Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2008

Managing knowledge for quality assurance: An empirical study, Jie Yang

Unravelling the link between knowledge integration and new product timeliness, Jie Yang

Relational stability and alliance performance in supply chain, Jie Yang, Jinjun Wang, Christina W.Y. Wong, and Kee Hung Lai

Instant messaging: Observations from two small e-commerce businesses, Suling Zhang and Jerry Fjermestad

Submissions from 2007

Lewis Carroll's visual logic, Francine F. Abeles

Multi-frequency mode-locking with waveguide arrays, Brandon G. Bale, J. Nathan Kutz, and Edward Farnum

Multi-frequency mode-locking with waveguide arrays, Brandon G. Bale, J. Nathan Kutz, and Edward Farnum

Multi-frequency mode-locking with waveguide arrays, Brandon G. Bale, J. Nathan Kutz, and Edward Farnum

Semi-Markov decision processes: Nonstandard criteria, M. Baykal-GÜRSOY and K. Gürsoy

A Christian Humanist's mirror to princes: Nicolas de clamanges and the restoration of justice during the French civil war, Christopher M. Bellitto

On the bright side of the screen: Material-world interactions surrounding the socialization of outsiders to digital spaces, Sally W. Chandler, Joshua Burnett, and Jacklyn Lopez

In search of a motivating multicultural music experience: Lessons learned from the Sounds of Silk project, Lily Chen-Hafteck

Gender ideology and motherhood: The consequences of race on earnings, C. André Christie-Mizell, Jacqueline M. Keil, Aya Kimura, and Stacye A. Blount

Coral community decline at a remote Caribbean island: Marine no-take reserves are not enough, Vânia R. Coelho and Carrie Manfrino

The percentage of beds designated for medicaid in American nursing homes and nurse staffing ratios, Christopher Donoghue

Organizational and environmental effects on voluntary and involuntary turnover, Christopher Donoghue and Nicholas G. Castle

Antibody markers of incident tuberculosis among HIV-infected adults in the USA: A historical prospective study, Maria Laura Gennaro, M. Affouf, G. V. Kanaujia, P. N. Brusasca, B. Mangura, and L. Reichman

Machiavelli's fable: Belfagor Arcidiavolo, Samuel Ghelli

Ownership as a conceptual modeling construct, Michael Halper, Li min Liu, James Geller, and Yehoshua Perl

Analysis of error concentrations in SNOMED., Michael Halper, Yue Wang, Hua Min, Yan Chen, George Hripcsak, Yehoshua Perl, and Kent A. Spackman

Cancer imaging, M. A. Hayat

Introduction, M. A. Hayat

Preface of Volume 1, M. A. Hayat

Preface of Volume 2, M. A. Hayat

Reconstructing a legal basis for capitalist labor relations in post-revolutionary Romania, Thomas J. Keil and Jacqueline M. Keil

The role of spouses and extended family members as primary caretakers of children during a parent's drug addiction: The parent perspective, Laurie Knis-Matthews

Enhanced SEA algorithm and fingerprint classification, Li Min Liu, Ching Yu Huang, Tian Shyr Dai, and George Chang

Validity of the Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol-II (J-Soap-II) in a sample of urban minority youth, Ricardo Martinez, Jacqueline Flores, and Barry Rosenfeld

Strategic transformations in selected productive sectors, Joseph P. McGill

Technological knowledge and governance in alliances among competitors, Joseph P. McGill

Late Triassic invertebrate trace fossils from lacustrine shoreline deposits, Smith Clark quarry, Milford, New Jersey, Robert Metz

Wireless sensor network applications in urban telehealth, Patricia A. Morreale

Interior maximum norm estimates for finite element discretizations of the Stokes equations, R. Narasimhan and I. Babuška

The importance of revitalizing management education for social workers, Irwin Nesoff

The Impact of Cancer on Adolescents and their Families, K. L. Neville

Cochlear implants can help patients enjoy listening to and making music, Manuela Prause-Weber and Lyn Schraer-Joiner

Leadership in management education and development: Criteria for quality decisions, Erwin Rausch

The critical need for coverage of quality decision making in professional and management education, Erwin Rausch

Caudillos and the crisis of the Colombian State: Fragmented sovereignty, the war system and the privatisation of counterinsurgency in Colombia, Nazih Richani

Six-year incidence of proteinuria in type 1 diabetic African Americans, Monique S. Roy, Mahmoud Affouf, and Alec Roy

Depression is a risk factor for poor glycemic control and retinopathy in African-Americans with Type 1 diabetes, Monique S. Roy, Alec Roy, and Mahmoud Affouf

No-nit policies in schools: time for change., Patricia Sciscione and Cheryl A. Krause-Parello

School nursing: managing a small city., Connie Sobon Sensor

Coupling molecular modeling to the traditional "IR-ID" exercise in the introductory organic chemistry laboratory, Heather Stokes-Huby and Dale E. Vitale

Molly asks, Molly Strzelecki and Laurie Knis-Matthews

CaM kinase II isoforms are expressed at lower levels in brains of shiverer mutants, Christopher T. Suznovich, Rongsun Pu, and Allan J. Bieber

Technology and early literacy: The impact of an integrated learning system on high-risk kindergartners' achievement, Diane H. Tracey and John W. Young

A note on some Ramsey numbers R(Cp,Cq, Cr), Kung Kuen Tse

Structural methodologies for auditing SNOMED, Yue Wang, Michael Halper, Hua Min, Yehoshua Perl, Yan Chen, and Kent A. Spackman

Instructional costs and tuition revenues: Funding NJ public higher education, David A. Yamoah

Experiences in integrating WRF model in undergraduate meteorology curriculum, Shing Yoh

Submissions from 2006

Corrigendum to "Lewis Carroll's ciphers: The literary connections" [Adv. in Appl. Math. 34 (2005) 697-708] (DOI:10.1006/j.aam.2004.06.006), Francine F. Abeles

Fulgencio Batista: From revolutionary to strongman, Frank Argote-Freyre

Recruiting hispanic foster parents: Issues of culture, language, and social policy, Doris Correa Capello

Some trouble with discourses: What conflicts between subjects and ethnographers tell us about what students don't/won't/can't say, Sally Chandler

Reply to Jonathan Gruber and Michael Frakes, Shin Yi Chou, Michael Grossman, and Henry Saffer

A study of neutralisation theory's application to global consumer ethics: P2P file-trading of musical intellectual property on the internet, Deborah Y. Cohn and Valerie L. Vaccaro

Initiating undergraduate student research projects in operational meteorology: Kean University operational undergraduate research in meteorology & professional activities and collaborative training (KU-OUR-METPACT), Paul J. Croft

Problem based learning: Meteorological instrumentation, Paul J. Croft

Problem based learning: Observing the earth, Paul J. Croft

Undergraduates providing weather activities for research and development of skills at Kean University (Upwards at Kean!), Paul J. Croft

Fog during the 2004-2005 winter season in the northern mid-atlantic states: Spatial characteristics and behaviors as a function of synoptic weather types, Paul J. Croft and Aaron N. Burton

An investigation of air quality index characteristics and behaviors for southern New Jersey during spring 2004 as a function of synoptic weather patterns, Paul J. Croft and Belkys V. Melendez

Preliminary synoptic climatology of cool season severe weather for the philadelphia national weather service county warning area and vicinity, Paul J. Croft and Michael G. Stroz

Incorporating computational science activities in High School Algebra, Joseph DeLuca and David A. Joiner

Voluntary and involuntary nursing home staff turnover, Christopher Donoghue and Nicholas G. Castle

Internships and the state government human resources crisis, Craig P. Donovan and James L. Garnett

Theory and simulation of dual-frequency mode-locked lasers, Edward D. Farnum, Leslie Butson, and J. Nathan Kutz

Teaching manual communication to preservice teachers of the deaf in an accredited comprehensive undergraduate teacher preparation program, Carol A. Goodman

Mechanisms of c-reactive protein up-regulation in arterialized vein grafts, Iosif Gulkarov, Giuseppe Pintucci, Katja Bohmann, Paul C. Saunders, Raymond F. Sullivan, Giovanni Ferrari, Paolo Mignatti, and Aubrey C. Galloway

Teaching parallel computing to science faculty: Best practices and common pitfalls, David A. Joiner, Paul Gray, Thomas Murphy, and Charles Peck

Techniques for mapping theoretical shadow zones for direct P and S waves propagated as rays from an earthquake epicenter, Richard L. Kroll and John F. Dobosiewicz

On the probability of finding local minima in optimization problems, Boris Kryzhanovsky, Bashir Magomedov, and Anatoly Fonarev

Domain dynamics in hopfield model, Mikhail V. Kryzhanovsky, Bashir M. Magomedov, Anatoly B. Fonarev, and Boris V. Kryzhanovsky

The role of exogenous factors in technology acceptance: The case of object-oriented technology, Sang M. Lee, Injai Kim, Shanggeun Rhee, and Silvana Trimi

Numerical simulation of sea and bay breezes in a weak shear environment, D. Lu, L. White, R. S. Reddy, P. J. Croft, and J. M. Medlin

The iron health educator competition, Susan MacLaury

Auditing as Part of the Terminology Design Life Cycle, Hua Min, Yehoshua Perl, Yan Chen, Michael Halper, James Geller, and Yue Wang

Art and social displays in the branding of the city: Token screens or opportunities for difference?, Julia Nevárez

Art and social displays in the branding of the city: Token screens or opportunities for difference?, Julia Nevárez

Central park, the aesthetics of order and the appearance of looseness, Julia Nevárez

Historic anthropogenically maintained bear grass savannas of the Southeastern Olympic Peninsula, David Peter and Daniela Shebitz

Six-year progression of retinopathy and associated risk factors in African American patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: The New Jersey 725, Monique S. Roy and Mahmoud Affouf

Helping patients make decisions about complementary and alternative treatments: The social work role, Joan Framo Runfola, Ellen Levine, and Patricia Sherman

Alcohol advertising and alcohol consumption by adolescents, Henry Saffer and Dhaval Dave

Culturally competent care in the workplace., Connie Sobon Sensor

The use of interest rate swaps by nonprofit organizations: Evidence from nonprofit health care providers, Louis J. Stewart and John Trussel

Evaluating the purpose, extent, and ecological restoration applications of indigenous burning practices in Southwestern Washington, Linda Storm and Daniela Shebitz

Scaffolding the infrastructure of the computational science digital library, Diana Tanase, Michael Bruce, Jonathan Stuart-Moore, and David A. Joiner

Computational science educational reference desk: A digital library for students, educators, and scientists, Diana Tanase, David A. Joiner, and Jonathan Stuart-Moore

Effect of televised, tobacco company - Funded smoking prevention advertising on youth smoking-related beliefs, intentions, and behavior, Melanie Wakefield, Yvonne Terry-McElrath, Sherry Emery, Henry Saffer, Frank J. Chaloupka, Glen Szczypka, Brian Flay, Patrick M. O'Malley, and Lloyd D. Johnston

Can small states compete in manufacturing?, Ganeshan Wignaraja and David Joiner

An application intersection marketing ontology, Zhou Xuan, James Geller, Yehoshua Perl, and Michael Halper

A primitive fish provides key characters bearing on deep osteichthyan phylogeny, Min Zhu, Xiaobo Yu, Wei Wang, Wenjin Zhao, and Liantao Jia

Submissions from 2005

From the tree method in modern logic to the beginning of automated theorem proving, Francine F. Abeles

Lewis Carroll's ciphers: The literary connections, Francine F. Abeles

Lewis Carroll's formal logic, Francine F. Abeles

A priori estimates for solutions of spinodal decomposition problem, Mahmoud Affouf

Fireground strategies: The "new millennium" multiple dwelling, Anthony Avillo

Editorial symposium: Teaching the church's mistakes: Historical hermeneutics in Memory and Reconciliation: The Church and the Faults of the Past, Christopher M. Bellitto