, rentier capitalism, and the war system in Colombia, Nazih Richani

Mental illness and the demand for alcohol, cocaine, and cigarettes, Henry Saffer and Dhaval Dave

The effect of alcohol consumption on the earnings of older workers., Henry Saffer and Dhaval Dave

The effect of uncertainty and asset co-specialization on governance in biotechnology alliances, Michael D. Santoro and Joseph P. Mcgill

Demonstration of optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, Ali Setoodehnia, Feng Huang, Hong Li, and Kamal Shahrabi

A twice-told tale: A phenomenological inquiry into clients' perceptions of therapy, Muriel Singer

Promoting effective social work policy in end-of-life and palliative care, Gary L. Stein and Patricia A. Sherman

Academic-clinician partnerships: A model for outcomes research, Karen A. Stern

Plenodomus morganjonesii sp. nov. and a discussion of the genus Plenodomus, Monica S. Torres, Marshall Bergen, Shruti Singh, Joseph Bischoff, Raymond F. Sullivan, and James F. White

A new species and its phylogenetic placement in the Didymella/Phoma complex (Phaeosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales), Monica S. Torres, James F. White, Guadalupe Cazares, Marshall Bergen, Joseph F. Bischoff, and Raymond F. Sullivan

Multichannel retailing and the internet: prospects, problems and strategic options, Valerie L. Vaccaro and Gopalkrishnan R. Iyer

Mixed messages on tobacco: Comparative exposure to public health, tobacco company- and pharmaceutical company-sponsored tobacco-related television campaigns in the United States, 1999-2003, Melanie Wakefield, Glen Szczypka, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Sherry Emery, Brian Flay, Frank Chaloupka, and Henry Saffer

A note on non-identifiability of mark survival function, Jiantian Wang and Yingfu Li

Design and analysis of direct cold drawing of section rods through a single die, Karen L. Wang and Vasilis Argyropoulos

The impact of financial forecasts regulation on IPO anomalies: Evidence from Taiwan, Ya Fang Wang, Picheng Lee, Chen Lung Chin, and Gary Kleinman

Relations between coordinate and potential scaling in the high-density limit, Takeyce K. Whittingham and Kieron Burke

Relationship structures and semantic type assignments of the UMLS enriched semantic network, Li Zhang, Michael Halper, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller, and James J. Cimino

An expert study evaluating the UMLS lexical metaschema, Li Zhang, George Hripcsak, Yehoshua Perl, Michael Halper, and James Geller

A lexical metaschema for the UMLS semantic network, Li Zhang, Yehoshua Perl, Michael Halper, James Geller, and George Hripcsak

Submissions from 2004

Contrasting Experiences With Child Health Care Services by Mothers and Professional Caregivers in Transitional Housing, Maisha M. Amen and Dula F. Pacquiao

Comparative Study of Meanings, Beliefs, and Practices of Female Circumcision Among Three Nigerian Tribes in the United States and Nigeria, Prisca O. Anuforo, Lola Oyedele, and Dula F. Pacquiao

The relationship between instrumental music participation and standardized assessment achievement of middle school students, Gerard D. Babo

Wilbur's Altitudes, Cynthia Cavanaugh

An economic analysis of adult obesity: Results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Shin Yi Chou, Michael Grossman, and Henry Saffer

Mette Newth's the abduction, the transformation, and arctic colonialism: A postcolonial perspective, Hilary S. Crew

Not so brave a world: The representation of human cloning in science fiction for young adults, Hilary S. Crew

Human affection exchange: Vi. Further tests of reproductive probability as a predictor of men’s affection with their adult sons, Kory Floyd, Jack E. Sargent, and Mark Di Corcia

Burn the books, Robert J. Fyne

A frame work for dual product representation of free form surfaces for CAD/CAM applications, Mohamed A. Gadalla

Coping patterns in mothers/caregivers of children with chronic feeding problems, Adrienne Garro

Support systems: Older adults with neurogenic communication disorders, Robert Goldfarb and Mary Jo Santo Pietro

Ombuds processes and disputant reconciliation, Tyler R. Harrison and Calvin Morrill

Subordinate male black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) responses to loud calls: Experimental evidence for the effects of intra-group male relationships and age, Dawn M. Kitchen, Robert H. Horwich, and Roxie A. James

Factors for consideration in the development and implementation of an online RN-BSN course: Faculty and student perceptions, Dawn Kozlowski

On the connectivity of certain graphs of high girth, Felix Lazebnik and Raymond Viglione

“darker than any prison, hotter than any human flame”: Punishment, choice, and culpability in a clockwork orange, Illya Lichtenberg, Howard Lune, and Patrick McManimon

Mathematical model of flow of fluid in 3D porous media, Hong Li and Ali Setoodehnia

Availability requirements of a Core switch, Deepak Mathur

Quality of Service controls in core of the internet, Deepak Mathur

Family and friends as healthcare advocates: Dilemmas of confidentiality and privacy, Sandra Petronio, Jack Sargent, Laura Andea, Peggy Reganis, and David Cichocki

BUNA: Oromo women gathering for coffee, Janet Yedes, Robbin Clamons, and Amal Osman

An Enriched Unified Medical Language System Semantic Network with a Multiple Subsumption Hierarchy, Li Zhang, Yehoshua Perl, Michael Halper, James Geller, and James J. Cimino

Development of water quality model in the Satilla River Estuary, Georgia, Lianyuan Zheng, Changsheng Chen, and Frank Y. Zhang

Submissions from 2003

The memoria technica cipher, Francine F. Abeles

Calculation of bromine nuclear quadrupole coupling constants in gaseous state molecules, W. C. Bailey and F. M. Gonzalez

Teaching Children to Read: The fragile link between science and federal education policy, Gregory Camilli, Sadako Vargas, and Michele Yurecko

Wilbur's the beacon, Cynthia A. Cavanaugh

Educational challenges for children with cochlear implants, Patricia M. Chute and Mary Ellen Nevins

Stealing time, Nadinia Davis

Difference in the police department women, policing, and “Doing gender”, Venessa Garcia

Semantic refinement and error correction in large terminological knowledge bases, James Geller, Huanying Gu, Yehoshua Perl, and Michael Halper

The importance of ownership for e-commerce, J. Geller, Y. Perl, L. Liu, C. Rush, and M. Halper

Edgemagnetoplasmons in a partially screened system, M. I. Goksu, M. Kim, M. T. Chen, K. A. Mantey, J. A. Castiglione, and A. J. Dahm

Walker's everyday use, John Gruesser

Frameworks for incorporating semantic relationships into object-oriented database systems, Michael Halper, Li Min Liu, James Geller, and Yehoshua Perl

Multiage teachers’ beliefs and practices, Jo Hoffman

Student-Created Graphic Organizers Bring Complex Material to Life, Jo Hoffman

Dali's folly, Lewis Kachur

The postself in social context, Jack Kamerman

Selection conflicts, gene expression, and codon usage trends in yeast, Richard M. Kliman, Naheelah Irving, and Maria Santiago

An effective associative memory for pattern recognition, Boris Kryzhanovsky, Leonid Litinskii, and Anatoly Fonarev

Sleepwalking, Susanna Lippóczy Rich

Status of coral reefs of Little Cayman, Grand Cayman and Cayman brac, British West Indies, in 1999 and 2000 (part 1: Stony corals and algae), Carrie Manfrino, Bernhard Riegl, Jerome L. Hall, and Robert Graifman

Ichnology of the Upper Silurian Wallpack Center Member (Decker Formation), Northwestern New Jersey, Robert Metz

Lower Devonian trace fossils from shallow marine deposits, Shawnee Island Member of the Coeymans Formation, northwestern New Jersey, Robert Metz

An Optimistic Outlook Can Turn a Situation from Iffy to Spiffy, Bruce Myers

Being proactive is key to a job well done, Bruce Myers

Diverse perspectives create prosperous results, Bruce Myers

For True Success, Exceed Expectations, Bruce Myers

Is the Information Age Friend or Foe?, Bruce Myers

It's academic knowledge, not the grade, is power, Bruce Myers

Pearls of Wisdom: Take Some Initiative, Bruce Myers

Supply exceeds demand in the printing job market, Bruce Myers

Technology goes out of date, but thinking never does, Bruce Myers

We all must evangelize to attract young people to the industry, Bruce Myers

Uncertainty in illness: An integrative review, Kathleen L. Neville

Variability on the dot chromosome in the Drosophila simulans clade, Mohamed A.F. Noor and Richard M. Kliman

2,5-Dialkylresorcinol biosynthesis in Pseudomonas aurantiaca: Novel head-to-head condensation of two fatty acid-derived precursors, Brian Nowak-Thompson, Philip E. Hammer, D. Steven Hill, Jill Stafford, Nancy Torkewitz, Thomas D. Gaffney, Stephen T. Lam, István Molnár, and James M. Ligon