Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2012

Fungal inhibition by Bromelia pinguin (Bromeliaceae) and its effect on nutrient cycle dynamics, C. Looby, J. B. Hauge, D. Barry, and W. D. Eaton

Interactions between populations of rhizobium, methanotrophs and archaea in two different lowland tropical forest soil communities, H. Lowe, J. B. Hauge, D. Barry, and W. D. Eaton

Impaired Visual Habituation in Adults With ADHD, Jacqueline Massa and Ilyse H. O'Desky

The spider and the fly, Keith E. Mellinger and Raymond Viglione

First record of an arthropod from the Passaic Formation (Late Triassic), near Milford, New Jersey, Robert Metz

The Trace Fossil Paleodictyon within The Cruziana Ichnofacies: First Record from The Devonian in Pennsylvania, Robert Metz

Understanding models of performance enhancement from the perspective of emotion regulation, Zella E. Moore and Frank L. Gardner

A study to examine the determinants of job satisfaction for professional accountants in Tanzania, Rogatus L. Mpeka

Reaching beyond clinic walls: Motor vehicle accident prevention, Claire M. Mulry

Small molecule chemokine mimetics suggest a molecular basis for the observation that CXCL10 and CXCL11 are allosteric ligands of CXCR3, Belinda Nedjai, Hubert Li, Ilana L. Stroke, Emma L. Wise, Maria L. Webb, J. Robert Merritt, Ian Henderson, Anthony E. Klon, Andrew G. Cole, Richard Horuk, Nagarajan Vaidehi, and James E. Pease

Nurses' perceptions of patient rounding, Kathleen Neville, Kristen Lake, Danielle LeMunyon, Darilyn Paul, and Karen Whitmore

Numerical application of generalized monotone method for population models, C. Noel, H. Sheila, N. Zenia, P. Dayonna, W. Jasmine, A. S. Vatsala, and M. Sowmya

Mentor and protégé: a mutually beneficial relationship., Constance S. Patten

Mentor and protégé: a mutually beneficial relationship., Constance S. Patten

Introduction: Reimagining integrated space in post-WWII Philadelphia, Abigail Perkiss

Managed diversity: Contested meanings of integration in post-WWII Philadelphia, Abigail Perkiss

Results of needle aponeurotomy for dupuytren contracture in over 1,000 fingers, Gary M. Pess, Rebecca M. Pess, and Rachel A. Pess

Determining annealing temperatures for polymerase chain reaction, Angela R. Porta and Edward Enners

Using a novel approach - recombineering - to generate odf2 null alleles, Rongsun Pu

Richard Owen and the sea-serpent, Brian Regal

The agrarian rentier political economy: Land concentration and food insecurity in Colombia, Nazih Richani

Counseling in Zimbabwe: History, current status, and future trends, Kimberly Richards, Athanas Zivave, Saunsuray Govere, Joyce Mphande, and Beatrice Dupwa

The development of the Therapy Presupposition Inventory (TPI), William J. Ryan, Richard P. Conti, and George M. Simon

Experiential Acceptance and Psychological Well-Being in Korean-Born Adoptees, Alix P. Sarubbi, Jennifer Block-Lerner, Simon M. Moon, and Dahra Jackson Williams

Beliefs and attitudes toward obstructive sleep apnea evaluation and treatment among blacks, Raphael Shaw, Sharon McKenzie, Tonya Taylor, Oladipupo Olafiranye, Carla Boutin-Foster, Gbenga Ogedegbe, and Girardin Jean-Louis

Phylogenetic placement of the ectomycorrhizal genus Cenococcum in Gloniaceae (Dothideomycetes), Joseph W. Spatafora, C. Alisha Owensby, Greg W. Douhan, Eric W.A. Boehm, and Conrad L. Schoch

Capitalizing on cash flow: Medicare reimbursements, Catherine Sternberg and Virginia Fitzsimons

Income distribution in the Chinese economy: Recent trends and challenges, Li Tan

Bringing emerging technologies to market: Does academic research promote commercial exploration and exploitation, Linda F. Tegarden, William B. Lamb, Donald E. Hatfield, and Fiona Xiaoying Ji

Data glove integration with 3D virtual environments, Hanan Teleb and George Chang

Coral bleaching at Little Cayman, Cayman Islands 2009, Ruben J. van Hooidonk, Derek P. Manzello, Jessica Moye, Marilyn E. Brandt, James C. Hendee, Croy McCoy, and Carrie Manfrino

Memories of the future: Remaking Taiwanese-ness in Cape No. 7, Chialan Sharon Wang

Consutructing Stieltjes classes for power-order M-indeterminate distributions, Jiantian Wang

From stale to spicy to superb: A spanking new Apple, John Wang, Jeffrey Hsu, Bin Zhou, and Ruiliang Yan

The choice between publicly issued and privately placed preferred stocks, Qian Wang

Contexts in a paper recommendation system with collaborative filtering, Pinata Winoto, Tiffany Ya Tang, and Gordon McCalla

Treating Depression in Men: The Role of Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy, Andrea K. Wittenborn, Bonnie Culpepper, and Ting Liu

Is information sharing profitable in e-business age?, Ruiliang Yan, John Wang, Bin Zhou, and Peijun Guo

A re-examination of financial development, stock markets development and economic growth, Jung Suk Yu, M. Kabir Hassan, and Benito Sanchez

Fossil fishes from China provide first evidence of dermal pelvic girdles in osteichthyans, Min Zhu, Xiaobo Yu, Brian Choo, Qingming Qu, Liantao Jia, Wenjin Zhao, Tuo Qiao, and Jing Lu

An antiarch placoderm shows that pelvic girdles arose at the root of jawed vertebrates, Min Zhu, Xiaobo Yu, Brian Choo, Junqing Wang, and Liantao Jia

Earliest known coelacanth skull extends the range of anatomically modern coelacanths to the Early Devonian, Min Zhu, Xiaobo Yu, Jing Lu, Tuo Qiao, Wenjin Zhao, and Liantao Jia

Submissions from 2011

Nineteenth century roots of quasideterminants, Francine F. Abeles

The structure and helicity of perfluorooctanonitrile, CF 3-(CF2)6-CN, W. C. Bailey, R. K. Bohn, C. T. Dewberry, G. S. Grubbs, and S. A. Cooke

Communication skills in girls with rett syndrome, Theresa E. Bartolotta, Genevieve P. Zipp, Susan D. Simpkins, and Barbara Glazewski

Councils and reform: Challenging misconceptions, Christopher M. Bellitto

Multicultural grassroots effort: To reduce ethnic & racial social distance among middle school students, David Brandwein and Christopher Donoghue

The engagement in musical activities of young children with varied hearing abilities, Lily Chen-Hafteck and Lyn Schraer-Joiner

Strategic teaching fostering communication skills in diverse young learners, Jennifer J. Chen and Suzanne H. Shire

The Church the councils and reform: The legacy of the fifteenth century, Gerald Christianson, Thomas M. Izbicki, and Christopher M. Bellitto

Bullying behavior, parents' work hours and early adolescents' perceptions of time spent with parents, C. André Christie-Mizell, Jacqueline M. Keil, Mary Therese Laske, and Jennifer Stewart

From the Guest Editor—Undergraduate Education in Public Administration: Looking Backward, Going Forward, Craig Donovan

A comparison of nutrient dynamics and microbial community characteristics across seasons and soil types in two different old growth forests in costa rica, W. D. Eaton, S. McDonald, M. Roed, K. L. Vandecar, J. B. Hauge, and D. Barry

Biosimilars for the treatment of infectious diseases: The case of biosimilar interferons, Mohamed El-Sherbeini

Revolutionize Egypt's science culture, Mohamed El-Sherbeini

Mode-locking theory for ultra-short few-femtosecond laser pulses, Edward Farnum and J. Nathan Kutz

Estimated absorbance spectra of the visual pigments of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), Jeffry I. Fasick, Nicole Bischoff, Stephanie Brennan, Stephani Velasquez, and Gisele Andrade

Coping patterns in latino families of children with asthma, Adrienne Garro

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in Latino families experiencing pediatric asthma, Adrienne Garro

Concerning the electronic and geometric structure of bromodifluoroacetonitrile, CBrF2CN, G. S. Grubbs, W. C. Bailey, and S. A. Cooke

Financial development and economic growth in the organization of islamic conference countries, M. Kabir Hassan, Benito Sanchez, and Jung Suk Yu

Financial development and economic growth: New evidence from panel data, M. Kabir Hassan, Benito Sanchez, and Jung Suk Yu

Reconfiguring supply chains for a global automotive industry, Leslie S. Hiraoka

Visualization and pattern identification in large scale time series data, Steve Holtz, Guillermo Valle, Jessica Howard, and Patricia Morreale

8-(Naphthalen-1-yl)quinoline, Godwin Kanu, Roger A. Lalancette, and Dale E. Vitale

Parents' experiences with services and treatment for their children diagnosed with cerebral palsy, Laurie Knis-Matthews, Mary Falzarano, Deborah Baum, Jennifer Manganiello, Sargam Patel, and Laura Winters

Origins of verisimilitude: A reconsideration of medieval chinese literary history, Xurong Kong

School nursing in a contemporary society: What are the roles and responsibilities?, Cheryl A. Krause-Parello and Kimika Samms

Remembrance of Things Past: NASPAA and the Future of Undergraduate Education, Eleanor V. Laudicina

On improving CMMI in an immature world of software development, Jing Chiou Liou

Toward better software test estimates and requirement tracking, Jing Chiou Liou

A sophisticated RFID application on multi-factor authentication, Jing Chiou Liou, Gregory Egan, Jay K. Patel, and Sujith Bhashyam

Emotionally focused therapy with culturally diverse couples, Ting Liu and Andrea Wittenborn

The microwave spectrum of methyl chlorodifluoroacetate: Methyl internal rotation and chlorine nuclear electric quadrupole coupling, B. E. Long, R. A. Powoski, G. S. Grubbs, W. C. Bailey, and S. A. Cooke

A successful academic collaborative to increase nurse faculty in New Jersey, Kem Louie, Minnie Campbell, Claire P. Donaghy, Leslie Rice, and Michelle Sabatini

Multiseason evaluation of the MM5, COAMPS and WRF over southeast United States, Duanjun Lu, L. White, R. S. Reddy, Quinton L. Williams, and Paul J. Croft

Multimedia-based visual programming promoting core competencies in IT education, V. J. Manzo, Matthew Halper, and Michael Halper

The polyphonic self: Interactivism and the examination of culture in clinical sport psychology, Donald R. Marks

Exploring the relationship between goal achievement orientation and mindfulness in collegiate athletics, Jessica J. McCarthy

Chemokine Receptors as Drug Targets, J. Robert Merritt

Pleistocene trace fossils in the Ironshore Formation, Little Cayman, British West Indies, Robert Metz

The relationship between breast cancer anxiety and mammography: Experiential avoidance as a moderator, Sarah J. Miller, Erin L. O'hea, Jennifer Block Lerner, Simon Moon, and Kelly A. Foran-Tuller

Reaching future computer scientists, Patricia Morreale and David Joiner

A green wireless sensor network for environmental monitoring and risk identification, Patricia Morreale, Feng Qi, and Paul Croft

Sensor integration and analysis for visual identification of environmental patterns, Patricia Morreale, Guillermo Valle, Johana Callegari, and Francis Kendall

Factors related to resilience in preschool and kindergarten students, Kathleen M. Nesheiwat and David Brandwein

Understanding and Identifying the Child at Risk for Auditory Processing Disorders: A Case Method Approach in Examining the Interdisciplinary Role of the School Nurse, Kathleen Neville, Marie Foley, and Alan Gertner

Disclosure predicaments arising during the course of patient care: Nurses' privacy management, Sandra Petronio and Jack Sargent

High-resolution mass spectrometry method for the detection, characterization and quantitation of pharmaceuticals in water, Rebeca Pinhancos, Sara Maass, and Dil M. Ramanathan

Comparing three methods for modeling the uncertainty in knowledge discovery from area-class soil maps, Feng Qi and A. Xing Zhu

Enhancing decisions with criteria for quality, Erwin Rausch and Charles Anderson

Practicing democracy: An experience-based approach, Ruth E. Ray, Gwen Gorzelsky, Stephanie Hall-Sturgis, La Wanda Dickens, Thomas Trimble, Kim Davis, Karen Keaton Jackson, Justin Vidovic, and Sally Chandler

Reimagining schools: The potential of virtual education, Michael Searson, W. Monty Jones, and Kari Wold

The effects of low fat chocolate milk on postexercise recovery in collegiate athletes, Kim J. Spaccarotella and Walter D. Andzel

Building a beverage for recovery from endurance activity: A review, Kim J. Spaccarotell and Walter D. Andze

A tree under whom to seek shelter: Royal justice and the right of sanctuary in sinnār, Jay Spaulding

Three stories, Frank R. Steward, John Gruesser, and Gretchen Murphy

The evolution of research and development in the pharmaceutical industry: Toward the open innovation model - Can pharma reinvent itself?, Ram Subramanian, Jeffrey H. Toney, and C. Jayachandran

The terracotta project, Neil Tetkowski

Societal benefits of network science, Jeffrey H. Toney