Kean Publications | Kean University


Submissions from 2021

On the Adaptation of Bitcoin-Like Blockchains for the Secure Storage of Traffic-Related Events, El hacen Diallo, Omar Dib, and Khaldoun Al Agha

The journey of Blockchain inclusion in Vehicular Networks: A Taxonomy, El Hacen Diallo, Omar Dib, and Khaldoun Al Agha

An Improved PBFT-based Consensus for Securing Traffic Messages in VANETs, El Hacen Diallo, Omar Dib, and Khaldoun Al Agha

When Proof-of-Work (PoW) based blockchain meets VANET environments, El Hacen Diallo, Omar Dib, Nicola Roberto Zema, and Khaldoun Al Agha

Mental Health Service Use amongst Veterans in a Peer-Mentor Intervention: An Analysis of Barriers to Treatment, Ariana Dichiara, David Brandwein, Donald R. Marks, Emily Edwards, and Joseph C. Geraci

An AutoML Approach for Predicting Risk of Progression to Active Tuberculosis based on Its Association with Host Genetic Variations, Wanying Dou, Yihang Liu, Zehai Liu, Dauren Yerezhepov, Ulan Kozhamkulov, Ainur Akilzhanova, Omar Dib, and Chee Kai Chan

In vitro characterization of guanylyl cyclase bdpepr2 from brachypodium distachyon identified through a motif-based approach, Maria Duszyn, Brygida Świeżawska-Boniecka, Aloysius Wong, Krzysztof Jaworski, and Adriana Szmidt-Jaworska

Cultural discrimination and marginalization in sport contexts, Ritvik Dutta, Keryn Kleiman, and Donald R. Marks

Design and analysis of a multi-agent e-learning system using prometheus design tool, Kennedy E. Ehimwenma and Sujatha Krishnamoorthy

Socioeconomic status effects on children's vocabulary brain development, Hui Fang, Hongmei Shi, Jiuzhou Zhang, Ashish Kr Luhach, and Sujatha Krishnamoorthy

Spectral tuning and deactivation kinetics of marine mammal melanopsins, Jeffry I. Fasick, Haya Algrain, Courtland Samuels, Padmanabhan Mahadevan, Lorian E. Schweikert, Zaid J. Naffaa, and Phyllis R. Robinson

What factors predict the quality of hazard mitigation plans in Washington State?, Daniel S. Feinberg

Exploring young people's online food shopping behavior during the COVID-19 epidemic in China, Jiawei Feng and Han Chiang Ho

A Class Attendance System Based on Cloud Face Recognition for Multi-users, Xinlei Feng, Yi Liu, and Changjiang Zhang

Predicting vacant parking space availability zone-wisely: A densely connected ConvLSTM method, Yajing Feng, Zhenzhou Tang, Yingying Xu, Sujatha Krishnamoorthy, and Qian Hu

Best practices for substance use treatment in student-athletes, Benjamin Foote and Michael O'Kane

A case study of object recognition from drone videos, Stacy Fortes, Robert Kulesza, and J. Jenny Li

COVID-19's impact on supply Chains in Shenzhen City, China: Policy response and opportunities for SMEs, Qingyun Fu and Somkiat Mansumitrchai

Data Analysis of Influencing Factors of Air Quality in Chinese Cities, Zhuoyang Fu, Guangliang Yu, Meili Liu, Chun Te Lee, and Jeng Eng Lin

Sleep Habits and Routines of Individuals Diagnosed with Mental and/or Substance-Use Disorders, Jennifer Gardner, Margaret Swarbrick, Sarah Dennis, Monica Franklin, Melinda Pricken, and Kellie Palmer

Against the Current: Exploring the Experiences of Five Fathers With a History of Substance Use, Paige Garramone, Laurie Knis-Matthews, Penina Brandeis, Megan Kret, Lukasz Sliwa, and Arielle Leva

Remittances from the italian emigrates in the usa, development and business cycles: From the bank of naples archival sources to the world bank data (1861-2017), Andrea Gatto

When renewable energy, empowerment, and entrepreneurship connect: Measuring energy policy effectiveness in 230 countries, Andrea Gatto and Carlo Drago

Revisiting the East Asian financial crises: Lessons from ethics and development patterns, Andrea Gatto and Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada

On Design and Implementation of Health Reminder System Based on Apple iOS Platform, Shiheng Ge, Huichao Huang, and Jing Chiou Liou

Examining the effects of internal versus external coaching on preschool teachers’ implementation of a framework of evidence-based social-emotional practices, Keri Giordano, Shiloh Eastin, Briana Calcagno, Salena Wilhelm, and Alexandra Gil

Associations Between Child and Administrator Race and Suspension and Expulsion Rates in Community Childcare Programs, Keri Giordano, Victoria L. Interra, Giuliana C. Stillo, Angel T. Mims, and Jennifer Block-Lerner

Correction to: Associations Between Child and Administrator Race and Suspension and Expulsion Rates in Community Childcare Programs (Early Childhood Education Journal, (2021), 49, 1, (125-133), 10.1007/s10643-020-01049-1), Keri Giordano, Victoria L. Interra, Giuliana C. Stillo, Angel T. Mims, and Jennifer Block-Lerner

Availability & willingness of psychologists to treat infants and young children: Data from one state, Keri Giordano, Richard LaTourette, Sarah O'Rourke, Sadaysia Baker, and Emily Breen

Contribution of pulmonary diseases to COVID-19 mortality in a diverse urban community of New York, Jean Louis Girardin, Azizi Seixas, Jaime Ramos Cejudo, Ricardo S. Osorio, George Avirappattu, Marvin Reid, and Sairam Parthasarathy

Scope for sustainability in the fashion industry supply chain: Technology and its impact, Kiara Carranza Gudiel, Rob Kim Marjerison, and Yuxi Zhao

Moderating Effects of Delinquent Peer Association, Social Control, and Negative Emotion on Cyberbullying and Delinquency: Gender Differences, Siying Guo

An Emotion Care Model using Multimodal Textual Analysis on COVID-19, Vedika Gupta, Nikita Jain, Piyush Katariya, Adarsh Kumar, Senthilkumar Mohan, Ali Ahmadian, and Massimiliano Ferrara

Usability Evaluation of Music Applications for Stress Reduction, Moushume Hai, Ariana Lacue, Yuwei Zhou, Yogesh Patel, Asturias Roncal, and Patricia Morreale

Resilience, Academic Self-Concept, and College Adjustment Among First-Year Students, Abdulkadir Haktanir, Joshua C. Watson, Hulya Ermis-Demirtas, Mehmet A. Karaman, Paula D. Freeman, Ajitha Kumaran, and Ashley Streeter

Instant messaging chat bot: Your new best friend?, Min Chung Han

The Impact of Anthropomorphism on Consumers’ Purchase Decision in Chatbot Commerce, Min Chung Han

Thumbs down on “likes”? The impact of Facebook reactions on online consumers’ nonprofit engagement behavior, Min Chung Han

Magic squares of squares over a finite field, Stewart Hengeveld, Giancarlo Labruna, and Aihua Li

Bending the Plot Arc Towards Justice: Adaptation as Rebellion Against the Shakespearean Status Quo, Katherine Hennessey

The influence of signals on donation crowdfunding campaign success during covid-19 crisis, Han Chiang Ho, Candy Lim Chiu, Somkiat Mansumitrchai, Zhengqing Yuan, Nan Zhao, and Jiajie Zou

How to Extend Interval Arithmetic So That Inverse and Division Are Always Defined, Tahea Hossain, Jonathan Rivera, Yash Sharma, and Vladik Kreinovich

A bibliometric analysis of publications in Ambio in the last four decades, Yuh Shan Ho and Andrea Gatto

“A Reciprocal Exchange of the Productions of Nature”: Plants and Place in France and America, Elizabeth Hyde

Prologue, Elizabeth Hyde

“Time and distance in the Bourbon landscape: the strategic illogicality of the gardens of Versailles”, Elizabeth Hyde

A Smart Healthcare Recommendation System for Multidisciplinary Diabetes Patients with Data Fusion Based on Deep Ensemble Learning, Baha Ihnaini, M. A. Khan, Tahir Abbas Khan, Sagheer Abbas, Mohammad Sh Daoud, Munir Ahmad, and Muhammad Adnan Khan

Factors associated with cervical cancer screening behaviour of women attending gynaecological clinics in Kazakhstan: A cross-sectional study, Torgyn Issa, Aisha Babi, Azliyati Azizan, Raushan Alibekova, Saleem A. Khan, Alpamys Issanov, Chee Kai Chan, and Gulzhanat Aimagambetova

Knowledge and awareness of human papillomavirus infection and human papillomavirus vaccine among Kazakhstani women attending gynecological clinics, Torgyn Issa, Aisha Babi, Alpamys Issanov, Ainur Akilzhanova, Kadisha Nurgaliyeva, Zauresh Abugalieva, Azliyati Azizan, Saleem A. Khan, Chee Kai Chan, Raushan Alibekova, and Gulzhanat Aimagambetova

Prediction modelling of COVID using machine learning methods from B-cell dataset, Nikita Jain, Srishti Jhunthra, Harshit Garg, Vedika Gupta, Senthilkumar Mohan, Ali Ahmadian, Soheil Salahshour, and Massimiliano Ferrara

Assessment of receptor affinities of ophthalmic and systemic agents in dry eye disease, Patrick Janeczko, Matthew R. Norris, and Leonard Bielory

Evaluating Deep Learning Biases Based on Grey-Box Testing Results, J. Jenny Li, Thayssa Silva, Mira Franke, Moushume Hai, and Patricia Morreale

Characteristics of women’s leadership in African social enterprises: The Heartfelt Project, Bright Kids Uganda and Chikumbuso, Bok Gyo Jeong and Sara Compion

NPO/NGO education in public administration in South Korea, Bok Gyo Jeong and Sung Ju Kim

The Government and Civil Society Collaboration against COVID-19 in South Korea: A Single or Multiple Actor Play?, Bok Gyo Jeong and Sung Ju Kim

Research on China's Primary Industry: Evidence From Regional Analysis Based on SVM and Moran's Index, Shiyu Jiang, Junjie Jia, Yi Yuan, Yuxiong Wu, and Tianqi Wang

A non-dominated sorting memetic algorithm for the multi-objective travelling salesman problem, Zian Jin, Omar Dib, Yueting Luo, and Bingxu Hu

Mindfulness and shooting performance in biathlon. A prospective study, Torbjörn Josefsson, Henrik Gustafsson, Trym Iversen Rostad, Frank L. Gardner, and Andreas Ivarsson

The role of support system: A phenomenological study of pre-service teachers' international teaching practicum, Amrita Kaur, Muhammad Kamarul Kabilan, and Hairul Nizam Ismail

Moral injury signified by levels of moral distress and burnout in health science clinical educators, Allison Kellish, Sara Gotthold, Marvelyn Tiziani, Patricia Higgins, Dana Fleming, and Alec Kellish

Aggregated occurrence records of the invasive alien striped field mouse (Apodemus agrarius Pall.) in the former USSR, Lyudmila A. Khlyap, Vladimir Dinets, Andrey A. Warshavsky, Fedor A. Osipov, Natalia N. Dergunova, and Varos G. Petrosyan

Magneto-bio-thermal Convection in Rotating Nanoliquid containing Gyrotactic Microorganism, Meenakshi Khurana, Puneet Rana, Sangeet Srivastava, and Sanjay Yadav

Predictive Analyses of COVID-19 Case Data to Estimate the Effectiveness of Nationwide Face Cover, Hwanyong Kim, Jimmy Simpson, and Byeonghwa Park

Differences in online reviews caused by distribution channels, Jong Min Kim and Soonchul Hyun

The influence of launching mobile channels on online customer reviews, Jong Min Kim, Eunkyung Lee, and Marcello M. Mariani

The influence of emotional intelligence on team cohesion and the mediating effects of self-efficacy and trust: time-lagged approach, Kihwan Kim and Eun Jeong Ko

The effect of motivational book reading on student’s attitudes change, Kihwan Kim and Mitchell Lanzl

Violence and violations: Betrayal narratives in atrocity accounts, Dennis B. Klein

Genetic variation in catechol-O-methyltransferase is associated with individual differences in conditioned pain modulation in healthy subjects, Olga A. Korczeniewska, Fengshen Kuo, Ching Yu Huang, Cibele Nasri-Heir, Junad Khan, Rafael Benoliel, Craig Hirschberg, Eli Eliav, and Scott R. Diehl

Regression model-based feature filtering for improving hemorrhage detection accuracy in diabetic retinopathy treatment, Sujatha Krishnamoorthy, A. Shanthini, Gunasekaran Manogaran, Vijayalakshmi Saravanan, Adhiyaman Manickam, and R. Dinesh Jackson Samuel

Big Data based medical data classification using oppositional Gray Wolf Optimization with kernel ridge regression, N. Krishnaraj, Sujatha Krishamoorthy, S. Venkata Lakshmi, C. Sharon Roji Priya, Vandna Dahiya, and K. Shankar

An Outsourced Decryption ABE Model using ECC in Internet of Things, Dilip Kumar, Manoj Kumar, and Gaurav Gupta

Investigating the role of convenors in the PhD viva, Vijay Kumar, Lara J. Sanderson, and Amrita Kaur

A tandem motif-based and structural approach can identify hidden functional phosphodiesterases, Mateusz Kwiatkowski, Aloysius Wong, Anna Kozakiewicz, Christoph Gehring, and Krzysztof Jaworski

In search of monocot phosphodiesterases: Identification of a calmodulin stimulated phosphodiesterase from brachypodium distachyon, Mateusz Kwiatkowski, Aloysius Wong, Anna Kozakiewicz-piekarz, Christoph Gehring, and Krzysztof Jaworski

Role and applications of IoT in materials and manufacturing industries - Review, S. Venkata Lakshmi, J. Janet, P. Kavitha Rani, K. Sujatha, K. Satyamoorthy, and S. Marichamy

Female persistence during toxicant treatment predicts survival probability of offspring in invasive brown treesnakes (Boiga irregularis), Brenna A. Levine, Amy A. Yackel Adams, Marlis R. Douglas, Michael E. Douglas, and Melia G. Nafus

The Effect of Task-Irrelevant Emotional Valence on Limited Attentional Resources During Deception: An ERPs Study, Jing Liang, Qian Nan Ruan, Ke Ke Fu, Yu Hsin Chen, and Wen Jing Yan

Application of Deep Learning in Imaging diagnosis of Brain diseases, Junchen Liang, Zhaoze Wang, and Xiangyang Ye

E-Waste Management Using Machine Learning, Haomiao Li, Zian Jin, and Sujatha Krishnamoorthy

Relations Between Students’ Mathematics Anxiety and Motivation to Learn Mathematics: a Meta-Analysis, Qian Li, Hyeree Cho, Jimena Cosso, and Yukiko Maeda

As the tree is, so is the fruit? Examining the effects of ethical leadership on bootlegging from the perspective of leader–follower gender similarity, Shuwen Li, Ruiqian Jia, Juergen H. Seufert, Huijie Tang, and Jinlian Luo

Resume Parsing based on Multi-label Classification using Neural Network models, Jiahao Liu, Yifan Shen, Yijie Zhang, and Sujatha Krishnamoorthy

Study on cognition and behavior of self-occupational protection of nurses in the hospital, Xingqin Liu, Yujuan Li, Xiaohong Li, Ke Yu, Sujatha Krishnamoorthy, and Vijayalakshmi Saravanan

The application of machine learning in league index prediction, Yilin Liu

Oil-water separation performance of aligned single walled carbon nanotubes membrane: A reactive molecular dynamics simulation study, Yi Liu, Bing Yang, Jie Xu, Hui Zhao, and Yongdian He

Machine Learning Approaches to Investigate the Relationship between Genetic Factors and Autism Spectrum Disorder, Zehai Liu, Gengchen Tian, Jiarui Zhu, Weikang Chen, Wanying Dou, Chun Te Lee, Chee Kai Chan, and Omar Dib

Sensitivity Analysis of Power Generation System and Preventive Measures for Power Paralysis, Wanchen Li

Moller Energy for an Exterior Metric of Relativistic Stars, Wang Liwei

Research on Network Public Opinion Dissemination and Risk Management in the Blockchain Environment, Zhenghao Li, Hao Wang, and Jinxin Chen

Using Machine Learning Method to Qualify and Evaluate the Regional Economy, Jiongcheng Lu, Zhongxuan Zhang, and Na Sai

A New Memetic Algorithm to Solve the Stochastic TSP, Yueting Luo, Omar Dib, Jin Zian, and Hu Bingxu

Exploring extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of using User-Generated media in China: An empirical study on TikTok, Tang Lu

Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale: a Psychometric Examination in Chinese Youth, Weili Lu, Eric Daleiden, Charmaine Higa-McMillan, Shuyun Liu, Alyssa Leong, Angela Almeida, and Kerri Kelleher

Life cycle assessment of industrial production of microalgal oil from heterotrophic fermentation, Yue Lu, Dongyan Mu, Zhonglin Xue, Peilun Xu, Yueming Li, Wenliang Xiang, Justine Burnett, Katelyn Bryant, and Wenguang Zhou

Managing supply chain disruption recovery: The role of organizational justice, John R. Macdonald, Tobin E. Porterfield, and Stanley E. Griffis

Radiative heat transfer of nanomaterial on a convectively heated circular tube with activation energy and nanoparticle aggregation kinematic effects, B. Mahanthesh, K. Thriveni, Puneet Rana, and Taseer Muhammad

What drives public debt growth? A focus on natural resources, sustainability and development, Mubariz Mammadli, Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada, Andrea Gatto, and Rana Huseynova

Belonging to place: interpretative phenomenological analysis of incremental housing, Goran Ivo Marinovic

Las higueras: An overture to the alternation of customizing incremental houses, Goran Ivo Marinovic