Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 1999

The family experience of deinstitutionalization: Insights from the closing of central state hospital, Eric R. Wright, George Avirappattu, and Joan E. Lafuze

A primitive fossil fish sheds light on the origin of bony fishes, Min Zhu, Xiaobo Yu, and Philippe Janvier

Submissions from 1998

The India option: Perceptions of Indian software solutions, Thomas Abraham, Sucheta Ahlawat, and Sunita Ahlawat

The trajectory of Latin American urban history, Diego Armus and John Lear

B3LYP Calculation of Deuterium Quadrupole Coupling Constants in Molecules, William C. Bailey

B3LYP calculation of 17O quadrupole coupling constants in molecules, William C. Bailey

Assessing the Relative Contribution of Molecular and Morphological Characters in Simultaneous Analysis Trees, Richard H. Baker, Xiaobo Yu, and Rob Desalle

Plath's Lady Lazarus, Theresa Collins

Developing High Performance Teams in the Public Management Classroom, Craig P. Donovan

Teaching Science with Toys and Telephones, Francine S. Glazer

An OODB part-whole model: Semantics, notation and implementation, Michael Halper, James Geller, and Yehoshua Perl

Care and use of diamond knives, M. A. Hayat and Y. Zhang

Introduction: industrial policy and technological competitiveness, Leslie S. Hiraoka

The industrial policies of the USA and Japan, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Match between late Pleistocene Great Bahama Bank and deep-sea oxygen isotope records of sea level, Carrie M. Kievman

Innovation with imported technology in a dynamic global economy: The case of Korean industry, Youn Suk Kim and Yongseung Jung

Fertility treatment. Mind matters., K. Neville

The relationships among uncertainty, social support, and psychological distress in adolescents recently diagnosed with cancer, Kathleen Neville

The educational orientations of graduate social work faculty, Patricia G. Pearson

The breakfast club: Results of a study examining the effectiveness of a multi-modality group communication treatment, Mary Jo Santo Pietro and Faerella Boczko

Selective visual masking in speechreading, Jill E. Preminger, Hwei Bing Lin, Michel Payen, and Harry Levitt

Fuzzy modeling of software effort prediction, Jack Ryder

Managing the human side of change., S. W. Salmond

Letters to the editor?, Meyer S. Schreiber

Reaping New Harvests: Collaboration and Communication through Field Experiences, Shelley B. Wepner and Martha M. Mobley

A new porolepiform-like fish, psarolepis romeri, gen. et sp. Nov. (sarcopterygii, osteichthyes) from the lower devonian of Yunnan, China, Xiaobo Yu

Submissions from 1997

Computing, diversity and community: Fostering the computing culture, Danielle R. Bernstein

Quantum manifestations of bifurcations of closed orbits in the photoabsorption spectra of atoms in electric fields, J. Gao and J. B. Delos

Partitioning a Vocabulary's IS-A Hierarchy into Trees, Huanying Gu, Yehoshua Perl, James Geller, Michael Halper, James J. Cimino, and Mansnimar Singh

Asia-Pacific region in changing global economy, Youn Suk Kim and Hyeng Keun Koo

Quantum manifestations of bifurcations of closed orbits in the photodetachment cross section of [Formula Presented] in parallel fields, A. D. Peters, C. Jaffé, J. Gao, and J. B. Delos

Neurotransmitters regulating defensive rage behavior in the cat, Allan Siegel, Kristie L. Schubert, and Majid B. Shaikh

Recurrence spectroscopy of a time-dependent system: A rydberg atom in an oscillating field, Neal Spellmeyer, Daniel Kleppner, M. R. Haggerty, V. Kondratovich, J. B. Delos, and J. Gao

Submissions from 1996

Back-gating effect of low-temperature GaAs on a pseudomorphic modulation-doped field-effect transistor, P. A. Folkes, Doran Smith, R. A. Lux, W. Zhou, R. Thompson, R. Moerkirk, M. Lemeune, P. Cooke, and K. Brown

Modified fictitious play, Saul I. Gass, Pablo M.R. Zafra, and Ziming Qiu

Alex la Guma's angry young men, Daniel Gover

Adolescents with mental retardation: Perceptions of sexual abuse, David M. Podell, Joan Kastner, and Sheldon Kastner

NMDA receptors in the midbrain periaqueductal gray mediate hypothalamically evoked hissing behavior in the cat, K. Schubert, M. B. Shaikh, and A. Siegel

Submissions from 1995

Success of children with cochlear implants in mainstream educational settings, M. E. Nevins and P. M. Chute

Submissions from 1994

Orthopaedic nursing research priorities: A delphi study, Susan W. Salmond

Submissions from 1993

Beyond voluntary consent: Hans Jonas on the moral requirements of human experimentation, C. Fethe

Life-Style and Cardiovascular Health Among Urban Black Elderly, Verneda P. Hamm, Mohsen Bazargan, and Ann R. Barbre

Common factors versus uncommon variability in comparisons of the Poggendorff and Müller-Lyer illusions, H. R. Schiffman and Suzanne Greist-Bousquet

The birth of an african private epistolography echo island 1862–1901, Jay Spaulding

Submissions from 1992

Japanese development aid and direct investments in Asia, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Perspective of 4 fortune 500 New Jersey company information systems, Dale Kewitz

Submissions from 1991

Sixteenth annual meeting Canadian society for history and philosophy of mathematics. University of Vitoria, B.C., 31 May - 1 June, 1990, Francine Abeles

Globalization of the automobile industry, Leslie S. Hiraoka

A look in the mirror: A critical and exploratory study of public perceptions of the chiropractic profession in New Jersey, J. E. Sanchez

Submissions from 1989

Nursing care of a terminally III clien: Applying martha rogers’ conceptual framework, Barbara Buczny, Joan Speirs, and Joan R. Howard

Breath testing and highway fatality rates, Henry Saffer and Frank Chaloupka

Submissions from 1988

Characterisation of highly ordered pyrolytic graphite with covalently attached ferritin by electron probe microanalysis, Robert F. Antrim, Alexander M. Yacynych, Henry J. Wieck, and George W. Luther

Submissions from 1987

The Function of Penicillin in Nature and its Use in Medicine A Laboratory Exercise, David Bardell

Frontiers of commercial biotechnology. US and Japanese potential in a new industry, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Women and the drugs-crime connection: Crime rates among drug abusing women at rikers Island, José E. Sánchez and Bruce D. Johnson

Submissions from 1986

From Short Term Compliance to Long Term Freedom: Culture-Based Health Promotion by Health Professionals, Judd Allen and Robert F. Allen

A sense of community, a shared vision and a positive culture: Core enabling factors in successful culture based health promotion, Robert F. Allen and Judd Allen

Wages and hazardous working conditions, Henry Saffer

The use of milieu therapy in treating the antisocial personality, Jose Sanchez

Submissions from 1985

Japan's technology trade, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Submissions from 1984

Japan's changing oil and trade regimes vis-à-vis the U.S., Leslie S. Hiraoka

Submissions from 1983

In vitro exposure of adenovirus types 5 and 7 in oropharyngeal secretions to cigarette smoke, D. Bardell

The roles of the sense of taste and clean teeth in the discovery of bacteria by Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, D. Bardell

U.S. gasoline conservation and Japanese auto imports, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Submissions from 1982

One mile run performance as a function of prior exercise, W. D. Andzel

Metabolic and physiological responses of college females to prior exercise, varied rest intervals and a strenuous endurance task, W. D. Andzel and C. Busuttil

Helping parents to become the 'potent force' in combating and preventing the drug problem, S. J. Cohen

Epididymal fat cyclic-GMP levels during hyperthermia in normal and diabetic rats, L. L. Kampa, I. S. Kampa, and J. M. Rosenberg

The relation involving personality variables, problem relevance, rationality, and anxiousness among college women, George Morelli, Lori Andrews, and Ruth Morelli

Role of Ca++, CaATPase and alkaline protease in cardiac contraction band formation, A. N. Smith, E. Marquet, and H. J. Sobel

The effects of phenobarbital anesthesia on levels of Ca++ and Ca++ATPase in rat brain subcellular fractions, A. N. Smith and M. J. Mycek

Submissions from 1981

Viability of six species of normal oropharyngeal bacteria after exposure to cigarette smoke in vitro, D. Bardell

The black chamber: A column shutting off the spigot in 1981, C. A. Deavours

U.S. policies and middle distillate markets in transition, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Decrease in glucose oxidation in isolated brown fat cells from rats due to tropolone and dimethoxybenzene, Judith W. Rosenthal

Submissions from 1980

Differential cell membrane labilizing effect of adenovirus types 5 and 12 observed during productive and abortive infection, D. Bardell

On the possibility of good faith, Joseph S. Catalano

The black chamber: A column how the british broke enigma, C. A. Deavours

The black chamber: A column la methode des batons, C. A. Deavours

Metal sulfides in estuarine sediments, G. W. Luther, A. L. Meyerson, J. J. Krajeswki, and R. Hires

Submissions from 1979

An in vitro study of the exposure of mixed populations of normal oropharyngeal bacteria to cigarette smoke, D. Bardell and J. E. Smith

A course on consultation and the consultation process, Robert Chasnoff and Peter Muniz

Effects of colchicine and trimethoxybenzene on glucose oxidation in isolated brown fat cells from rats, Judith W. Rosenthal

What can we learn from poor comprehenders? A review of recent research, Janet B. Steig

Submissions from 1978

The effects of moderate prior exercise and varied rest intervals upon cardiorespiratory endurance performance, W. D. Andzel

Infectivity titers of adenovirus type 5 suspensions after exposure to cigarette smoke, D. Bardell

Sex counseling & the SCI patient, Robert T. Baxter and Alan Linn

Phoneme-grapheme correspondences as cues to spelling improvements: A further appraisal, Albert J. Mazurkiewicz

Multiple masking in a backward masking paradigm, Leonard Presby, Simcha Pollack, and Mark S. Mayzner

The impact of rehabilitation services in county jails, James Scanlon and Laura Maiello

Submissions from 1977

Glucose uptake and lactic acid production of adenovirus type 5 infected HEp 2 cells cultured under exponential growth and stationary phase conditions, D. Bardell

Why Henry made it: A reply to S. Alan Cohen, Frances F. Kleederman

Didactic vs. discovery phonics instruction effects on speech articulation, Albert J. Mazurkiewicz

Sequences of letter-sound correspondences in beginning reading, Albert J. Mazurkiewicz

Spellings in commerce: Logical? Anathema?, Albert J. Mazurkiewicz

Picture mediation in abstract-concrete paired associates, G. Morelli and S. Schwartz

Effects of starvation on vacuolar apparatus of cardiac muscle tissue determined by electron microscopy, marker-enzyme assays and electrolyte studies, A. L. Neznek Smith

Submissions from 1976

A study of possible biohazards in the fluorescent antibody test using adenovirus, coxsackievirus, herpesvirus, and respiratory syncytial virus as antigens, D. Bardell

Tachistoscopic word recognition as a function of word abstractness/concreteness, word frequency, and IQ, J. Cohen

Linguistic applications to reading comprehension, Frances F. Kleederman